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Trump wins by more than 5 points
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The race is basically a tie, gets messy and goes to the courts
Harris wins by more than 5 points
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On this day, January 7, 1996, Keiko, the killer whale, and star of the movie Free Willy, a film about a boy who frees an orca from a bad owner by returning him to the sea. Based on the popularity of the movie, the studio established the Free Willy Keiko Foundation in 1995. Donations large and small funded the building of a special facility for Keiko at the Oregon Coast Aquarium in Newport. With the help of the United States Air Force and UPS, Keiko was moved to his new home in Oregon.

Also on this day, January 7, 1913, the Rosecrans ran aground on Peacock Spit at the mouth of the Columbia. Through heroic actions by the crews of the Point Adams station and its sister station at Cape Disappointment, two people were rescued. The day-long endeavor, during which two motor lifeboats were sunk, became the stuff of legend among surfmen. Sixteen gold life-saving medals were awarded, a record number that has not been broken since.

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Oregon Republican Party CD6 Presidential Inaugural Ball
Monday, January 20, 2025 at 7:00 pm
Master of Ceremony Siaka Massaquoi J6 Legal Defense Fund General Admission $247 Get tickets at: https://aftontickets.com/event/buyticket/k3xdl7qdjw
600 14th Street NW DC, District Of Columbia 20005

Learn About School Choice
Saturday, January 25, 2025 at 12:00 pm
Black Bear Diner, Free coffee and Bearclaws! Questions? Donna@LetThemLearnOregon.com
Grants Pass, Black Bear Diner

Western Liberty Network 15th Annual Conference
Saturday, February 1, 2025 at 9:00 am
"Take the Offensive" Leadership and Activist Training Conference. See speakers and sessions and register at https://wlnexecdir.wixsite.com/wstlbtnet
Holiday Inn Portland Columbia Riverfront hotel located at 909 N Hayden Island Drive, Portland, Oregon 97217.

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DEQ Provides Public Water Quality Monitor
Users can view the data in different formats to meet their needs

The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality has released a new online tool that will give the public greater access to water quality monitoring data. The Pesticide Stewardship Partnerships Data Viewer is an interactive tool that displays monitoring data collected by Oregon's Pesticide Stewardship Partnerships, a voluntary program co-managed by DEQ and the Oregon Department of Agriculture.

Oregonians who want to know what pesticides are in their local streams can now easily access monitoring results through data viewer. "The development and release of this new tool directly supports DEQ's efforts to improve transparency and provide easy access to environmental data," says Jennifer Wigal, DEQ's Water Quality Administrator

The tool provides access to current and historic pesticide water quality data that DEQ and the Department of Agriculture use to inform the management of the program, which monitors for more than 130 chemicals in Oregon surface waters.

Users can view the data in different formats to meet their needs, such as data for a particular pesticide they are interested in, data from a specific location and/or specific time-period, or a summary of all pesticide detections and measured concentrations across PSP basins. The tool also includes an interactive map, which displays where the water samples are collected, the areas that may be contributing pesticides to each sample location, and generalized land uses (e.g., agriculture, urban or forest) to help users better understand the monitoring data.



"Orchardists in the Hood River Basin have done amazing work in the last two decades to use pesticides responsibly and reduce concentrations in local streams," said Brian Nakamura, President of Nakamura Orchards and Board Chair of the Hood River Soil and Water Conservation District. "We want members of the public to be able to view the pesticide data and to increase awareness of the work that's been done to protect water quality."

--Staff Reports

Post Date: 2022-07-12 17:17:07

Is Salem-Keizer Using Porn as Curriculum?
Educators are not meant to be teaching kids to learn about sexual pleasure

Some parents in the Salem-Keizer School District are asking why The District's Director of Strategic Initiatives Suzanne West is hiding behind a secret committee with regards to refusing to rid schools in the district of the explicit and pornography-laden book, Gender Queer?

According to some parents, there has been an alarming trend to sever parent child relationships within Oregon schools such as Salem-Keizer district. Parents have been trying to have the book, Gender Queer removed from schools to no avail. After requests are received a committee is supposed to be made up of school librarian, parents, school administration and teachers are required to decide as was the case when controversial ‘anti racism’ book “Stamped,” was kept on the shelves.

With Gender Queer West held a secret meeting with a secret committee and decided to ignore parents who were actively trying to be a part of the process and Suzanne made the decision to retain Gender Queer in their school libraries. Why did Suzanne exclude the parents paying for these books, through tax dollars, from the book reconsideration process?

