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Trump wins by more than 5 points
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The race is basically a tie, gets messy and goes to the courts
Harris wins by more than 5 points
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Oregon Republican Party CD6 Presidential Inaugural Ball
Monday, January 20, 2025 at 7:00 pm
Master of Ceremony Siaka Massaquoi J6 Legal Defense Fund General Admission $247 Get tickets at: https://aftontickets.com/event/buyticket/k3xdl7qdjw
600 14th Street NW DC, District Of Columbia 20005

Learn About School Choice
Saturday, January 25, 2025 at 12:00 pm
Black Bear Diner, Free coffee and Bearclaws! Questions? Donna@LetThemLearnOregon.com
Grants Pass, Black Bear Diner

Western Liberty Network 15th Annual Conference
Saturday, February 1, 2025 at 9:00 am
"Take the Offensive" Leadership and Activist Training Conference. See speakers and sessions and register at https://wlnexecdir.wixsite.com/wstlbtnet
Holiday Inn Portland Columbia Riverfront hotel located at 909 N Hayden Island Drive, Portland, Oregon 97217.

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Water Will Continue to Be Delivered to Those With Dry Wells
Emergency response continues in Klamath County

Stakeholders have announced that the Oregon Department of Human Services is extending water deliveries to those with dry domestic wells in Klamath County into March of 2022.

The County made the request recently and was just notified the request was granted. The emergency response and effort, supported by Oregon Emergency Management, ODHS, Oregon Water Resources Department, Regional Solutions, Klamath County and the City of Klamath Falls, was slated to end October 31, 2021.

“We know that the State support for these homeowners can’t continue indefinitely, but we also are aware many of the wells won’t be recharged until the Spring and homeowners haven’t necessarily been able to find a longer-term solution due to the shortage of well drillers. I requested the State extend the deadline to help provide relief to our citizens while they work toward longer term solutions. I’m incredibly thankful to the ODHS for their willingness to step up and continue to assist,” said Commissioner Kelley Minty Morris.

“Water is the most basic of human needs and we are committed to ensuring this important resource continues to be available during the emergency,” said Ed Flick, Oregon’s mass care coordinator and director of the ODHS emergency management unit. “It is our role, and honor, to continue to support the provision of emergency water supplies when requested by local governments.”

Homeowners with dry or failing wells should continue to stay in contact with the Watermaster’s Office, 541-883-4182.

--Ben Fisher

Post Date: 2021-10-16 15:23:15Last Update: 2021-10-16 16:11:21

Oregon Appeals Court: 18-Year-Olds Can Buy Guns
“All persons are entitled to the full and equal accommodations of any place of public accommodation”

In 2019 Lane County Circuit Judge Charles D. Carlson affirmed the legality of a Bi-Mart policy to not sell guns to anyone under 21. 18-year-old Brandy Dalbeck attempted to buy a hunting rifle at Bi-Mart and was refused, per Bi-Mart policy. She sued, asking for $10,000, and Brandy Dalbeck v. Bi-Mart Corporation was dismissed by Carlson, in a opinion written by Oregon Court of Appeals Judge Erin Lageson:

In this age discrimination case in which plaintiff alleges that defendant discriminated against her by refusing to sell her a hunting rifle because she was 18, plaintiff assigns error to the trial court's grant of summary judgment to defendant. Plaintiff argues that the court erred in interpreting ORS 659A.403 as not protecting persons between the ages of 18 and 20 from age discrimination, and, alternatively, in recognizing an implied exception to the statutory bar on age discrimination.

The Oregon discrimination statute cited by the reversal says:

Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, all persons within the jurisdiction of this state are entitled to the full and equal accommodations, advantages, facilities and privileges of any place of public accommodation, without any distinction, discrimination or restriction on account of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, marital status or age if the individual is of age, as described in this section, or older.

Subsection two of the law allows age discrimination with regard to liquor, marijuana and benefits for persons over age 50.

