What will be the result of the 2024 presidential election?
Trump wins by more than 5 points
Trump wins by fewer than 5 points
The race is basically a tie, gets messy and goes to the courts
Harris wins by more than 5 points
Harris wins by fewer than 5 points
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On this day, September 28, 1937, Pres. Roosevelt dedicated Timberline Lodge at the foot of Palmer snowfield in Mt. Hood National Forest. It was constructed with public funds and WPA workers and did not open until Feb. 1938. Also on this day in 1937 FDR dedicated Bonneville Dam on Columbia River in Oregon.

Also on this day, September 28, 2012, President Barack Obama, citing national security risks, blocked a Chinese company from owning four wind farm projects in northern Oregon near a Navy base where the US military flies unmanned drones and electronic-warfare planes on training missions.

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Morehead Church Community Blood Drive
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 at 2:30 pm
We hope you will join us at our Fall Community Blood Drive at Morehead Church on Horse Pen Creek Rd next to Spears YMCA on Oct 9, 2:30 - 7:00 pm. Appointments are encouraged, but Walk-Ins are also welcome. Grab a friend and come see us on Oct 9! Plenty of appointment times to choose from. Thanks!
Morehead Church 3412 Horse Pen Creek Rd Greensboro, 27410

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Leaders Play Politics
Somebody needs to solve some problems and blaming Trump doesn’t do that.

It must be an election year.

At the end of her recent press conference, in response to a reporter's question about the riots in Portland, Oregon Governor Kate Brown took a swipe at President Trump and the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, perpetuating the narrative floated in the media that federal law enforcement is operating illegally in Portland.

Let me be very clear with Oregonians.

“When I spoke with the director of the Department of Homeland Security last week, I told him to go home and take his federal troops with him, um, this is a democracy not a dictatorship.

We cannot have secret police abducting people and putting them in unmarked vehicles. I cannot believe I have to say that to the president of the United States. I know that Oregonians are outraged. Americans should be appalled.”

Even, the lefter-than-thou, queen of wokeness, Willamette Week reporter, Tess Riski, breathlessly -- and reluctantly -- reported that everything that federal law enforcement is doing is legal.

The Oregon Attorney General, Ellen Rosenblum (D-Portland) has filed a lawsuit against the federal government alleging that “On information and belief, federal law enforcement officers including John Does 1-10 have been using unmarked vehicles to drive around downtown Portland, detain protesters, and place them into the officers’ unmarked vehicles, removing them from public without either arresting them or stating the basis for an arrest.”

US Senators Jeff Merkley (D-Portland) and Ron Wyden (D-Portland) have introduced legislation to restrict the use of force during riots.

Oregon generally, and Portland specifically, both face grave danger to persons and property. It seems like the time is now to do something -- not play politics.

--Staff Reports

Post Date: 2020-07-22 12:44:29Last Update: 2020-07-22 15:00:09

Kate Brown Mandates Five Year Olds Wear Masks
Gatherings limited again, 10 pm curfew on businesses

Oregon Governor Kate Brown declared new statewide mandates via her press briefing conference, including a directive stating that children as young as 5 years would hereby be required to wear a face mask both in and outdoors. Indoor gatherings were also limited to 100, statewide.

The Governor, who recently brought up concerns of dictatorship federally, is rolling out statewide mandates in a way that critics would say is being quite dictatorial herself. She has also announced that bars and restaurants must close their doors by 10pm. Observers have noted that shortened business hours by grocers, food service and other businesses has only made social distancing more difficult in some demographics.

She defended her tighter restrictions, saying “I don't make these decisions lightly and there are no easy choices.”

To recap:
As an aside, the Governor promised “Clear metrics for school re-opening in the next few days.” She emphasized, "School in the Fall will not look like a normal year."

She ended her prepared remarks with the threat, “If we don’t stop the spread of the virus I will have no choice but to force widespread and difficult closures again.”

--Staff Reports

Post Date: 2020-07-22 12:00:31Last Update: 2020-07-22 12:08:22

Cutting the Budget: Department of Geology and Mineral Industries
Let’s get rid of this broken agency.

