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The race is basically a tie, gets messy and goes to the courts
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On this day, January 4, 1945, Two men working near Medford, Oregon, heard a blast, saw flames, and found a twelve-inch-deep hole in the ground where the bomb had exploded. The U.S. Office of Censorship asked the news media not to publish reports for fear it might cause panic. It was the first of a Japanese balloon bomb, experimental weapons intended to kill and cause fires.

Also on this day, January 4, 2018, the state of Oregon sued Monsanto over pervasive pollution from PCBs and sought $100 million to mitigate pollution , particularly along a 10-mile stretch of the Willamette River. Federal authorities in 2016 announced a $1 billion cleanup in the area.

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Learn About School Choice
Saturday, January 25, 2025 at 12:00 pm
Black Bear Diner, Free coffee and Bearclaws! Questions? Donna@LetThemLearnOregon.com
Grants Pass, Black Bear Diner

Western Liberty Network 15th Annual Conference
Saturday, February 1, 2025 at 9:00 am
"Take the Offensive" Leadership and Activist Training Conference. See speakers and sessions and register at https://wlnexecdir.wixsite.com/wstlbtnet
Holiday Inn Portland Columbia Riverfront hotel located at 909 N Hayden Island Drive, Portland, Oregon 97217.

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Showdown Set for Yamhill County
The rights of parents will be on the ballot January 18th

Progressive Yamhill gained enough signature to put Newberg School Board Chair Brian Shannon on a recall ballot. The election will be January 18th. A second recall effort involving school board member Dave Brown will conclude soon. A third recall effort involving County Commissioner Lindsay Berschauer will conclude in about two months.

The yard signs have gone up and canvassing began as both sides dig in for the contest about whether indoctrinating kids into critical theory and sexualizing them belongs in the teaching environment. Parents requests for the list of library books and the curriculum have gone unanswered by school administrators, who apparently don’t want to discuss the matter.

Recently the Newberg School Board fired Superintendent Joe Morelock for failing to follow orders. A temporary superintendent has been hired as the search for a permanent replacement continues. Many teachers are in defiance of school board decisions regarding the classroom environment. American flags have been removed by some who refer to the flag as a symbol of hate.

The Oregon Education Association has made is clear that teachers first amendment rights end when they enter the classroom. By contract they must teach the OEA curriculum in an OEA approved environment. Many parents are frustrated that they are first in line to pay for public education, but last in line when it comes to deciding how their kids will be taught.

--Staff Reports

Post Date: 2021-12-20 12:08:31Last Update: 2021-12-20 12:15:58

Brown Continues Climate Agenda Push
This is another example of how out of touch Governor Brown is with Oregonians

Ever since a contentious 2019 session in which Republicans walked out in order to deny the Oregon House a quorum to block the passage of HB 2020 -- a sweeping bill that would have established the Climate Policy Office within Oregon Department of Administrative Services and would have directed the office to adopt Oregon Climate Action Program by rule -- Oregon Governor Kate Brown has been trying to sneak climate change legislation through the back door.

In March 2020, Governor Brown put state government under an anti-carbon regime with an Executive Order, but she lacked the authority to subject the whole state to a climate policy.

Now, the the Environmental Quality Commission -- the body which oversees policy and direction for the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality -- is proposing a Climate Protection Program to do rulemaking on climate issues, much as proposed by HB 2020 in 2019.

Governor Brown has a law degree specializing in environmental law.

Oregon House Republican Leader Vikki Breese-Iverson (R-Prineville) responded to the new regulations passed by the Oregon Environmental Quality Commission that passes an aggressive version of cap-and-trade from the Governor’s office. She noted that critical public comments point to the lack of cost controls that will drastically raise prices for Oregonians.



“This executive action is another example of how out of touch Governor Brown is with Oregonians,” said Leader Breese-Iverson. “People want more inclusive and collaborative responses to issues. Instead, the Governor is forcing people to pay higher prices to compensate for global emissions originating outside of our state. This approach is no different than a partisan proposal we saw in the Legislature, ignoring serious concerns to push an expensive and political climate plan on the state. Oregonians would be better served with a balanced approach benefiting everyone.”

A report from the Department of Environmental Quality acknowledged that this plan could increase fuel prices and the cost of goods while pushing businesses out of state.