The Oregon Court of appeals did not reference the US Second Amendment and seems to imply that it may uphold an exception to the age discrimination ban if one were explicitly articulated in the law. Watch for such legislative action in the 2022 short session.

--Staff Reports

Post Date: 2021-10-16 12:14:19Last Update: 2021-10-16 13:17:15

Layda Announces Election Bid for Oregon House of Representatives
Drew Layda is a Navy veteran and freedom advocate

Navy veteran & Republican, Drew A. Layda has announced his candidacy for Oregon House District 31, a district with a tight voter registration between Democrats and Republicans, which spans Columbia County and much of rural Washington County. The seat is currently held by Brad Witt (D-Clatskanie).

Longtime Freedom and Rights advocate Drew A. Layda has answered his district's call for ethical representation and a return to classical American values in Oregon’s Capitol. Layda is committed to restoring the freedoms that we once had, and stopping the erosion of our rights and freedoms as Oregonians.

“It is vital for us to have a better future together", Layda said. "As dangerous political extremes have become the norm we need to have leaders who will work for Oregonians, not special interest agendas. We must have the courage to demand better from our legislators, we deserve leaders that serve and take action”.

A rural Multnomah County Resident, Layda is passionate and has been fighting for freedoms for the last 20 years. He is currently serving as a Political Director of Free Oregon, a group that is dedicated to restoring and protecting the civil rights of Oregonians granted by the United States Constitution.

Highlights of Layda's past involvements include being a Precinct Committee Person for Multnomah County Republican Party, the founding treasurer of the Libertarian Mises Caucus PAC, 2018 delegate chair to the Libertarian National Convention, 2018 nominee of the Libertarian Party and the Pacific Green Party of Oregon to serve in the US House of Representatives, 2018 delegate chair to the Libertarian National Convention, 2017 Served on the Libertarian National Committees Convention Oversight Committee.

"Drew’s experience planning large scale solutions for the disaster response following the states of emergency caused by hurricanes Ivan, Katrina, and Rita has equipped him to respond to disasters such as COVID and Oregon’s increasing wildfires. Drew says that his experience in corporate cost-estimation and planning for large-scale infrastructure projects will ensure Oregonians have an advocate and representative in Salem who knows how to minimize wasting their money and maximize their return on investment."

--Ben Fisher

Post Date: 2021-10-16 11:16:29Last Update: 2021-10-16 16:07:28

Redistricting for Cities
The impact of redrawing wards could solve problems or create them

There are 22 Oregon cities with 103 wards and 146 councilors. Nine cities have two councilors from each ward, and 13 cities have one councilor per ward. Three cities elect ward councilors by a city-wide vote and 14 elect councilors by a ward vote. Five cities have two or more at-large councilors in addition to three or four ward councilors that vote in various ways. That isn’t all the differences. But, a survey in 2003 on the Ward Electoral Systems in Oregon Cities shows most people are satisfied with their ward system, however, they could probably work better.

Cities will analyze the wards right after the U.S. Census every 10 years through a process called “reapportionment.” After the 2020 census population changes, city councils and county commissioners geared up to analyze whether lines need to be adjusted. The plan is to have new ward or district lines approved by the end of the year so the county clerk can make appropriate changes to precinct boundaries.

There are varying approaches. Cities seem to be asking for public input, but they retain the process and final decision of how the wards will be adjusted. Counties, on the other hand, seem to use independent commissions to reshape districts.



Lane County’s independent commission will present three to five updated map options to the Board of Commissioners this month. They will then draft an ordinance with their selection for a public hearing before the final approval.

Some cities don’t foresee needing to make changes. It all depends on how the city expands. Unexpected is Eugene, with eight wards, doesn’t expect to adjust its boundaries. Springfield’s city code doesn’t require redrawing Ward boundaries, so they don’t plan to make any changes. Then there are cities like Bend, Hermiston, and Milton-Freewater with all council members being “at-large” seats open to a city-wide election. The City Attorney of Bend responded in 2017 to legal requirements for drawing voter districts versus at-large council members. They have retained their at-large system.

