On this day, March 12, 2009 the Pacific Fishery Management Council agreed to extend for a 2nd year the fishing ban of chinook salmon in California and Oregon.
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Evening with Dr. Douglas Frank |
Wednesday, March 12, 2025 at 6:00 pm |
Nationally recognized election investigator. Dr Frank has been relentlessly perusing election reform with grass roots teams in 48 States.
This is a free event. there will be plenty of time for questions and to engage with Dr Frank.
if you can not make the Wednesday event, there is another chance to see him in Corvallis. 1850 SW Whiteside Dr. Corvallis OR. 97333 at 10:00 am. (go to BENTONGOP.ORG for more information and to RSVP. |
2562 S Santiam Hwy, Lebanon OR.
Between Grocery Outlet and Schmizza. |

Evening with Dr. Douglas Frank |
Wednesday, March 12, 2025 at 6:00 pm |
Nationally recognized election investigator. Dr Frank has been relentlessly perusing election reform with grass roots teams in 48 States.
This is a free event. there will be plenty of time for questions and to engage with Dr Frank.
if you can not make the Wednesday event, there is another chance to see him in Corvallis. 1850 SW Whiteside Dr. Corvallis OR. 97333 at 10:00 am. (go to BENTONGOP.ORG for more information and to RSVP. |
2562 S Santiam Hwy, Lebanon OR.
Between Grocery Outlet and Schmizza. |
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Coastal Republicans ask them to step up
State Representative David Brock Smith and State Senator Dallas Heard; the members of Oregon’s Southwest House and Senate District 01, again condemn the growing hate, violence, arson and brutal assault on the public, police and property in Portland and continue to call on the Governor and their legislative Portland colleagues to join them in condemning these deliberate acts.
“As we pass the 84thday of protests; to which I support the rights to do so, the violence touted by the Governor and Supermajority as caused by Federal Officers defending the Federal Courthouse, continues to grow exponentially in the absence of those Federal Officersâ€, said Rep. Brock Smith (R-Port Orford). “I support the OSP Superintendents decision to pull his Troopers from Portland; in the face of the Multnomah County DA’s decision to not prosecute the ‘rioters’ crimes, so that our OSP Troopers can resume their duties in other areas of the State where they are respected and their public service is appreciated,†he said.
“As the rampant violence,brutal assaults, destruction of property and lawlessness from rioters continues to spread throughout Portland and into residential areas, we call again on Governor Brown and our colleagues to condemn these horrific lawless acts towards the public. Their lack of this condemnation is viewed as condoning the rioters lawless acts,†said Rep. Brock Smith. “As residents of Portland visit my district or residents of my district visit that of my legislative colleagues in Portland, every Oregonian deserves the right to have their protection of health, life and safety wherever they may be in this Great State,†he said. “That is a main purpose of these protests and it is being lost by the acts of violence that continue to escalate and proliferate throughout Portland in the absence of their representative leaders condemnation of it.â€
“It’s unimaginable to me that Democrat leaders across the highest levels of government would continue to stay silent, despite the destruction and hate that has befallen their city and is now spreading from Portland to other parts of our state.†Said Senator Dallas Heard (R-Roseburg). “I have stated it previously, but it needs to be said again and again that I fully support all peoples right to assemble and protest. But this isn’t just protesting. Kate Brown and Portland Legislators have stood idly by and watched as rioters pillage the streets of Portland, all the
while actively punishing the smallest of the small business owners and communities of faith across the state for simply trying to stay afloat and provide hope during this pandemic.â€
“Small mom and pop working class shops are closing their doors for good under the crushing restrictions and penalties put in place by Kate Brown and her elected House and Senate Democrats. Oregonians of all races and backgrounds who for so long formed the pillars of our communities are disappearing, and instead of standing up for and fighting for those peaceful communities their fates are left up to the will of the mob.â€
“Make no mistake, there is no room for hate, bigotry, and violence from the extreme right or left of the political spectrum. We the Republican legislators from Southwest Oregon stand against and condemn any form of violence and hate against ANYONE! The elected Democrats running the entire state of Oregon expose their hypocrisy with every passing day that they don’t push back against this hate and intimidation.†added Senator Heard.