Editor’s note: This is the ninth in a multi-part series on the budget for the State of Oregon and where possible efficiencies can be found.

DOGAMI, as it is abbreviated, has two main departments.

The Geologic Survey and Services (GS&S) Program gathers geoscientific data and maps mineral resources and hazards. Geographic areas needing tsunami hazard mapping, landslide hazard studies, flooding hazard studies, and earthquake risk mapping have been prioritized by the agency. The information is shared with state and local policy-makers for land use planning, facility siting, building code and zoning changes, and emergency planning.

The Mineral Land Regulation and Reclamation (MLRR) Program is responsible for regulating the exploration, extraction, production, and reclamation of mineral and energy resources for the purposes of conservation and second beneficial uses of mined lands. The objectives are to conserve mineral resources and protect the environment while providing for the economic uses of the mined materials. This includes oil, natural gas, geothermal exploration, and extraction.

This agency's budget woes are so epic that the legislature would not let them have a biennial budget, instead restricting them to a single year appropriation while they get their act together.

Can the geologic survey functions be turned over to Oregon State University? They might like the work, and the agency could use a break. As far as natural resource extraction goes, the reality is that political control of this state by environmentalists means that there is very little natural resource extraction happening, so very little to regulate -- which may be the source of the agency's fiscal irresponsibility in the first place.

Savings: $4-19 million biennially, depending on how much of the agency is dissolved.

--Staff Reports

Post Date: 2020-07-22 08:00:00Last Update: 2020-07-22 15:02:23

Lawmakers Question Police Motives
Place blame on police and fall just short of calling them racist.

No one who has watched the online video clips of the nightly violence and rioting in Portland over the last two months can continue to claim that what we are watching are “peaceful protests.”

State Representatives Karin Power (D-Milwaukie) and Janelle Bynum (D-Happy Valley) have issued a statement in which the motives of law enforcement are again called into question, and no recognition of the damage done by the rioters is acknowledged.

Despite the fact that most law enforcement activity has been directed at white persons, Bynum insists that this activity is “designed” to work against people of color. Many observers have pointed out that the only “design” present is that of the rioters, who seem intent to provoke law enforcement at all costs.

The statement says:

“These acts of violence perpetrated by federal law enforcement are designed to pass down a legacy of fear and further the interminable control of the movements of Black and Brown bodies since the days of American slavery,” said Rep. Bynum. “I will not let my children, or any of our children, inherit paranoia and mistrust of the people we commission to protect us. I am showing them the way of non-violent protest against oppression and government overreach. I am teaching them the true meaning of good trouble, necessary trouble.”

Does anyone remember George Floyd? Or do we not need to talk about him?

--Staff Reports

Post Date: 2020-07-21 13:13:10

Homeland Security Chronicles Impact
The myth of “peaceful protesters” is exposed

In the wake of continuing violent attacks against federal facilities in Portland, the Department of Homeland Security is documenting the result of these attacks against federal property. An update was also posted on Sunday.

As the media reports things like “people in camouflage were driving around the area in unmarked minivans grabbing individuals off the street” as if innocent people are being impounded, some pundits have speculated that coverage of the violence is declining, because support in the polls for the violence is on the decline.

Of course, federal law enforcement has no place initiating any law enforcement activity, unless federal laws are broken, federal personnel are assaulted, or federal property is attacked. One would suspect that the feds have reason to arrest those who have been detained. It's not like there's any shortage of federal crime in Portland lately.

While elected officials in Portland and the local media claim that federal involvement causes an escalation of the violence, it remains to be seen if federal facilities continue to be targets, as federal law enforcement arrests continue.

In a statement, DHS Acting Secretary Chad Wolf said, “The city of Portland has been under siege for 47 straight days by a violent mob while local political leaders refuse to restore order to protect their city. Each night, lawless anarchists destroy and desecrate property, including the federal courthouse, and attack the brave law enforcement officers protecting it.