Salem City Council has outlined a process for redrawing ward boundaries to equally divide the eight wards. The Mid-Willamette Council of Governments has prepared three alternative ward boundary maps for the council. The plan options will be on the web by early November at which time the community will be asked to comment on the alternatives for the City Council November 8 meeting. They plan a couple of virtual open houses following the November 8 meeting for questions and comments.

The Ward Electoral Systems survey indicated that larger city respondents reported that ward issues were more important in elections than in smaller cities. The impact of redrawing wards could solve problems or create them. It depends on public participation.

--Donna Bleiler

Post Date: 2021-10-16 10:02:07Last Update: 2021-10-16 10:30:34

Homeless Villages
Where is Due Diligence?

On September 27, the Salem City Council voted to establish a managed homeless camp of up to 30 “micro-shelters” -- prefabricated buildings with space for two people -- at 2700 Wallace Road N.W. It created a backlash in the community, so Councilor Jim Lewis proposed to reconsider the decision until city staff had completed an analysis of the land and met with neighbors to come up with alternate sites. Lewis stated, “I believe we have mis-stepped, and we need to pull back on the approval, go through the process and that we should do upfront.” The Council was unwilling to do their due diligence to get concession. This would be Salem’s third homeless camp for the projected one-thousand homeless. Two have been established in North Salem.

Salem isn’t the only city putting up homeless villages. It may be in direct response to a federal judge ruling that it is a violation of the Eighth Amendment to prevent the homeless to camp anywhere they please if the city doesn’t provide shelter. Portland City Housing Commissioner Dan Ryan has plans for six managed “safe rest villages” for homeless people using funds from the American Rescue Plan Act. The first three are set to open with the other three finished by the end of the year.

Eugene may have been the first to establish “opportunity village” of transitional micro-housing. That kickstarted the Emerald Village of affordable tiny home community. The 14 units complete with a clubhouse with utilities and for gathering were built by teams of local architects and builders providing in-kind services.

Bend has started a process to finding a location for a homeless camp, but faces a lot of concerned citizens. Corvallis has rejected plans for a homeless village and is now struggling with the influx of homeless people. One homeless resident said the resources are more readily available than other counties she has been, including a drop-in center for supplies and meals.



The real question is should city governments be in the business of providing shelter? Salem is served by many organizations doing the same thing. The Salem Homeless Shelters website lists over 3,000 listings that includes emergency shelters, homeless shelters, day shelters, transitional housing, shared housing, residential drug alcohol rehabilitation programs and permanent affordable housing. Those top on the list providing transitional housing, other than the city: As a preventative for adult homelessness, the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development announced the 2021 awards recipients for the Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program. From the nationally awarded $142 million, the Mid-Willamette Valley Council of Governments Marion-Polk region will receive $3,691,542. They are a voluntary association of over 40 local governments. Members include Marion, Polk, and Yamhill counties, 31 cities, 7 special districts, and the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde.

The state also has an additional $25 million in sheltering reserve that they need to distribute. It seems there is plenty of funding and connections for shelter. Salem City Council will be proposing changes to the Salem Revised Code for the siting of sheltering strategies within the land use process. Perhaps that is the job of city government, to make it possible and easier for other entities to do the job, and not do it for them. One thing seems likely, if you make homelessness a luxury, “if you build it, they will come.”

--Donna Bleiler

Post Date: 2021-10-15 18:55:49Last Update: 2021-10-15 19:13:28

Vaccine Breakthrough Data Available
Cases of COVID-19 are much more common in unvaccinated individuals

The Oregon Health Authority, under the direction of Pat Allen has released its latest COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough cases report. An updated report is available each Thursday.