With escalating attacks spreading across Portland, we again call on our colleagues to join us in advocating to end the violence that continues to threaten the health, lives and safety of our Oregon Peace Officers, residents, their business and families across our state.
Below are links to the recent violence that plagues the City of Portland and its’ residents. Warning, as some of the videos have graphic violence.
First video, .
attacks on innocent residents walking down the street
Second video:
robbed a woman that was skateboarding and then assaulted her. A passerby then stops to help her as she is pleading for her safety.
Third video:
The good samaritan and his companion begin to be assaulted, He attempts to drive away, obviously afraid for their lives and in his haste to get around other traffic while being chased by rioters,he crashes.
Fourth Video:
The rioters catch up with the good samaritan, he is asking for help as his female companion is still in the truck.The rioters drag him into the street and make him sit in the road.They get the keys to his truck and begin to start getting the passenger out of the truck.
Fifth Video:
WARNING-HORRIFIC CONTENT The rioters have beat the good samaritan sitting in the road, then a rioter kicks him in the back of the head knocking him unconscious–leaving him bleeding in the road.
WARNING -HORRIFIC CONTENT Some come to the good samaritans aid and call 911
Last video:
Fire set inside Multnomah Building
--Ben FisherPost Date: 2020-08-23 13:09:10 | Last Update: 2020-08-23 18:53:43 |
Change is possible
Editor's note: this is the eighth of a multi-part series recounting how the party in power is thwarting the will of the people. There is also a downloadable companion brochure
What each voter represents on their ballot is their identity and what they value – law and order, a strong economy, responsibility, and that our representatives should actually represent all Oregonians regardless of party affiliation. Through the years, urban has dictated state policy that doesn’t make sense for rural voters and they find no reason to vote. But, is that a valid reason not to vote?
Some facts that could change things. Did you know that in the early 90’s, Kate Brown ran for State Representative and won her race by 7 votes? If just 8 more people had voted for her opponent, we would most likely not have Kate Brown as Oregon’s Governor today. And, in the 2018 primary, HD 53 was won by just 2 votes. Many local elections are determined by a hand-full of votes, especially in rural counties.
Rep. E. Werner Reschke, District 56, calculated that based on the 2018 returns, both Republicans and Democrats voted at about 80%. Under strict party line voting, Republicans would need to turn 32% more votes in 2020 to change state policy -- for a total of 112%. But not everyone votes along party lines. There is no indication how Non-Affiliated (NAV) or Independent voters voted.
To change the direction in state policy, it is imperative we find commonality with NAV voters, and encourage them to vote (only 43% voted in 2018). What makes a NAV is they are all individuals and distinct. There isn’t a “common NAV message†other than they don’t like or care about parties.
With majorities in both houses of the Oregon legislature and the Governors’ office, Democrats can pass anything they want, with no cooperation across the aisle and regardless of what voters say, and they are doing so.
We all prioritize personal and family safety, and that’s where we can take advantage of the release of prisoners, increased crimes, and rioting in Portland and around the state. When values take priority over party, the gap is bridged. It can be done, it has been done, we can make the difference but only if you vote and get others to vote.
--Donna BleilerPost Date: 2020-08-23 13:07:47 | Last Update: 2020-08-08 14:43:51 |
Uh oh. The mask police are out again.
--Northwest Observer Meme TeamPost Date: 2020-08-23 13:07:02 | |
Parents should be able to choose the health care for their children
Editor's note: this is the seventh of a multi-part series recounting how the party in power is thwarting the will of the people. There is also a downloadable companion brochure
Oregon’s leadership wanted to end all exemptions to vaccinations other than very narrowly defined and nearly impossible-to-get medical exemptions. Religious and Slavic communities saw it as a replay of the controls and persecution they escaped.