--Staff Reports

Post Date: 2021-12-19 13:36:28Last Update: 2021-12-19 13:34:50

Gov. Brown Doubles Down on Boosters
The state plan to fight Omicron is boosters and more boosters

In a press conference, Oregon Governor Kate Brown unveiled the state plan to fight the Omicron variant of the COVID-19 virus. The press conference, held in conjunction with Dr. Dean Sidelinger, the State Epidemiologist, Director Patrick Allen of the Oregon Health Authority, Dr. Renee Edwards, Chief Medical Officer at the Oregon Health & Science University, and Dr. Peter Graven, Lead Data Scientist at OHSU’s Business Intelligence Unit.

In her prepared opening remarks, Governor Brown placed the most hope on boosters. "The science and data are clear: vaccinations are the strongest line of defense we have against COVID-19 -- and the preliminary research shows boosters provide a critical layer of protection against the Omicron variant.

"Today I am calling on one million Oregonians to step up and get their booster dose by the end of January. I’ve directed OHA to get the vaccine supply and distribution capacity in place to support this goal. However, we will only reach it if everyone does their part. She outlined a five point plan to address the Omicron variant which centered on boosters.
  1. Oregon will urge 1 million Oregonians to get boosters by the end of January.
  2. Oregon will prioritize boosters for people who are most vulnerable to becoming hospitalized if they catch the Omicron variant.
  3. Rapidly deliver new COVID-19 treatments and dramatically expand needed testing.
  4. Support health care workers and hospitals in the face of the coming Omicron surge.
  5. Connect more people to boosters, treatments and testing.
For those hoping to keep schools open to in-person learning, Dr. Sidelinger spoke of measures being encouraged at schools, including increasing ventilation, requiring masks, and keeping students apart.

"These measures taken together make schools the least likely place where students or children will get infected. It's more in the community, in the social settings and extra-curricular activities where the risk is higher."

Not addressed by Governor Brown, her panel of state experts or members of the media in virtual attendance was the role that natural immunity may play in keeping a lid on the Omicron variant. According to some experts infection with the Omicron variant -- and its mild symptoms -- may provide better protection than even boosted vaccinations.

--Staff Reports

Post Date: 2021-12-18 11:50:18Last Update: 2021-12-18 13:36:28

Salem Police Seize Drugs and Guns
The estimated street value of the drug is nearly a quarter-million dollars

The Second Special Session for 2021 just passed legislation to hold the state accountable to the promise made earlier this year: take action against illegal drug cartels in Southern Oregon. Who thinks the drug cartels limit their activities to Southern Oregon?

The Salem Police Department Strategic Investigations Unit made an arrest late Tuesday evening, December 14, 2021, which resulted in the large seizure of narcotics, weapons, ammunition, and cash.

Arrested without incident was Rico Anthony Russell Rigutto, age 25, of Salem. A subsequent service of a federal search warrant at Rigutto’s residence in west Salem resulted in the cumulative seizure of the following: The estimated street value of the heroin, methamphetamine, and pills is nearly a quarter-million dollars, according to investigators. Lieutenant Ben Bales, who supervises the special investigations team, explained the rise in fraudulent pill distribution is of particular concern locally. Said Bales, “The increased presence of these polydrug pills coincides with the cases of overdoses in our community.”

Additionally, two of the confiscated firearms were modified to be fully automatic which is illegal without a stamp from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives.

Rigutto was arrested on a federal criminal complaint. His apprehension was part of an interagency partnership between the Salem Police Department Criminal Investigations Section, the ATF, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation to investigate these high-level crimes in the city. As part of the partnership, an SIU detective is assigned to the FBI Task Force.



The federal charges mean the District of Oregon US Attorney’s Office is prosecuting the case. Under presumption of innocence, Rigutto made his initial appearance in court during which the USAO succeeded in attaining his detention as a danger to the community and risk of no appearance.

Bales said, “We very much appreciate the partnership we have with our federal counterparts. The collaboration helps us combat serious criminal activity that affects Salem, and really, the entire valley.”

--Donna Bleiler

Post Date: 2021-12-17 15:26:29Last Update: 2021-12-17 16:50:18

Concerned Parents Seek Rule Changes
Students and schools have better outcomes when parent volunteers are welcomed

Editor's note: The following is excerpted from a letter from a parent of a student at Salem-Keizer School District

As a parent, I am outraged with what is happening in our schools for many reasons but the fact that some public schools across Oregon are flagrantly violating the vaccination exception rules is the most frustrating issue to our family.