The root of the problem is not books or free speech. To say kids should be allowed to read any books at school is unjustifiable. Parents in Salem-Keizer are not trying to stop books from being read by kids, they are simply trying to protect kids from harmful hyper-sexualized content.

For many parents this shows a deep lack of responsibility and care concerning our children who deserve a real education that focuses on reading, writing and math. Oregon education is at the bottom of the nation despite all the policies of inclusivity. Want to be an inclusive school? Teach kids how to excel in reading.



The question is not whether books like Gender Queer have literary, artistic, political, or scientific value. The issue is that parents should have the right to prevent their kids from being exposed to obscene materials. Legal sources have said it could be a Class A misdemeanor if obscene materials like Gender Queer is presented to a minor outside of school. Educators are not meant to be teaching and forcing kids to learn about sexual pleasure which is what books like Gender Queer does.

--LaRissa Burke

Post Date: 2022-07-12 08:58:23Last Update: 2022-07-12 17:06:05

Six Cases of Monkeypox Reported in Oregon
The cases in Oregon are all among men

Health officials are emphasizing information-sharing, testing, vaccination and treatment as part of Oregon’s response to a national outbreak of hMPXV -- human monkeypox virus -- that includes at least six cases in the state.

The cases in Oregon are all among men -- one in Multnomah County, confirmed June 16 -- two confirmed July 1 and one confirmed July 6 in Lane County -- and two in Washington County, confirmed July 6. There have been no deaths.

According to a Monkeypox Report released by the Oregon Health Authority, Monkeypox is a rare disease caused by infection with monkeypox virus (MPXV). The Orthopoxvirus genus, which includes MPXV, also includes variola virus (which causes smallpox), vaccinia virus, and cowpox virus. Historically, it has been a zoonotic disease -- transmitted from animals to humans -- and is endemic to forested areas of Central and West Africa. It is unclear which animals are reservoirs for monkeypox, however, rodents in endemic areas appear to be likely candidates.

The name stems from the first recognized outbreak, in monkeys in a Danish laboratory in 1958. The first human case was identified in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. In May 2022, monkeypox emerged in humans in several countries without enzootic or endemic disease. The federal Centers for Disease Control maintains a list of these countries.

The distinctive rash is typically preceded by a prodrome of fever, headache, and muscle aches, however in the 2022 outbreak, many cases have not reported prodromal symptoms. Lymphadenopathy is common and is a distinctive feature of monkeypox, compared to other common febrile rash illnesses. The prodrome is followed within 1–3 days by a rash, often on the face, spreading to the trunk and limbs. The rash evolves through several stages — starting with flat macules or patches that progress to firm, deep-seated papules, which then may fill with fluid or pus, and eventually scab and fall off. Lesions can display umbilication. Lesions typically develop simultaneously and evolve together on any given part of the body. The illness typically lasts 2–4 weeks.



Historically, transmission has often resulted from animal exposure in endemic areas. Human-to-human spread is from direct or indirect contact with body lesions, including skin-to-skin contact with lesions, contact with contaminated objects such as towels, bedding, or other fomites containing such fluids, or potentially from large respiratory droplets. Transmission risk is low (basic reproduction number ~2) and usually requires close, prolonged contact.

--Staff Reports

Post Date: 2022-07-11 17:19:50

Emerald Ash Borers Discovered in Forest Grove
It is considered the most destructive forest pest in North America

On June 30, Dominic Maze, an invasive species biologist for the City of Portland, happened to discover an emerald ash borer. Maze's discovery of an emerald ash borer in a parking lot in Forest Grove is the first known sighting on the West Coast. Maze was familiar with EAB and signs of it in ash trees through educational materials federal and state agencies have been providing to Portland and other Oregon cities. He immediately called the Oregon Department of Forestry's Forest Health Unit to report the emerald ash borer sighting.

ODF Forest Entomologist Christine Buhl drove to the site that same day and identified an adult EAB, known for their metallic, shiny green color. She then alerted the Oregon Department of Agriculture. Her identification was verified later by two additional invasive species specialists – Max Ragozzino with ODA and Wyatt Williams with ODF.

State officials are asking the public to learn what an emerald ash borer looks like and to report any sightings online at the Oregon Invasive Species Council hotline. This will help the state know how far and how fast this destructive insect is spreading in Oregon.

The emerald ash borer is native to eastern Asia and has spread to about three dozen states since its first detection in Michigan two decades ago. The emerald ash borer is now considered the most destructive forest pest in North America. Although harmless to people, pets, and animals, it has proven deadly to all ash species in North American and Europe, including the native Oregon ash. The emerald ash borer can also infest American fringe trees and European olive trees.