Legislative Fiscal Office said that “
House Bill 3063 removes the ability of a parent to decline required immunizations against restrictable diseases as a condition of a child attending any Oregon school or children’s facility for reasons other than an indicated medical diagnosis.â€
Testimony on Christian reasons to avoid vaccinations undersigned by 189 religious objectors gave details on the moral issue of cell lines taken from aborted babies: “Some of the most common vaccines are only licensed in America in forms that include live attenuated viruses cultured in aborted fetal cell lines. At least
eighty abortions, likely more, took place in order to create simply that one vaccine.â€
There are inherent dangers for certain children. A child today is to receive many times the doses recommended just two generations ago. Testing of some vaccines has been substandard, some children have been harmed and the pharmaceutical companies are shielded from liability. Parents shoulder the risk and should be able to choose the health care for their children.
A vaccine is in the works for the COVID-19 virus, which is to be optional according to President Trump. In Oregon, Democrats still want to add vaccinations as a mandate -- without exemptions -- for every child to attend school. They want complete medical control including single-payer healthcare. Is one more vaccine added to the 72 already required such a big deal?. The only reassurance to keep vaccinations as an opt-out is a change in the majority party.
--Donna BleilerPost Date: 2020-08-22 13:56:14 | Last Update: 2020-08-08 14:45:59 |
Requests a tribute to fallen marines from Oregon
Representative Bill Post (R-Keizer) formally requested that Governor Kate Brown order all flags in Oregon be lowered to half-staff in honor of two Oregon Marines who were among nine servicemen who lost their lives in an accident near San Clemente Island earlier this month. He as released the following statement:
“Private First Class Jack Ryan Ostrovsky from Bend, and Lance Corporal Chase D. Sweetwood of Portland, deserve our honor and gratitude. These two young men gave their lives in service to our country, and Oregon must not forget the sacrifice they made. I have asked the Governor to do the least she can do, and order all flags lowered to half-staff in their memory. My thoughts and prayers are with the friends and families of these two young men.â€
--Staff ReportsPost Date: 2020-08-22 10:47:11 | |
This is not a new rule. It has been in place for years.
As the Oregon Republican Party's
recall attempt against Governor Kate Brown nears the end of the signature gathering process, supporters are claiming that the Secretary of State Elections Division is changing the rules on numbering the sheets. For example,
this post has been circulating on social media:
The Elections Division has just notified us they are changing the rules of the game at the 11th hour. As one example, they are requiring us to spend many, many hours reorganizing and renumbering the petitions, when such action is neither necessary or required by law...
We believe these last minute changes are meant to burden us with frivolous tasks and avoid accountability if they decide to reject our petition as inadequate.
However, the
State Initiative and Referendum Manual requires that “Chief petitioners or authorized agents number each signature sheet sequentially in the space provided.â€
The signature validation process used by the Secretary of State uses sampling, which depends on referencing pages by sheet number. That's why it's necessary that the pages be numbered sequentially. The Oregon Republican Party pre-numbered the sheets and now is having to go back and sequentially number them.
This is not a new rule. The current
State Initiative and Referendum Manual was adopted by administrative rule in March of 2020 and the section on numbering the sheets sequentially is not new.
The deadline to sign the recall is fast approaching. You can find out more by going to
--Staff ReportsPost Date: 2020-08-22 08:29:24 | Last Update: 2020-08-22 10:47:11 |
Leaves $300 grant on the table
Governor Brown is so busy trying to outwit President Trump, she is ignoring his executive order to made available an additional $300 dollar a week grant program for unemployed families.