Vaccine breakthrough cases are defined as instances in which an individual tests positive for COVID-19 at least 14 days following the completion of any COVID-19 vaccine series. This definition is consistent with the CDC’s definition of a vaccine breakthrough.

Since summer, cases infecting unvaccinated or partially-vaccinated persons has declined at a greater rate than cases infecting fully vaccinated persons.

The report breaks down the cases by several factors, one of which is by by vaccine manufacturer and severity, and from that we can see a picture of the effectiveness of each vaccine. For example, over 1.4 million Oregonians have been vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine and within that group, there have been a little over 15,000 breakthrough cases -- including 562 hospitalizations and 143 deaths. This is not proportionally better than the 908,694 Moderna vaccinations with 7,938 cases, 333 hospitalizations and 72 deaths. Both are have better rates than the Johnson and Johnson vaccine, which has only 218,836 vaccinations, with 3,648 cases, 203 hospitalizations and 34 deaths.

Additional information is available in the vaccine breakthrough cases report, including breakdowns by age, race, ethnicity, COVID-19 variant, and county.

According to the OHA, cases of COVID-19 are much more common in unvaccinated individuals than in vaccinated individuals. The rate of COVID-19 cases among unvaccinated individuals in the most recent week was approximately 3.5 times the rate of COVID-19 cases among those who are fully vaccinated.

--Staff Reports

Post Date: 2021-10-15 16:13:46Last Update: 2021-10-15 16:44:44

Representative Bill Post to Resign
Has moved to Nevada

Last month, Rep. Bill Post (R-Keizer) announced he will not be running for reelection in 2022.

Now he has announced his resignation from the Legislature and his position as State Representative for House District 25 (Keizer, St. Paul, and Newberg) effective November 30, 2021.

“When I first decided I would not run for re-election I had not made a decision about whether I would finish my term of office because I misunderstood the residency requirements for being in office,” said Rep. Post. “My intent was to be open with my constituents about my move out of state and the steps I’d be taking to continue to fulfill my duties for the rest of my term to the best of my knowledge and ability.”

“After further discussions with an elections attorney and talking it over with my wife, it appears that the best action I can take for my district and my family is to resign before my term is over and give my successor a chance to serve during the 2022 Short Legislative Session,” continued Post. “As a strong adherent to both the United States and the Oregon Constitutions, I want to be sure that I follow the intent and letter of the law and I look forward to giving the Republican Precinct Committee Persons of House District 25 the opportunity to choose 3-5 candidates to go before the Marion and Yamhill County Commissions who will then choose one to be appointed to complete my term.”



“As I’ve always said, I am so very grateful for the honor and privilege it has been to serve my district and the State of Oregon for these last 6 years. I look forward to my final weeks serving as State Representative to ensure that my office can complete its in district work, respond to constituent needs and requests and to make sure that my 2021 Regular Session legislation is implemented.”

--Staff Reports

Post Date: 2021-10-15 11:46:13Last Update: 2021-10-15 12:03:13

Girod: “Democrats Embolden Criminals”
“Ignoring this is irresponsible and costing lives.”

On Tuesday night, a violent mob of anarchists caused half of a million dollars worth of property damage to 35 different locations in Portland, evoking memories of the over 170 days of riots a summer ago.

The Senate Republican Leader Fred Girod (R-Lyons) released the following statement:

“I was hoping that after 24 hours my Democratic colleagues would have publicly denounced the continued chaos and criminal activity in Portland. Silence from the political party that runs our state emboldens criminals. The constant destruction, violence, and murder in Portland are not normal. Oregonians are scared.

“The Portland City Council continues to drag their feet on addressing this crime spike. The Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt refuses to do his job and has rejected the vast majority of riot cases. Because Portland defunded their gun violence unit, causing an officer shortage, almost half of the murderers this year have not been arrested. If local governments won’t keep their communities safe, the state must.