The infested ash trees in Forest Grove were cut down and chipped within 48 hours of discovery. ODF and ODA are now working closely with industry partners, including urban foresters and nursery producers, to provide information and resources as Oregon launches a response to the discovery of the emerald ash borer.

The state is using the Emerald Ash Borer Readiness and Response Plan for Oregon as a guide in its response. The plan was finalized in March 2021 and created through the collaborative efforts of a diverse group of stakeholders and state agencies. The state will be consulting with local and federal governments and providing updates to the public and industry as it moves through its response efforts.

To report sightings of emerald ash borer please make a report online at the Oregon Invasive Species Council hotline. For more information about the emerald ash borer please visit ODA's Emerald Ash Borer webpage.

For more information about impacts of the emerald ash borer to Oregon's urban forests and the risks to native ash trees please visit ODF's Forest Health page.

--Staff Reports

Post Date: 2022-07-11 08:59:43Last Update: 2022-07-11 09:16:13

Three Sides to the Vaccine Coin
Controversial vaccine mandate enforced for Oregon National Guard

The Oregon National Guard buckled down this week barring members who have not followed orders to be vaccinated against COVID-19 from taking part in military duties.

The order comes in response to the Department of Defense’s August 2021 order that all military personnel be vaccinated against COVID-19.

The order is aimed at around 240 Guard members out of 8,000. Service members have the option to qualify for a permanent medical exemption or religious accommodation, and if denied they have the right to appeal that decision within 30 days. The urgency came now when the U.S. Army announced plans to enforce the vaccination deadline for the mandatory two-week summer training.

That new mandate came at the same time that the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) released June’s report that 56.5% of COVID-19 cases were vaccinated and 41.1% of them were fully vaccinated with boosters. Observers should also keep in mind that the vaccinated cases are only counted if contracted more than two weeks after being vaccinated. If contracted within two weeks, they are counted as unvaccinated.

Flip the coin and American cardiologist, Dr. Peter McCullough, shared that “This month the World Council for Health (WCH) which represents 70 bodies worldwide has called for a global recall of all vaccines.”

The World Council for Health points to 40,000 deaths from the vaccine, when they suggest that the standard for pulling a vaccine off the market is 50 deaths. According to the WCH,the CDC admitted on December 10, 2021, that 79% of omicron patients were fully vaccinated. Despite the large number of deaths and the recall from the World Council For Health, Oregon keeps pushing the narrative to encourage as many people as possible to get the controversial vaccine.



On June 30, 2021, Governor Kate Brown rescinded Executive Order 20- 66 and many other executive orders that directed OHA to issue enforceable guidance for various sectors of the state regarding COVID- 19 restrictions. Still, entities continue to follow those directives as if they are federal or state statutes, regulations and rules, or local ordinances.

Despite building evidence that the COVID vaccine is ineffective and the death rate is growing, OHA continues to say: “COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective at protecting people from getting seriously ill, being hospitalized and dying. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends a COVID-19 primary series vaccines for everyone ages 6 months and older, and COVID-19 boosters for everyone ages 5 years and older, if eligible.”

OHA now shows the number of people who died with COVID-19 that had underlying conditions. They range from 88% to 100%. They say as a takeaway, “The majority of people who died with COVID-19 had an underlying condition, at a consistent 90% or more across all time periods of the pandemic.”Critics are saying that the OHA neatly avoids reporting how many deaths were vaccinated.

--Donna Bleiler

Post Date: 2022-07-10 16:13:26Last Update: 2022-07-10 17:39:07

Oregon GOP Questions Johnson’s Ethics
Johnson admitted to the ethics violations and was fined $600

According to the Oregon Republican Party, independent gubernatorial candidate and former State Senator Betsy Johnson claims she wants to ‘hold government accountable,’ but Oregonians must hold her accountable for past actions during her term of public office, including ethics violations, an FBI criminal investigation, and the attempt to use “legislative immunity” to escape accountability for injuries caused by her actions in a car crash.

“In a time when the public’s trust in government officials is alarmingly low, Oregon citizens need to know that those in public office have integrity and an unwavering commitment to personal ethics and accountability. Oregonians are tired of ‘rules for thee, but not for me.’” Oregon Republican Party Chairman Justin Hwang responded to these revelations.