Representative David Brock Smith (R-Port Orford) calls on the Governor and Democrat super-majority to direct the Oregon Employment Department to apply for the additional federal $300 dollar a week Unemployment Grant Program that is available. “Oregon families continue to struggle to pay for basic needs, as Governor Brown’s Executive Orders in response to COVID have crippled Oregon’s economy and have left hundreds of thousands of Oregonians unemployed,†said Rep. Brock Smith. “Although the Legislature has taken steps to increase the UI benefits for Oregonians, the failure of the Governor and super-majority to direct the Employment Department to apply for the available additional federal grants to assist these same struggling working families is deplorable,†he said. “The Oregonian recently reported, ‘Oregon could also apply for the $300 weekly grant, but opt not to pay the extra $100 boost,’ and I call on the Governor to forgo the additional $100 from the state and immediately act on the additional federal benefits to get them in the hands of Oregonians as soon as possible.â€
As the Governor rolls back on further opening up the state by Executive Order 20-30, she extends her powers under a state of emergency, and she rolls back support. The federal CARES Act of $600 weekly bonus to unemployment expired the end of July, putting families in a dire situation. Instead of passing through a $300 extension, she sits on it.

Instead of passing on $300 weekly for all unemployed, The Governor chooses to pay out a $500 one-time payment to lower income people. Speaker Tina Kotek said. “We have to get more money to help people.†What is she waiting for? Playing games with the President’s Executive Order does nothing to boost the economy, because families that had a modest income don’t qualify. Instead it depresses the economy by allowing those refusing to return to work another month. Restaurant owners are begging their employees to come back to work – this will not help them.
Governor Brown extended Executive Order 20-06 and 20-15 on abnormal market disruption regarding price gouging. However, by refusing to pass along the $300 extension to the unemployed, she is found guilty of her own order gouging people in need of relief.
--Donna BleilerPost Date: 2020-08-22 08:03:15 | Last Update: 2020-08-22 08:29:24 |
Against whom are our protestors really protesting ?
In Oregon today, our Political Establishment is trapped in an unresolvable dilemma: The status quo which has given them absolute control over Oregon Government can survive only so long as the resentments of those who are the source of that power are inflamed without boiling over.
All persons of good will are appalled by what appears to have been the unlawful use of deadly force against Mr. George Floyd, as well as so many other catastrophic deaths at the hands of our police. I certainly am.
But against whom are
our protestors really protesting and
our rioters really rioting?
The Oregon Democratic Party has dominated Oregon for decades. In those decades, Oregon Democrats keep promising social justice…yet, according to a November 25, 2019
Oregonian article, a black Oregonian is 830% more likely to be in jail than a white one. Worse than Mississippi. Worse than Alabama. Worse than Louisiana. In fact, worse than anywhere else in America.
No reasonable Oregonian is against peaceful protestors exercising their inalienable right to demand positive change. But centuries of experience have taught us that rage rarely leads there. And, as we see nightly, the rioters are enraged.
The rioters are losers and malcontents, which is why it isn’t easy for me to admit...They’re right.
The rioters grasp a truth that those protesting peacefully shy away from: Those in power -- “Progressive†Democrats who ritually say all of the right things -- never had any intention of delivering on any of their promises.
Ted Wheeler believes in...Ted Wheeler. Those who elevated him are counting on that.
You don’t get the support of the racketeers who wield actual power in Oregon Government by rocking the boat. And, like the Mafia in New York City in the 1980s, our racketeers intend to keep laughing all the way to the bank. Forever.
Oregonians aren’t idiots. We know that the raging torrents threaten to carry us away, but most would rather drown on the floundering horse we’re on than jump -- mid-stream -- onto a piebald nag that’s already drowned.
I hate to burst your bubble, but very few of the people I’ve met in politics on either side are inherently honest or wise. Like children, most politicians need strictly enforced boundaries.
Which brings us to the Oregon Attorney General, the one person who should be keeping the politicians and the rioters honest and on side. (And keeping the police off the peaceful protestors).
Tragically, our incumbent Attorney General wasn’t put into that job by John Kitzhaber because of her willingness to rock the boat. Ellen’s re-election slogan is, “I’ve done nothing, and it’s not working!â€
Do I sympathize with the anger and resentment of the scruffy, ill-informed, easily-manipulated adolescents who are undermining our protests?