“A federal courthouse is a symbol of justice - to attack it is to attack America. Instead of addressing violent criminals in their communities, local and state leaders are instead focusing on placing blame on law enforcement and requesting fewer officers in their community. This failed response has only emboldened the violent mob as it escalates violence day after day.

“This siege can end if state and local officials decide to take appropriate action instead of refusing to enforce the law. DHS will not abdicate its solemn duty to protect federal facilities and those within them. Again, I reiterate the Department’s offer to assist local and state leaders to bring an end to the violence perpetuated by anarchists.”

--Staff Reports

Post Date: 2020-07-20 19:45:16Last Update: 2020-07-20 19:45:54

Meme of the Week
Never let gubernatorial hypocrisy go unpunished

--Northwest Observer Meme Team

Post Date: 2020-07-20 17:39:07Last Update: 2020-07-20 17:39:18

Challenge to Emergency Clause Approved to Circulate
Voters are being denied their right to referendum

No Fake Emergencies is announcing today that they are beginning circulation of a titled ballot initiative for the 2022 election cycle. The received approval to circulate last week from the Secretary of State.

Initiative Petition 1, dubbed “No Fake Emergencies 2022” will reform the ways emergencies are handled in the legislative process. The major effect of the initiative will be to require a 2/3 majority vote on most bills declared to be an emergency.

By declaring a bill to be an emergency, the legislation not only takes effect upon being signed by the Governor, it removes the ability of the people to subject the legislation to a referendum, where it can be effectively vetoed by the people. Critics have pointed out that this process is being abused by being applied to bills which are not emergencies, but to avoid the referendum process.

Chief Petitioner State Representative Bill Post (R-Keizer) said, “for the last 5 years, as a legislator, I’ve witnessed the absolute abuse of the ‘emergency clause’ in legislation. I strongly believe that if there is an 'emergency' then it should so be declared and stated exactly what that 'emergency' is. Instead, this legislative tool has been used to override the will of the voters. It’s time for the voters to have the say in what is an 'emergency'."

State Representative Gary Leif (R-Roseburg), also one of the Chief Petitioners, added, “for far too long the emergency clause is being used for political gain rather than what it was intended for. It’s intended to bridge the gap when resources run out. Instead it’s used so that the people cannot have a voice.”

The campaign needs to gather 149,360 signatures by July of 2022 to make the November 2022 ballot. More information can be found at their website.

--Staff Reports

Post Date: 2020-07-20 14:18:42Last Update: 2020-07-20 15:18:57

Cutting the Budget: Higher Ed Pay It Forward
Make higher ed fund itself. It creates enough value to do so.

Editor’s note: This is the eighth in a multi-part series on the budget for the State of Oregon and where possible efficiencies can be found.

It's rare that an opportunity presents itself to save money while at the same time making a policy decision that makes sense.

In 2013, the State of Oregon passed a first-in-the-nation "Pay it Forward" describing a pilot for this kind of higher education tuition plan. They way the plan works is described in the bill itself:

"[I]n lieu of paying tuition or fees, students must sign binding contracts to pay to the State of Oregon or the institution a certain percentage of the student’s annual adjusted gross income upon graduation from the institution for a specified number of years."

The dollar amounts are dizzying. In the 2019-21 biennium, State of Oregon general and lottery fund support for four year colleges was over $1.3 billion and that represents about 18% of the budget for Oregon University programs. The state could rescind the general fund money, and back a bond to create a startup fund for pay-it-forward scholarships. Since the money gets paid back into the fund, the fund is self-sustaining -- or even expanding, if the university manages it well. Ultimately, the fund could be required to do the service on the debt that was taken on to create the fund.

There are several positive aspects of the program:

This program seems to have little downside while at the same time holds great potential for revolutionizing four-year higher education in Oregon. It can also deliver some great budget cuts.

Savings: Up to $1.3 billion biennially

--Staff Reports

Post Date: 2020-07-20 08:00:00Last Update: 2020-07-06 22:31:14

Public education was nice, while it lasted
Let’s replace it with School Choice

Oregon’s Governor Kate Brown has made her intentions clear. The return to school this fall will not look normal. As stated in the Governor’s July 16th press release: “As COVID-19 continues to spread across Oregon, it has become clear that school this fall will not look like a normal year. Many, if not most Oregon students are in districts that will focus on online distance learning or have a hybrid model of some online education and some in-person classroom time.”

