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On this day, October 21, 1861, Oregon Senator Colonel Edward Dickinson Baker, for whom Baker County was named, was killed leading Union troops in the Civil War at the Battle of Ball's Bluff in Virginia.

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Local Trail Project Exposed, Cancelled
Have a look at the deep state in Yamhill County

The Yamhill County Board of Commissioners discussed the Yamhelas Westsider trail project. The application for the Yamhelas-Westsider Trail was withdrawn on a 2 to 1 vote.

A 33-page letter was presented by the attorney representing opponents of the trail, Wendie Kellington chronicling years of malpractice by County officials. Finally, justice was served. The deep state at little old Yamhill County includes former and current Administrators Laura Tschabold and Ken Hufer, legal staff Todd Sadlo and Christensen Boenish, planning director Ken Friday and his assistants plus grants coordinator Carrie Martin. All lied, deceived and knowingly betrayed the public trust by pursuing a “bureaucrat power trip project” knowing the project could never qualify for the required permits. On five occasions the Land Use Board of Appeals told them so.

Government centric misinformation was featured by the local paper while dutifully censoring the true facts. The deep state was aided in this misdeed by former one term commissioners Stan Primozich and Rick Olson. First term Commissioner, Casey Kulla, is a third elected accomplice and remains unrepentant believing a bike path is needed to save the planet from automobile emissions. It is doubtful that any of them will acknowledge their mistakes or face any consequences. Officials from ODOT, armed with state and federal grant dollars, made it all possible. Skills acquired at posturing will save them from direct personal responsibility for misspent grant money.

Yamhill County may be on the hook for up to $2 million. They can sell land to recover near half of that and will have up to 20 years to absorb the remaining financial impact. It appears that the proponents hoped to have the county in so deep financially that public pressure would cause an outcry “to finish what was started”. That outcry was made but the ruse didn’t work.

Where do public officials get these utopian dreams and the gall to promote them? From the Association of Oregon Counties? Why do these public officials think the laws don’t apply to them? Is it because they are never held accountable? Why is the public treasury so easily plundered? Is it because government institutions are rewarded for spending and not for thrift? The real tragedy is that thousands of Yamhill citizens believe the lies and will never get the truth. They are told Commissioners Starrett and Berschauer, who acted to protect individual property rights, are agents of an evil special interest group. The Yamhill County deep state and it’s legacy media mouthpiece sow the seeds of divisiveness while remaining immune from accountability safe in their salaried positions.

--Tom Hammer

Post Date: 2021-02-05 10:05:50Last Update: 2021-02-05 11:11:19

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