Schools are supposed to allow all parents volunteer and if unvaccinated, exceptions are allowed by the CDC and OHA.

This from the rule: “teachers, school staff and volunteers, and school-based program staff and volunteers must provide the school or school-based program with either: We know students and schools have better outcomes when parent volunteers are welcomed yet Oregon’s schools are going backwards. Salem Keizer School District was contacted by a potential volunteer, and she spoke to a retired administrator -- Jim Orth -- who was called back to work to help organize the vaccine mandate for the district and was told the Executive team including HR, Superintendent and Vice Superintendent concluded that its simply “extra work for the already understaffed HR department to mitigate volunteers with exceptions.” This, despite the fact, they have the exact same protocol for unvaccinated teachers and staff.

The team’s point is moot. He said they are following the CDC guidance, but the CDC does not say they cannot have unvaccinated visitors or parent volunteers. He also said, “Frankly I believe it is not the best use of resources to be paying me to do this.” No kidding, Jim. It’s not that this or many of these schools are not allowing any parent volunteers or are gearing up for them to return in January, they are just discriminating against unvaccinated parents regardless of the rules allowing unvaccinated volunteers in schools.



If what Salem-Keizer School District said is true and Kate Brown is going to make burdensome rules, she needs to provide the resources, which have been plentiful due to the trillions of dollars in the stimulus packages. I am tired of repeatedly being told over the past year that we are not welcomed to be present or view curriculums in our public schools. How can some public-school districts figure this out and not others? Many Private schools have been successfully allowing all parents in regardless of vaccination status.

We as parents need to be able to be allowed back into our kid’s school.

Please let me know who I need to contact to get this rule and this implementation changed asap.


--A Concerned Parent

Post Date: 2021-12-17 10:13:06Last Update: 2021-12-17 15:25:20

Newberg is at the Center of What is Happening Statewide
There is an effort to radicalize, sexualize, and recruit our children by a socialist, progressive movement

Since March 13, 2017, Indivisible.org has set their eyes on taking over public schools in western Oregon. They began by publishing a handbook, Indivisible: A Practical Guide for Resisting the Trump Agenda. The book advocates for using paper terrorism tactics to harass politicians and private companies into supporting far left “progressive” causes, such as Critical race theory.

Last August, Newberg School Board took a stance against all things political in the classrooms, including BLM and LGBTQ signage, progressive political discussion and activism, unless directly related to an educational lesson. Their purpose in creating this policy was to turn the focus back to education in an effort to create a neutral learning environment where all children are treated equally.

Indivisible.org formed local chapters across the state. In Yamhill, the local group is Progressive Yamhill and is behind the recall of two Newberg School Board members, Dave Brown and Brian Shannon, whom proposed the new policy. The Media Coordinator for Say NO to the Recalls Campaign, says “these progressive organizations are sending their people into small-town America, to flip the underbelly of our communities upside down. They are taking over all local committee seats, elected seats, school board seats so that they can take over the conservative voice and replace it with their progressive voice. Right now, The Newberg School Board is being harassed, threatened and sued while the campaign to oust these conservative members is funded with out-of-state progressive Hollywood money funding the recall cause.”

Indivisible.org is aiming at more than the school board. In January 2019 Casey Kulla was elected Yamhill County Commissioner and recently announced his candidacy for Governor. In cooperation with Progressive Yamhill members, Kulla introduced a motion for Yamhill County to adopt an “inclusivity resolution” with the goal of implementing Critical Race Theory employee training to the County departments.

Critical Race Theory isn’t the only battle being fought. There is also an organized effort to radicalize, sexualize, and recruit our children by a socialist, progressive movement that aims to turn them against America. One insider says, “We have seen an unnatural number of children from the Newberg school district come out as gay or trans (mostly young girls) in the last couple of years. Please allow me to iterate that in no way do we stand against or discriminate against children who are members of the LGBTQ community. We believe all children should be loved and included and we strongly stand against any form of bullying or discrimination. We are seeing a movement that appears to be accelerating at an unnatural rate.” A video that is part of the My Future My Choice curriculum approved by the Oregon Department of Education is being shown to 7th graders as part of the sexual education curriculum called Love is Love: Free to Be Me.