“Research shows that more policing deters crime and saves lives. The Portland Police union has made it clear that they need more than 800 additional officers to keep the city safe. Senate Republicans attempted to add funding for 300 more State Troopers to assist local police departments this last session. Democrats voted that down in lockstep.

“Ignoring this public safety crisis is irresponsible and costing lives.”

--Staff Reports

Post Date: 2021-10-14 15:32:40Last Update: 2021-10-14 16:27:56

Jackson County Declares Emergency Over Illegal Marijuana Grows
Requests assistance from the state

On October 13, 2021, the Jackson County Oregon Board of Commissioners approved Order No. 186-21, Declaring a Local State of Emergency Within Jackson County Relating to Unlawful Cannabis Activities and Other Matters Related Thereto. A letter was also sent to Governor Kate Brown and the leaders of the State Legislature asking for assistance, it reads as follows:

Dear Governor Brown, Speaker Kotek, and Senate President Peter Courtney:

On October 13, 2021, we, the Jackson County Board of County Commissioners, adopted Board Order No. 186-21 and declared a local state of emergency in Jackson County due to the imminent threat to the public health and safety of our citizens from the illegal production of cannabis in our County. Since recreational marijuana was legalized by the voters of Oregon at the November 2014 General Election, the illegal and unlawful production of marijuana in our County has overwhelmed the ability of our County and State regulators to enforce relevant laws in our community. Jackson County strongly requests your assistance to address this emergency.

As detailed in Board Order No. 186-21, the ability of County and State regulators to address illegal cannabis production is simply insufficient, and is completely overwhelmed. Law enforcement in our County reports a 59 percent increase in calls for service associated with the marijuana industry. The County's Code Enforcement Officers' resources to enforce relevant County codes has been overwhelmed, such that citations which took three weeks to resolve, prior to 2014, now take four months or longer. The ability of local representatives of the State Water Resources Department report that they are unable to take any action on nearly one-third of the complaints they receive. Additionally, State regulators from the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) and the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission (OLCC) have reported that nearly 50 percent of registered hemp grows are illegally growing marijuana, that 25 percent of registered hemp grows are refusing entry to inspectors, and only 25 percent ofregistered hemp grows are operating within the requirements of the law. Further, State regulators from OHA and OLCC are unable to take any action on the unregistered and unlicensed hemp and marijuana grows in our County, which law enforcement estimates far exceeds the number of licensed and registered grows.

As you can clearly see, Jackson County needs substantial State assistance, immediately, to address this ongoing emergency. Our Code Enforcement staff needs to triple in size, from three Officers to nine Officers, in order to handle the added workload due to cannabis-related activities. Our Hearings Officer panel needs at least two additional Hearings Officers to adjudicate the volume of citations being issued by Code Enforcement Officers.

Nathan Sickler, Jackson County Sheriff, estimates that an additional 18 detectives, four patrol deputies, three supervisors, and nine support staff, along with approximately $750,000 in materials and services per year, are urgently needed to address the crimes related to illegal marijuana production. Based on current caseload, the State Water Resources Department needs to assign another three full-time equivalent (FTE) positions, dedicated solely to investigating water-related complaints and, to handle their current caseload. And, finally, ORA and OLCC need a substantial infusion of additional staff and resources to begin investigating, and enforcing, State law related to unlicensed and unregistered hemp and marijuana grows, as well as those grows operating unlawfully.

While recent legislation during the 2021 session of the Oregon Legislature enacted bills to help address our urgent need for resources, these laws simply did not provide enough resources, or enough time, to begin to adequately attempt to address the situation in our County. Jackson County needs long-term, dedicated, and guaranteed funding for both itself, and the relevant State agencies to ensure that cannabis production is being lawfully and legally conducted in our community. As Board Order No. 186-21 provides, we are willing to take assistance in whatever form you can provide: assigning sufficient additional State employees to address these issues in our community; State funding provided to Jackson County to hire employees and contractors necessary to address these issues; or repealing the prohibition on local marijuana taxes and letting the Jackson County local tax on medical and non-medical marijuana take effect. Likely, what is going to be required to address this urgent crisis is some combination of all three options.