In 2007, Johnson admitted to ethics violations after she failed to report profits from a land sale. The Government Standards and Practices Commission investigated whether “Johnson failed to report her profits from a property sale that has been linked to legislation that she sponsored. The parcel next to the Scappoose airport was sold three months after purchase for a $119,000 increase in value. The legislation she sponsored gave special access to landowners with property next to airports. Johnson admitted to the ethics violations and was fined $600.

In 2008, Betsy was under criminal investigation by the FBI after admitting to violation of state ethics laws. "Sen. Betsy Johnson, D-Scappoose, who admitted to violating state ethics laws earlier this year, is now under a criminal investigation by the local FBI office. Three sources who have been interviewed by investigators say the FBI since last summer has been looking into business dealings by the Democratic senator." No action was taken as a result of this investigation.



Johnson used legislative immunity to fight a lawsuit for a traffic accident she was part of in 2013. "In 2013, according to court records, then-state Sen. Betsy Johnson (D-Scappoose) rear-ended a driver stopped at a red light in her hometown. But the crash was also significant for the way that Johnson attempted to fight off the lawsuit filed by the woman in the other car. Melissa Gallentine, 42, says Johnson tried to avoid taking any responsibility for her injuries—by claiming she was performing legislative duties driving to the Capitol." All parties were covered by insurance and compensated.

More than one insider found it interesting that the Oregon Republican Party has taken to attacking the independent candidate Betsy Johnson, while ignoring the Democratic Nominee, Tina Kotek, a move that some say shows that Johnson is finding support within the Republican Party.

--Staff Reports

Post Date: 2022-07-09 09:22:42Last Update: 2022-07-09 10:11:49

Brown’s Clemency Process Criticized
Brown has created her own clemency process outside of the law

Linn County District Attorney Douglas Marteeny, Lane County District Attorney Patty Perlow, and Salem attorney Kevin Mannix, have joined in criticism of Governor Kate Brown’s July 1 action to create a Clemency Review Process of her own. The Governor’s new Clemency Review Process is designed to be an alternative to the statutory clemency review process, based on a letter from Governor Brown to the Oregon District Attorneys Association.

District Attorneys Marteeny and Perlow are represented by Kevin Mannix in a lawsuit challenging the process used by the Governor as to clemency cases. Their challenge is before the Oregon Court of Appeals and arguments in the case were presented to the Court on June 23, 2022.

Mannix describes the legal action taken against Governor Brown. “We are in Court challenging the assertion by the Governor that she is not obligated to follow the specific legal process for cases where an application for clemency has been presented to the Governor. The Governor, in this litigation, has asserted that she is free to create her own clemency process which is outside the process required by law. Her own clemency process, before July 1, was informal and failed to meet the legal requirements that the Governor notify each District Attorney of the case where the Governor is considering a clemency application, and then allows crime victims to present their perspective to the Governor.”

Mannix also pointed out that, “In a letter to Oregon's District Attorneys, the Governor has now fortified her position by appointing her own victim impact liaison and by asserting that she will be in a position to decide whether or not crime victims will have an opportunity to express their views to the Governor. This process is in direct violation of the process required by law. As I pointed out to the Court of Appeals in my argument on June 23, the Governor seems to believe that she is in an alternative universe where she can create her own clemency process outside of the law. Her July 1 announcement expands this bizarre proposition by creating this alternative process where the Governor and her representatives get to decide whether or not crime victims will be given an opportunity to be heard in regard to clemency applications by the criminals who harmed the victims.”

Linn County District Attorney Douglas Marteeny weighed in, saying, “The Governor’s recent statements emphasizing her concern for crime victims in the commutation process seem disingenuous at best. Just two weeks ago she advocated before the Appellate Court to interpret the law in a way that reduces a victim’s voice. The Governor fought to be able to sidestep victim protections found in ORS 144.650.

Marteeny continued, “If the Governor’s position and concern for victims have changed in the past two weeks, then I call upon her to revoke all her previous victim-silenced commutations where she didn’t follow ORS 144.650. I further ask the Governor to join me in working to mold the law, through legislation or legal interpretation, in a manner that will require herself and all future Governors to first hear from victims before commutation decisions are made.”

“It is disappointing, to say the least,” said Lane County District Attorney Patty Perlow, “that as we await the Court of Appeals decision, Governor Brown continues to create chaos and instability in our criminal justice system. As district attorneys across the state struggle to apply limited resources intended to prosecute criminals and enforce the rule of law, this Governor, and her cohort Professor Aliza Kaplan, are creating the ‘crisis’ of unprecedented numbers of felons applying for early release consideration. I object to the creation of yet another ‘alternative’ process and the appointment of a Victim Impact Liaison on the Governor’s staff. This merely continues to distance the Governor from the victim and the cold hard facts that she wants to ignore.”