Sympathize? No. As the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., teaches us, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that.†But I do empathize. Because I understand what it feels like to be used by cynical politicians who will promise you anything to preserve their own power.
It hurts.
Dan Crowe is from Mount Angel. He was the 2016 Republican candidate for Attorney General.
--Dan CrowePost Date: 2020-08-21 19:30:34 | Last Update: 2020-08-17 20:23:39 |
Most voters vote at a ballot collection box, not by mail
Pundits have been busy alternately hounding and reporting the results of said hounding of the United States Postal Service. Oregon has had vote by mail for a couple of decades now and we're pretty much used to the timelines and deadlines, so we know that it's not going to put any undue stress on the postal service and won't impact elections in Oregon -- at least any more than any other election.
In 2019, the Oregon Legislature did
pass a law that provides for free postage on election ballot returns, so that is one thing that may impact elections and returns. Oregonians can still return their ballots via mail or by dropping them off at a ballot collection site.
Oregon Secretary of State Director of Elections Steve Trout was asked about how ballots are returned and said, "For the past few election cycles it has been 60% Dropbox and 40% through the mail. For this year's May primary it changed to 50/50. We are not sure if that was due to COVID or prepaid postage but probably a little of both."
State Representative E. Werner Reschke (R-Klamath County) said, “One of the good things about Oregon’s Vote By Mail is you don’t have use the postal service. Voters can personally drop off their ballots at an official Drop Box up until 8pm on Election Night. If the USPS shut down tomorrow, Oregon’s voting system wouldn’t miss a beat.â€
--Staff ReportsPost Date: 2020-08-21 14:25:16 | Last Update: 2020-08-21 21:03:15 |
$54,000 price tag for new logo, brand
The Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) is proud to announce a new look for the department. The new brand is the result of a redesign effort intended to mirror the growth and transformation of ODA. The previous logo, created more than 30 years ago, is not representative of the many services ODA provides nor does it reflect the department’s
updated strategic plan, mission, and vision.
The new logo, colors, and tagline represent agriculture throughout the state of Oregon and ODA’s commitment to the industry. The raising yellow sun represents the vast livestock lands in eastern Oregon, fields of wheat, and optimism as we move into the future. The green leaves illustrate Oregon’s fertile valleys, diversity of crops, growth, and renewal. And blue is tied to a continuous cycle of transformation, Oregon’s oceans, rivers, rain, and commercial fishing. The elements form an “O†for Oregon symbolizing wholeness and timelessness. The tagline reinforces ODA’s dedication to protecting, promoting, and working to help Oregon agriculture, businesses, and communities prosper—today and tomorrow.
ODA began the process of updating its brand in the fall of 2019. The previous logo was nearly 30 years old. The department is thankful for the time stakeholders and employees dedicated to helping create the new brand which represents all of ODA’s work. While the work was completed in March 2020, the release was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
In recognition of the state’s budget constraints, ODA is focused first on updating its digital presence with minimal or no cost. The department will wait to order new letterhead, business cards, and other collateral until we run out of the old. As a result, the public may see a bit of the old logo along with the new for some time as the department makes this transition.
--Ben FisherPost Date: 2020-08-21 14:15:57 | Last Update: 2020-08-21 14:25:16 |
“I hate this pandemicâ€
The Governor held a press conference today where she gave lip service to the social and economic hardships we're facing because of the COVID-19 outbreak. Ultimately, she thinks that these hardships are a fair exchange for the restrictions she thinks are necessary to combat an outbreak that has killed 400 in a state with 4 million.
State Senator Sara Gelser (D-Corvallis) is having a hard time because of these hardships. Though she doesn't give a great deal of detail -- which is fine -- she's entitled to
some privacy, even as an elected official -- her public communications can't help but make a feeling person empathize. Maybe the Governor needs to have a conversation with Senator Gelser. Both Brown and Gelser draw secure paychecks that can't be touched by the economic downturn, unlike many, many other Oregonians.