Dave Brown and Brian Shannon have taken a strong stance against the progressive agenda spreading across Oregon into local government and schools. They see this movement as stealing our children and if they lose their positions on the Newberg School Board it will send a message to Indivisible.org that Oregon no longer stands behind the constitution. They have received death threats, their family members threatened, they’ve had to pull their kids out of school, and are facing multiple lawsuits. Yet, they stand firm in their stance to protect our children from this progressive agenda. Newberg school board has the Oregon Department of Education, the Oregon Teachers Union, the ACLU, and several national media sources coming against them. What should be news is the current graduation rate has declined another 25%, down from 50%, and that some Newberg teachers have even attempted to remove the American flag from their classrooms, stating it is the most political flag there is. What does this teach their students?

--Donna Bleiler

Post Date: 2021-12-17 10:12:11Last Update: 2021-12-17 15:26:29

$18 million for Afghan Refugees
Oregon Legislature approves the spending

During the December special session, the Oregon Legislature approved $18 million in funding through SB 5561 for Afghan refugee resettlement efforts.

This funding is intended to provide Afghan individuals and families resettling in Oregon with housing, education, legal aid, job training and other culturally responsive services.

The Oregon Department of Human Services’ (ODHS) Refugee Program administers federally funded cash and medical supports to refugees and individuals with eligible immigration statuses, and contracts with Resettlement Agencies (RAs) to provide initial resettlement services.

The United States is currently coordinating the relocation of more than 70,000 people following their evacuation from Afghanistan.

Afghan families began arriving in Oregon this fall, and the number of arrivals will increase in the coming months.

Oregon has committed to resettling 1,200 Afghan arrivals, but existing federal funding did not provide adequate support for these efforts.

This newly approved funding will allegedly address critical resource gaps in the state’s resettlement plan.

The Biden Administration has increased the number of refugees permitted to enter the United States, but funding and capacity have remained major issues.



Senator Kayse Jama (D-Portland) and Representative Khanh Pham (D-Portland) have called for a compassionate response to evacuated Afghan allies, urging the state to address the gaps and create a strong foundation for refugees’ future in Oregon.

“We know that Afghan families and individuals coming to Oregon have experienced trauma,” said ODHS Director Fariborz Pakseresht.

The approved $18 million in funding will enable the department to meet the needs of Afghan arrivals while building back refugee resettlement infrastructure to accommodate the increase in arrivals from all around the world.

Funding includes allocations for the following: “The state of Oregon has really stepped up to meet the needs of individuals and families from Afghanistan,” said Claire Seguin, deputy director of ODHS Self- Sufficiency Programs and the state’s refugee coordinator. “We began this year with three partner resettlement agencies, and now we have five."

The program partners with Oregon’s five local refugee resettlement agencies (Catholic Charities, Lutheran Community Services Northwest, Sponsors Organized to Assist Refugees, Salem for Refugees, and the Immigrant & Refugee Community Organization).

--Bruce Armstrong

Post Date: 2021-12-16 21:42:56Last Update: 2021-12-16 22:04:07

What Kate Brown Said in Scotland
“Communities of color are being disproportionately impacted”

Leaders from across the world traveled to Glasgow, Scotland on November 6, 2021 to attend the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP 26) where they discussed the impacts of- and solutions for- climate change.

Governor Kate Brown represented Oregon at COP 26 and dramatically highlighted the impacts of climate change on Oregonians, and the actions Oregon is taking to decrease carbon emissions and transition to "green" energy.

“To put it simply, climate change is hitting Oregon like a hammer in the head,” said Governor Brown at a panel hosted by the U.S. Department of Energy on transitioning to a clean energy economy.

“I’m here to tell you that we are a warning for the rest of the world. Like the 2020 wildfires of Australia, the droughts of East Africa, the flooding and landslides of South Asia, together we are canaries in the coal mine if action isn’t taken. But, I’m also here to tell you we can tackle climate change and grow our economy at the same time. And Oregon is a shining example of how it can be done.”

Governor Brown joined discussions at COP 26 with leaders from Brazil, Canada, Japan, and fellow West Coast governors. Topics ranged from ocean acidification, to the impacts of food waste, and the important role states play in fighting climate change.