We implore of you, please provide assistance now, before an already out of control situation becomes even worse.



Rick Dyer, Chair

Dave Dotterrer, Commissioner

Colleen Roberts, Commissioner

--Staff Reports

Post Date: 2021-10-14 09:29:22Last Update: 2021-10-14 09:52:21

Leftist Rioters Cause Destruction in Downtown Portland
No arrests have been made

A group of around 100 leftist-anarchists caused substantial damage to businesses and government buildings in downtown Portland Tuesday night.

On October 12, 2021, at about 9:00p.m., Portland Central Precinct officers learned that a group had gathered in the area of Chapman Square Park, and some participants were blocking Southwest 3rd Avenue. Some fencing from the park was used to barricade the street.

Some illegal aerial fireworks were set off, as well as graffiti to buildings. At about 10:00p.m., the group began to march. Mostly within a time span of about 10 minutes, participants broke numerous windows and bank ATMs. Officers were called to respond citywide, and all but the highest priority life safety 911 calls were left to hold so officers could be dispatched. At the same time, the group began to light garbage cans and dumpsters on fire in the street.

When resources arrived, the crowd was given direction to disperse by loudspeaker. A Mobile Field Force moved in and the crowd splintered into multiple directions. Some group members laid down in front of police vehicles to attempt to prevent police response. Police believe that some people involved in criminal activity were changing clothes as they were moving to further stymie efforts to identify them.

Investigations into the criminal behavior are underway. No arrests have been made yet. At this point the damage is believed to be in excess of $500,000, and reports are still being compiled. There were 35 separate locations that were targeted, including banks, retail stores, coffee shops, and government buildings.



"I'm concerned about the brazen criminal acts that took place downtown last night," said Chief Chuck Lovell. "I want to assure those who were victimized that investigations are underway, and we will do whatever we can to identify and arrest those who were responsible. We ask that anyone with information please reach out to us. Thank you to all the officers who responded to a challenging situation."

Descriptions of the destruction include:
--Ben Fisher

Post Date: 2021-10-13 17:07:08Last Update: 2021-10-13 17:36:39

Columbia County Braces for Tight Legislative Races
The district will most likely see a high-priced effort

As Oregon political pundits hold their collective breaths waiting for State Senator Betsy Johnson to announce her intention to run for Governor, residents of Columbia County are preparing for what many expect will be a spirited and expensive political season.

House District 31 includes Columbia County and much of rural Washington County and, in part because of the voter make-up that redistricting has left and in part because of the retirement of embattled Representative Brad Witt (D-Clatskanie), the district will most likely see a high-priced effort on the part of both parties to control the seat. Paired with its sister district -- House District 32 which is the Northwest Corner of Oregon from Tillamook to Astoria -- the two make up Senate District 16, currently held by Senator Betsy Johnson (D-Scappoose).

The election of 2020 saw Republican Brian Stout (R-Columbia City) fall to Witt by only 511 votes out of over 50,000 cast. In Columbia County, the largest of the three that encompass the district, Stout handily beat Witt by a 6-point margin. He also ran in 2018 losing by a larger margin of 2,621 votes. He has filed to run for the seat again in 2022. It's an open question as to whether he is growing on the district, or if after two defeats, his brand is tattered.

Stout said "We did a ton of groundwork last time which I believe sets the stage for a decisive win in the 2022 election. I hear daily from local citizens and business leaders, and they are frustrated. Many feel that our rural communities have been marginalized by a disproportionate emphasis on urban policy. It's time to restore balance to our economy and take a stand for our rural communities.”

Despite the fact that Senate District 16 has a conservative bent to it -- the economy of the district is tourism and natural resource extraction -- the departure of Witt and possibly Johnson as well as the tight voter registration in the districts make these attractive seats for both parties and will certainly draw quality contenders for both parties in both seats.