Anyone familiar with Senator Gelser and her work, knows that she's not a weak person and she doesn't get beat down easily. But if the political elites are starting to feel the pain, maybe they could extrapolate that to the rest of us and give a little bit as far as opening the state goes. If Senator Gelser is crying out on social media, surely the rest of Oregon is feeling the hurt.
We wish the Senator the best.
--EditorPost Date: 2020-08-21 13:43:31 | Last Update: 2020-08-21 14:07:27 |
What part of “shall not be infringed†do you not understand?
Editor's note: this is the sixth of a multi-part series recounting how the party in power is thwarting the will of the people. There is also a downloadable companion brochure
The Second Amendment prevents the government from infringing on U.S. citizens' inalienable right to self-defense. The right to bear arms “shall not be infringed†was ratified in 1791. The controversy comes from fear and that many people believe it to be extremely dangerous enabling mass shootings. When gun restrictions failed at the national level in 2013, the gun prohibitionists coordinated and ramped up events at the state level in many states and Oregon was no exception. Oregon may have been a target because we have been a solid gun-rights state.
The approach has been to nibble at the edges and claim it is not really infringement. Gun rights are something people have beyond the government and the government is there to protect - similar to freedoms of speech and religion.
Every session more gun control bills are introduced, no matter how many have passed before and regardless of the lack of evidence that any previous law affected any crime rate. In the wake of Portland riots,
Portland reports a 327% increase in arson based on June’s report compared to a year ago, a 63% increase in vandalism, and 46% increase in burglary. Even before the riots, Oregon State Police
conducted 40,000 background checks in March, nearly doubled from 2018 and 2019. What probably disturbs lawmakers is that in the U.S. only 6,058,390 guns are registered out of 393 million owned. These were broken down by state with
Oregon ranking 33rd having 74,722 registered guns in 2019. That’s an estimated 40,500 unregister guns in Oregon that are targets for legislation.
Universal background checks were the Holy Grail, and that passed in Oregon in 2014 despite overwhelming opposition. A “
Red flag law†passed in 2017, allowing reporting of dangerous gun owners, again under massive opposition and in an undercover move they held a hearing and committee vote on short notice on Monday July 3, when everyone was away for the weekend and couldn’t show opposition.
Now Democrats propose to end statewide preemption, which would allow local restrictions and thus make it difficult or impossible to know if you conceal carry legally. Citizens and law enforcement overwhelmingly opposed all of these, supporting Second Amendment rights. Cities and counties are already free to limit public possession of loaded firearms by individuals who do not have an Oregon Concealed Handgun License, and the cities of Portland, Beaverton, Tigard, Oregon City, Salem, and Independence, as well as Multnomah County have banned loaded firearms in all public places for those without a license.
Oregon gun laws focus on the sale and background checks of those purchasing through legal means, and requires a concealed carry permit if not carrying openly. A gun owner can be held liable in civil court if a firearm injury is caused by negligence, and can be held responsible for damages in a wrongful death claim if the firearm is used to kill someone. I n 2011, the Oregon Court of Appeals ruled that public universities cannot prohibit firearms on their grounds; however, they may prohibit them inside buildings.
There were four initiatives that failed to gather enough signatures this year, but set the stage for the 2021 legislature.
- IP 40 required locked gun storage, reporting stolen guns, strict liability for injuries.
- IP 60 regulates semi-automatic guns and large-capacity magazines.
- IP 61 requires sale/transfer of certain semi-automatic firearms waiting period, requires gun dealer safety course, raises minimum
- age of ownership to 21.
- IP 62 prohibits firearm magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition, provides for exceptions of what’s in possession.
Does expanding regulations on gun controls really help in reducing gun related crimes? Think about this, “There is no First Amendment without a Second Amendment.â€
--Donna BleilerPost Date: 2020-08-21 13:03:13 | Last Update: 2020-08-08 16:16:58 |
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