--Staff Reports

Post Date: 2022-07-09 08:59:52Last Update: 2022-07-09 10:10:33

Prosecutor Quits Multnomah County DA Office
“You ran a campaign opposed to Ballot Measure 11”

Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt's office was rocked when an attorney in the office, Amber Kinney a level 3 Child Abuse Prosecutor in the Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office, resigned and sent an open letter to the Oregonian blasting Schmidt's management of the office.

In the letter, Kinney cited increased workloads and how they disproportionately impact women as well as "the lack of leadership opportunities for women," saying this was the reason "we have lost so many experienced and talented female attorneys. Since you took office in August 2020, we have lost eight career prosecutors -- seven of the eight are women. I am the ninth. And I will not be the last."

Kinney continued:

"Our caseloads are unreasonably high due also (and in large part) to mismanagement within our office. And that is your fault. The cases I handle are almost entirely comprised of Ballot Measure 11 (mandatory minimum) felonies, many subject to laws requiring a mandatory minimum of 25 years in prison (Ballot Measure 73 and Jessica’s Law). As you are keenly aware, you ran a campaign opposed to Ballot Measure 11 and mandatory minimum prison sentences. However, since taking office 18 months ago, you have not provided any new policies or direction to the DDAs about how we should handle mandatory minimum cases: whether we should resolve them differently, or whether we should issue them differently.

Kinney concluded, "There is no transparency. I don’t know whether the lack of transparency is due to your intentional desire to prevent scrutiny, or perhaps a genuine absence of structure and coherent decision making."

--Staff Reports

Post Date: 2022-07-08 16:04:32Last Update: 2022-07-08 16:45:12

Johnson Campaign Releases Gubernatorial Poll
“The primary honeymoon is over for party nominees”

Gubernatorial candidate Betsy Johnson's campaign has released a poll that shows her neck-and-neck with former Oregon House Speaker and Democrat nominee Tina Kotek. GS Strategy Group -- a national polling company -- was engaged by the Johnson campaign to conduct a poll on the Oregon Governor's race.

According to the polling company, "As the Oregon Gubernatorial election enters the summer, it’s clear that Betsy Johnson has gained the upper hand on the field. As voters increasingly tune in to their choices, she is personally viewed most positively, and the idea of an independent governor drives undecideds to her. The primary honeymoon is over for party nominees, the two major party candidates are narrowly confined to their ideological bases, and Betsy Johnson is well positioned to win remaining undecideds."

"Betsy Johnson has significant room to grow as voters learn about her independent candidacy, while Kotek and Drazan are limited by unfavorable images and narrow appeal to ideological extremes," concluded a poll memo that contained poll results.

GS Strategy Group conducted a poll on behalf of Run Betsy Run. The telephone survey was conducted June 23-29, 2022, among 600 likely November 2022 voters in Oregon. Respondents were randomly selected from the voter file and the survey has a margin of error of +/- 4.0 percent at the 95% confidence level. Surveys were conducted using live interviewers, with 70% conducted by cell phone and 30% by landline.

--Staff Reports

Post Date: 2022-07-08 06:08:24Last Update: 2022-07-08 08:29:40

Deschutes County to Hold Meeting on Magic Mushrooms
Psilocybin product manufacturing and service centers in rural County

The Board of County Commissioners will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, July 13, to receive testimony and consider whether to refer an ordinance to voters in November that would prohibit psilocybin product manufacturing and the establishment of psilocybin service centers in the unincorporated County.

The hearing will begin at 2 p.m. and will be reconvened at 5:30 p.m. at the Deschutes Services Building, located at 1300 NW Wall Street in Bend.

Virtual participation will also be available. Residents who wish to participate virtually can access log in information online.

Participants will have three minutes to provide testimony.

With the passage of Ballot Measure 109 in 2020, a statewide program exists to permit licensed manufacturers to cultivate and process psilocybin-producing mushrooms and fungi and for licensed service providers to administer psilocybin-producing mushroom and fungi products to adults 21 and older.



Unless a jurisdiction opts out through a local ballot measure in the next general election, Oregon Health Authority (OHA), which administers the psilocybin program, will begin accepting applications for licenses on January 2, 2023.

--Ben Fisher

Post Date: 2022-07-07 12:44:55Last Update: 2022-07-07 18:08:24

Oregon Republicans Claim Early Lead in Polls
Red wave or anti-blue wave? Experts differ.