The other half of Senate District 16 -- each Oregon Senate District is comprised of exactly two House Districts -- is House District 32 where first-termer Suzanne Weber (R-Tillamook) will look to hold her seat.

In 2018 all three seats were held by Democrats: House District 31 by Witt, House District 32 by Tiffiny Mitchell and Senate District 16 by Betsy Johnson. 2022 could see all three seats going to Republicans.

--Ben Fisher

Post Date: 2021-10-13 17:03:58Last Update: 2021-10-14 16:38:17

The Death of the Death Penalty in Oregon
The Court unanimously decided that the change in the law must be retroactive

The Oregon Supreme Court has done it again. They've made the effective repeal of the death penalty in Oregon retroactive. With the passage of SB 1013 in 2019, "aggravated murder" was redefined -- making it harder to qualify for -- but not retroactively so.

The new law redefined crime of aggravated murder -- the only crime for which the death penalty is a possible sentence -- to include In an opinion authored by Oregon Supreme Court Justice Rebecca Duncan, Oregon v. David Ray Bartol, the Court unanimously decided that the change in the law must be retroactive -- in short because the law changed the moral standard, it would be cruel and unusual under the US Constitution’s Eighth Amendment to apply the death penalty to a crime that was a death penalty crime when committed, but no longer is.

The death penalty has been on the books and off the books several times throughout Oregon's history, driven by the voters, the Legislature and the judiciary. Initially, the Oregon Constitution contained no provision for the death penalty. The death penalty for first degree murder was adopted by statute in 1864 -- just five years after statehood.

From 1864 to 1903, county sheriffs conducted executions. In order to restrict public attendance at executions, the Oregon Legislature amended the law to require executions be carried out at the Oregon State Penitentiary in Salem in 1903.

Between 1904 and 1914, 24 men were hanged at the penitentiary. On Dec. 13, 1912, four men were executed on the same day, the most at one time at the penitentiary. There have been seven executions of two people on the same day.

In 1914, Oregon voters, by constitutional amendment, repealed the death penalty with a razor-thin 50.04 percent of the vote adding Article I, 36 of the Oregon Constitution. In 1920, voters restored the death penalty by repealing Article I, 36 and approving Article I, 37-38, with 56 percent of the vote.

On Nov. 3, 1964, Oregon voters repealed the death penalty by 60 percent of the vote. On Nov. 5, 1964, Governor Mark O. Hatfield (R) commuted the death sentences of three people

The repeal remained in effect until 1978, when Oregon voters approved Ballot Measure 8, re-instituting capital punishment by lethal gas. Unlike prior death penalty laws, Measure 8 did not amend the Oregon Constitution, but rather was incorporated into the Oregon Revised Statutes, amending ORS 163.115 and creating ORS 163.116. Measure 8 won 64 percent of the vote.

Under the death penalty statute, the sentence was determined by the trial judge, without a jury. In 1981, the Oregon Supreme Court struck down the death penalty statute because it deprived the defendant of his right to trial by jury.



In 1984, Oregon voters approved Ballot Measure 6 which created Article I, 40 and exempted capital punishment from Article I, 15-16 of the Oregon Constitution. The measure passed with 55 percent of the vote.

Ballot Measure 7, in 1984, amended ORS 163.150 to require that, following a conviction for aggravated murder, a defendant be given a separate sentencing hearing before the trial jury. The measure passed with 75 percent of the vote.

In all, between 1904 and 1994, 115 people have been sentenced to death in Oregon, and 58 of those have been executed. The rest have had their sentences reduced, dismissed, commuted, or have died in prison. Of the 58, 55 were white and three black. Their ages ranged from age 17 to 67.

--Staff Reports

Post Date: 2021-10-13 10:29:40Last Update: 2021-11-12 17:29:37

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