Kate Brown stated that Oregon’s low-income, rural, and communities of color are being disproportionately impacted by climate change — and around the world, poorer countries are bearing the impacts of climate change more than wealthier nations. Governor Brown believes it is Oregon’s responsibility to tackle climate challenges through an equity lens and focusing on vulnerable communities.



Oregon lost over 4,000 houses due to the devastating Labor Day wildfires in 2020. Kate Brown says that undocumented families were impacted greatly.

The state spent millions of dollars in assisting non-documented migrants with housing.

In Oregon’s efforts to work toward 100% clean energy by 2040, the state has prioritized working with low-income families to help them access available energy.

During Governor Brown’s time at COP 26, she used the international platform to warn the rest of the world about the dire effects of climate change and showcase how Oregon is using an equity-based approach to taking climate action.

In the closing remarks of Governor Brown’s COP 26 speech, she stressed that “the future generations will judge us not on the fact of climate change, but what we have done to tackle it."

--Bruce Armstrong

Post Date: 2021-12-16 20:58:47Last Update: 2021-12-16 21:15:32

School Choice Initiative Launched
The initiative was quietly filed late this summer

As school districts become more and more responsive to public employee unions and they system becomes less and less accountable -- while at the same time it becomes more and more expensive -- a group of citizens is taking independent steps to return focus on students. Education Freedom for Oregon is proposing a ballot measure to write school choice into the Oregon Constitution.

The education establishment has been feeling what has been a decades-long decline in the effectiveness of the Oregon public school system. Many feel that the COVID-19 outbreak was not handled very well as distance learning failed to meet the needs to many students and the exodus from the public school system escalated.

Parents' frustration with public schools rose to a fever pitch when earlier this year the legislature passed SB 744 which prohibits State Board of Education from requiring for high school diploma that student show proficiency in any academic content area if a student successfully completed credit requirements. This concept was so negatively regarded that there were no sponsors for the bill -- it was introduced as a committee measure and introduced by the Senate Committee on Education, chaired by Senator Michael Dembrow (D-Portland).

Led by Chief Petitioner Marc Thielman, the school choice initiative was quietly filed late this summer and quickly met the requirements to get a title from the Attorney General. That process is being completed now, and the group expects to be gathering the approximately 150,000 signatures from Oregon registered voters needed to put it on the ballot in November 2024.

Thielman -- who is also running for Governor -- has been a superintendent and principal since 2005. He became the Superintendent for Alsea for the opportunity to run a preschool through 12th grade, an open-enrollment school district, founded on a business model designed to meet the needs of all students.

According to the website, Thielman "stood up for the families and students in his district and safely kept his schools open while most of the Oregon schools were closed for Covid. By keeping his schools open, he saved hundreds of students and families from unnecessary hardship and poor mental health outcomes, including youth suicide."

To find out more or to get involved, see Education Freedom for Oregon's website.

--Staff Reports

Post Date: 2021-12-16 18:41:43Last Update: 2021-12-16 21:12:38

Dr. Cyrus Javadi Announces Legislative Campaign
Will run for Oregon’s House District 32

Dr. Cyrus Javadi has announced his intention to run for State Representative in House District 32 (ranging from Neskowin to Astoria on the North Coast) as a Republican in the May 2022 Primary.

"The divide between the right and the left is growing so large," said Dr. Javadi. "As a small business owner and dentist who loves this community, I still believe we can find common sense solutions without abandoning our values. That's where most of the people in our coastal communities are at and it's what they want from their leaders."

Dr. Javadi runs a dental practice in Tillamook. A father of five, he and his wife moved to Tillamook 10 years ago because of their love for the small town feel, clean air, and sense of community found on the North Oregon Coast.



"I've never been a politician and I never saw myself running for office, but believe it's time for people to step up and to sacrifice for this state and this great country if we want to have a better tomorrow," continued Dr. Javadi.

House District 32 is currently represented by Rep. Suzanne Weber (R-Tillamook) who recently announced she is running for Senate District 16.

--Bruce Armstrong

Post Date: 2021-12-16 12:41:32Last Update: 2021-12-16 13:55:08

Republicans Comment on Second Special Session
Failure persists at Department of Housing

Oregon House Republican Leader Vikki Breese-Iverson (R-Prineville) released a statement regarding the conclusion of the second special session of 2021.