Oregon House and Senate Republican caucus leaders are releasing statewide polling that shows that Oregonians desperately want change. The poll -- conducted by the national firm Cygnal -- of likely general election voters view elected Democrats in the legislature unfavorably by 13.6%.

57% think Oregon is headed in the wrong direction and likely voters say they prefer the generic Republican candidate by 4.6%. Christine Drazan leads the gubernatorial ballot by a point.

“Tina Kotek and House Democrats have been responsible for the last decade of Oregon decline,” House Republican Leader Vikki Breese-Iverson said. “Their status quo has led to Oregonians struggling under an extra layer of inflation, with higher gas prices and higher costs of living than other parts of the country. We have a chance to balance Oregon this year and Republican candidates are running on that message. Change will only happen in Oregon if Republicans are put in the Governor’s mansion and legislature.”

According to the pollster, Cygnal, Democrats from Salem to Washington, DC are drowning in the polls. Things have never looked worse for Democrats in Oregon. Even in the wake of Dobbs, Democrats at every level of government are taking the full brunt of voter’s frustrations. Joe Biden remains incredibly unpopular with a net favorability of -17%. Nearly every demographic has a net unfavorable view of the President with more than 2/3 of NAVs dissatisfied with Biden (53% very unfavorable).

They say that Tina Kotek is even more unpopular than Joe Biden with a net favorability of -18%. With confidence in the direction of the state dismal, voters are turning to the GOP. Among their findings: “It’s clear that Oregonians want change and balance,” said Senate Republican Leader Tim Knopp. “They are fed up with higher prices, lower standards of living, and rampant homelessness and crime. Democrat leadership has made all these issues worse over the last decade of one-party rule. Our candidates are going to press these issues with common sense solutions.”

--Staff Reports

Post Date: 2022-07-07 11:56:43Last Update: 2022-07-07 16:35:44

Urban Development Planned for McMinnville
Aspires to steer much of that growth in a positive direction

McMinnville has an exciting opportunity to develop more than 200 acres of highly visible parcels near the existing hospital, airport and Air Museum. The Three Mile Area Plan, 3MLAP, is within the Urban Growth Boundary relieving the City of Department of Land Conservation and Development regulatory hurdles. Downtown McMinnville, centered on Third Street is one of Oregon’s most picturesque main streets. Growing interest in the state’s wine country is a major economic force changing the nature of downtown McMinnville. 3MLAP aspires to steer much of that growth in a positive direction.

One challenge involving the new area is connecting 3MLAP with existing McMinnville without impeding the flow of transit traffic on Highway 18 that separates portions of the two. The Highway 18 by-pass has successfully routed through traffic around and not through McMinnville for decades with minimal interruptions to highway speed expectations. 3MLAP will enjoy high visibility to this major arterial, stimulating demand for a variety of high end uses for the land.

Citizen input, led by Heather Richards, McMinnville City Planning Director, has evolved a plan recognizing the many needs likely to emerge in the next generation of community growth. Originally thought to be primarily for airport related industrial use, the parcels can exploit nearby transportation and relieve downtown growing pains by offering office, commercial, and residential opportunities in addition to industrial use.



One of several keys to success is vehicular transportation improvements that utilize improved frontage roads and roundabouts to isolate through traffic on Highway 18 from a certain large increase in local traffic. Another key is creating an aesthetic that yields both an attractive place to live and work plus one that easily draws patrons. McMinnville, like most densely populated areas in Oregon, has a severe housing shortage with resulting home prices that threaten affordability for many. 3MLAP can offer some relief. Another key is numerous parcels of “fresh canvas” for planners to work with, allowing a genuine opportunity for meaningful impact, an incentive for developers. One measure of long term success will be whether or not 3MLAP helps the average income for local residents to rise faster than the cost of living.

The plan states, “The Area Plan envisions land uses that are different than what is currently planned for on the City’s Comprehensive Plan map. To allow for the area to develop consistent with the vision for the Three Mile Lane Area, the City will need to change the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The predominant change is from an Industrial designation to a Commercial designation for 40 acres south of Highway 18. The other change south of the highway, west of Norton Lane, is from Industrial to Commercial and Residential. The needed amendment north of the highway and west of Norton Lane changes Industrial designated land to Commercial and Residential designations to enable the subject properties to develop as a mixed-use area”.

--Tom Hammer

Post Date: 2022-07-07 11:30:26Last Update: 2022-07-07 11:56:43

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