Should Oregon actively oppose Trump Administation policies?
Yes, at every opportunity
Yes, but only as appropriate
No, elections have consequences
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On this day, February 11, 1999 the New Carissa cargo ship which ran aground a week earlier on the Oregon Coast near Coos Bay was set on fire with explosives to burn off some 400,000 gallons of fuel oil to prevent its spillage.

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Celebrate Presidents Day
Sunday, February 16, 2025 at 2:00 pm
Come celebrate Presidents day!

Sunday February 16th (day prior to Presidents day)

2562 S Santiam Hwy, Lebanon OR

(Between Grocery Outlet and Schmizza)

1:30 PM starts flag wave, movie starts approx. 2:30 PM

Flag wave weather permitting. dress warm.

Watch the Reagan movie and enjoy some snacks.

$5 donation recommended.

Linn County Conservative Alliance 2562 S Santiam Hwy, Lebanon, OR 97355. between Grocery Outlet and Schmizza.

Let Kids Be Kids
Thursday, March 6, 2025 at 6:00 pm
Empower parents, protect kids, and reclaim our schools. Parents have a responsibility to stand up for their children and their futures. Keynote speaker, Fox News Host Rachel Campos-Duffy. music by Kurt Van Meter. Tickets
NW Event Center, Hillsboro, OR

Friends of Gap Road Town Hall
Tuesday, March 11, 2025 at 6:00 pm
Guest Speakers: Jim Johnson a career in land use and water management, and David Neal a Linn County farm owner exporter and owner of a land water management business.
Harrisburg High School Multi Purpose Room 400 S 9th St

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Mining Permit Sought in Malheur County
DOGAMI’s mission is to provide regulation to make Oregon safe and prosperous.

Calico Resources USA Corporation is proposing to construct an underground gold mine and an indoor processing facility on a site in Malheur County about 22 miles south-southeast of Vale. The site includes both private and public lands managed by the US Bureau of Land Management.

Oregon's Chemical Mining Rules apply to this project because cyanide is proposed for processing the gold. The processed tailings will be placed in a tailings disposal facility. This facility must be lined, capped and designed to avoid any discharge to groundwater or surface waters. The impoundment will be capped and sealed upon completion. The overall project is being designed to avoid any discharge to surface or ground waters.

Under state law, The Department of Geology and Mineral Industries, under the direction of Dr. Ruarri Day-Stirrat, manages the consolidated application process for chemical mining permits. DOGAMI mission is to provide earth science information and regulation to make Oregon safe and prosperous.

Permitting agencies involved in the consolidated application process include DOGAMI, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality and Oregon Water Resources Department. Depending on specific details related to mine construction and operation, permits from the Department of State Lands or the Oregon Health Authority may also be required. Other federal, state, or local regulations are also required, including local land use permitting.



Oregon law provides environmental performance standards that guide agencies' reviews. The intent is to minimize environmental damage through use of best available, practicable, and necessary technology and provide protection measures that are consistent with polices of the permitting agencies.

A wildlife protection plan will be required to ensure no overall loss of wildlife habitat and to meet the State requirement of an objective of zero wildlife mortality.

If the application is considered complete by the reviewing agencies, DOGAMI will issue a Notice to Proceed, beginning the State permitting process. State agencies will then prepare draft permits for public input, followed by the development of final permits.

The permitting process provides multiple opportunities for the public and interested stakeholders to participate in reviewing and commenting on Calico's application and the consolidated permit requirements.

The Technical Review Team -- composed of various state agencies -- will meet by teleconference on Thursday June 30, 2022 from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. PST. The public and media can listen to the meetings by joining the Zoom Meeting online, or by phone. For further information, contact the DOGAMI Albany office at (541) 967-2083 or email:

--Staff Reports

Post Date: 2022-06-16 08:01:42Last Update: 2022-06-16 08:41:35

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