How long will it be before Oregon’s Governor creates another emergency on something else and schools will be cancelled again? By focusing on a distance learning and hybrid model Oregon’s Governor is leaving behind families that cannot afford tutors, private schools or full time daycare. Parents who can afford it will not subject their kids to the mercy of Oregon’s failing public school system.

For now, the best move for society is to re-open schools. Short of that, the best move for families who can afford to pay for a proper education, is to do so. Everyone else? Start advocating for schools to open or accept that your kids will fall behind rich kids. The problem is not underfunding of schools. It’s teachers’ unions and bad budgeting.

Perhaps another school closure (which is coming) will finally break the political stranglehold of teacher unions with their legal monopoly of K-12 education and give parents the choice over how their education tax dollars are spent. Parents need School Choice that gives the power to parents, who otherwise could not afford a better education for their kids, to choose a better school. Forcing kids to attend underperforming public schools is a very ignorant look at education as a whole. It is fiscally and ethically irresponsible to continue to fund district schools with declining enrollment and unions with money stolen from the families and children of Oregon. Why is school choice still out of reach for Oregon’s families?

--Staff Reports

Post Date: 2020-07-18 13:18:45Last Update: 2020-07-18 13:18:56

Opinion: Mainstream Media Silent on Brown’s Hypocrisy
Governor called for federal assistance in 2016 Malheur Refuge Occupation

Oregon’s Governor Kate Brown is making the rounds in the main-stream media calling for federal officers appointed by “Orange Man Bad” to leave the troubled, dangerous, violent and increasingly filthy city of Portland Oregon. She is asserting that her and Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler “have control” of the city after 50 days of riot filled protests. Perhaps drunken with her newly found pandemic-related powers, the Governor has decided to disregard the safety of Oregonians who are unfortunate enough to live in the once beautiful city.

It seems Kate Brown is also being extremely hypocritical. In January 2016, in a statement made concerning the Malheur Refuge Occupation happening in rural eastern Oregon, she made the following statements about the protest at Malheur:

"This situation is absolutely intolerable and it must be resolved immediately."

"The very fabric of this community is being ripped apart."

"This spectacle of lawlessness must end."

Sadly, Democrats like Oregon’s Governor Kate Brown have the Leftist mainstream media in their pocket and on their side, and the media says nothing of this. This is a great lapse of responsibility and morality on the part of the media. Shameful. Consumer pressure may someday help the media with their current misinterpretation of our zeitgeist.

Boots on the ground in Oregon are reporting that the average Oregonian wants nothing to do with Portland, whether it be business or otherwise, and that travelers are avoiding passing through the city to great degrees. Critics have noted that this trend will be likely to continue, sadly, until Oregonians decide to change their leadership.

--Ben Fisher

Post Date: 2020-07-18 08:56:09

Cutting the Budget: DEQ Emissions Testing
The State of Washington beat us to it

Editor’s note: This is the seventh in a multi-part series on the budget for the State of Oregon and where possible efficiencies can be found.

Oregon law currently requires periodic emissions testing for many vehicles in the Portland and Medford areas. These tests are paid for by the vehicle owners, so the costs of doing the tests theoretically pay for themselves, though they are a drag on the economy not just in the cost of the test, but in the inconvenience borne by vehicle owners. The dollars saved by vehicle owners -- $21 in the Portland area and $10 in Medford -- will incrementally increase the economies in those regions and generate more tax dollars.

Closing the vehicle test stations might not save the state much money operationally, as the tests are self-funding, but the real estate occupied by the clean air stations certainly has some value -- probably in the millions. Sale of these locations could provide the budget with a one-time shot of cash.

Environmentalists who support the testing worry that it will lead to lower air quality, but emissions regulations on vehicles have been tightened so much that there is hardly any pollution produced.