“This unnecessary special session was called because of yet another state agency failure,” said Leader Breese-Iverson. “Democrat state leaders have not addressed the numerous errors and mistakes at OHCS that are hurting Oregonians. This is a complete failure of leadership. House Republicans urge significant changes to these agencies under Democrat control. We call on the Governor to dramatically increase oversight to ensure this money gets to real people in need.”

“The additional legislation passed during this special session finally holds the state accountable to two promises we made earlier this year: action against illegal drug cartels in Southern Oregon and drought relief for farmers,” added Leader Breese-Iverson. “It’s unfair to Oregonians that this money was withheld for months. Democrats are more interested in chasing headlines with a special session, and as a result people continue to suffer while they wait.”

Observers are insisting that the legislation from Democrats prolongs drastic government disruption in rental housing to give more time and money to the ailing Oregon Housing and Community Services Department (OHCS). For months the agency failed to distribute timely relief to renters and property owners, promising improvements that never came despite millions of dollars from the Legislature.

Additional bills were passed and were supported by House Republicans. Included were belated support for law enforcement to combat drug cartels operating illegal cannabis grow sites in Southern Oregon and long-awaited drought relief for farmers.



State Representative Christine Drazan (R-Canby) also renewed her call for accountability and new leadership at the Oregon Housing and Community Services Department (OHCS) in the wake of the agency’s repeated failures to manage the state’s emergency rental assistance program. Representative Drazan again stressed the need for accountability after the Legislature voted to extend the program without a clear plan for addressing the issues that have plagued its rollout.

“Oregonians across the state are frustrated with how the Oregon Housing and Community Services Department has managed this program, and they should be,” said Representative Drazan. “Thousands of vulnerable renters have been left hanging in the balance while they wait for this agency to get its act together. Oregonians deserve accountability for this agency’s repeated failures. I once again urge Governor Brown to make a change in leadership at OHCS and to take concrete steps to finally get this program on track.”

Representative Drazan previously called on Governor Brown to replace OHCS Director Margaret Salazar on Friday, in advance of today’s special session.

“I will not vote to extend a program that has let down so many people without a change in leadership at OHCS, a clear plan for addressing these failures immediately, and a commitment from this Legislature to exercise proper oversight by ensuring that Oregonians have access to a functioning agency. It’s long past time for us to step in and right this ship,” concluded Representative Drazan.

--Bruce Armstrong

Post Date: 2021-12-15 19:40:45Last Update: 2021-12-15 19:52:38

ODA to Establish Disaster Relief Fund
Oregon Legislature passes bill in special session

During the 2021 second special session, the Oregon Legislature passed Senate Bill 892 that directs the Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) to establish a disaster assistance program.

The Legislature awarded $40 million to this new, one-of-a-kind program to help mitigate economic losses farmers and ranchers sustained because of the compounding natural disasters in 2021, including the ice storm, heat dome, and drought.

“I commend the Oregon Legislature and Governor Kate Brown for their firm support of SB 892,” said Alexis Taylor, Director, ODA. “Over the last two years, Oregon has experienced one natural disaster after another, with the pandemic on top of all of that. I have heard from so many Oregon farmers and ranchers who are concerned how they will make it through next year. The funds provided by SB 892 will keep many operations afloat until the USDA develops its federal disaster program that is expected to be announced by mid-2022. All of us at ODA will work as fast as we can to develop an application and distribution process to get these dollars to those in need.”



USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack visited damaged berry farms in the Willamette Valley in August 2021, shortly after the heat dome event that brought temperatures of 117 degrees. During his visit, he and Oregon Governor Kate Brown heard from local farmers and ranchers about the limitation and delay in federal disaster delivery. SB 892 allows ODA to contract with regional lenders to provide localized access to disaster assistance. The intent is to meet the unique needs of Oregon producers, for whom disaster assistance has not typically worked for.

SB 892 gives ODA the authority to contract with lending institutions to administer the disaster assistance program locally.

The Legislature designed the loan program to act as a bridge loan or direct assistance while the upcoming federal program is developed. ODA says they intend to begin the implementation process immediately to serve Oregon’s agricultural community.

--Bruce Armstrong

Post Date: 2021-12-15 16:00:01Last Update: 2021-12-15 16:18:15

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