This is what prompted the State of Washington to end it's vehicle emissions program on January 1 of this year, 38 years after it began. The Washington State Department of Ecology stated, “Air quality in Washington is much cleaner now than when the program began in 1982. Every community currently meets all federal air quality standards. The combination of the vehicle emission testing program and advances in vehicle technology led to reduced transportation-related air pollution. We think air quality will continue to improve as newer, cleaner vehicles replace older, less-efficient models.”

Savings: Several Million

--Staff Reports

Post Date: 2020-07-18 08:00:00Last Update: 2020-07-06 22:27:26

To Mask or Not
The psychology of compliance

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown says schools this fall will not look like a normal year. And why not? Following Wednesday's meeting of the Healthy Schools Reopening Council, she said: “As COVID-19 continues to spread across Oregon, it has become clear that school this fall will not look like a normal year. Many, if not most Oregon students are in districts that will focus on online distance learning or have a hybrid model of some online education and some in-person classroom time… Whether or not kids are in school buildings this fall, we must provide the very best possible education for every single Oregon student, while ensuring that the school experience is as safe as possible for everyone: students, educators, support staff, parents, and the community at large."

Previously, she announced rules for kids. Children over the age of 2 and under the age of 12 are recommended, but not required, to wear a mask, face shield or face covering. The Oregon Department of Education is following CDC guidelines recommending students in 6th to 12th grade wear face coverings when physical distancing cannot be maintained. Oregon has had 550 kids of grade school age and younger test positive with only 10 hospitalized.

What should we make of two schoolboys in China reportedly collapsed and suddenly died within a week of each other after they were forced to participate in gym class while wearing face masks?

Conditioning for “compliance refers to a change in behavior that is requested by another person or group; the individual acted in some way because others asked him or her to do so (but it was possible to refuse or decline)" according to Breckler, Olson, and Wiggins in Social Psychology Alive. It’s pressuring compliance without pressure, it’s indoctrinating for the social good that affects future responses. This is verified in a study, Consistency-based compliance across cultures, “The tendency to feel committed to past personal choices and to behave consistently with these commitments has been shown to have a profound impact in various compliance settings.”

Never mind that it’s unhealthy to wear a mask and could have more dramatic health effects than the threat of COVID-19, especially for our children. Are the school guidelines really for the protection of students from getting a virus, or is it about conditioning students into being widgets in a socialistic society?

The use of face masks on healthy people during the coronavirus pandemic has been a major point of confusion among scientists and the public, and the WHO guidelines go against the CDC's face-mask recommendations. First, on April 6, the World Health Organization released guidance saying that healthy people don't need to wear face masks to prevent coronavirus spread. Masks should be for the sick, their caretakers, and healthcare workers.

Last Friday, the CDC recommended that all Americans wear face masks when they are in public. Then, the World Health Organization new guidance confirmed that healthy people don't need to wear face masks and that doing so won't provide added protection from the coronavirus. “There's some evidence that caretakers of infected people can protect their health by wearing masks,” the WHO guidance said, but "there is currently no evidence that wearing a mask (whether medical or other types) by healthy persons in the wider community setting, including universal community masking, can prevent them from infection with respiratory viruses, including COVID-19." WHO also said, “community masking could lead to a "false sense of security."

In the week that ended on June 27, there were 1,363 deaths in the United States involving COVID-19, which was a 91.9 percent drop from the peak.

Inconsistent thoughts have taken over from constantly hearing about the “new normal” of testing, contact tracing, wearing masks, social distancing, and quarantine, with the possibility of mandatory vaccinations and microchipping. Still, multiple studies have confirmed that sunlight kills COVID in a matter of minutes, as reported in a recent New York Post article, not to mention successful treatments with choloroquine or hydroxychloroquine, favilavir and others, even CBD.

All this has led to fear and irrational reactions. It’s a primary reason why many are suspicious of government’s COVID guidance, and frustrated over what is the truth. If you are concerned about over-regulating masks for students, social distancing, and virtual classes, run for school board in 2021.

--Donna Bleiler

Post Date: 2020-07-17 20:56:39

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