On this day, November 24, 1971, On Thanksgiving eve DB Cooper boarded Flight 305 in Portland, Or., and demanded $200,000 with the threat of a bomb. He parachuted from a Northwest Airlines 727 with the money over the Cascade Mountains near Ariel, Wash., and was never seen again. FBI agent Ralph Himmelsbach wrote the book NORJAK that described the case. A packet containing $5,880 of the ransom money was found in 1980 on the north shore of the Columbia River, just west of the Washington city of Vancouver. In 2011 evidence was presented that Lynn Doyle Cooper of Oregon, a Korean war veteran, was the hijacker. On July 13, 2016, the FBI said it is no longer investigating the case.
A plan is needed to make up the lost knowledge
During the COVID-19 pandemic students have experienced challenges and learning loss because of many factors. Summer break time also results in learning loss.
Some state lawmakers are considering adopting a year-round calendar as a means of helping to address the learning loss.
Republican State Senator Brad Hawkins of Washington State is sponsoring Washington
SB 5147 which seeks to explore alternative school calendars. Section 1 of the bill states
“The COVID-19 pandemic has created a unique set of challenges and circumstances that have tested the K-12 education system. Due to reduced instructional time, educational inequities, and the inability to access technology and educational services, many students have suffered learning loss and a disruption to their educational experience. As a result, the legislature finds that a school calendar other than that traditionally used by Washington schools may help students to obtain the knowledge and skills needed to prevent negative educational outcomes. By extending the school year or using an alternative calendar, selected school districts will be better able to address the negative outcomes of the pandemic in a flexible and locally responsive manner. It is also the intent of the legislature to utilize federal stimulus funding as a potential source of funding for this program.â€
Most students are not served by the current outdated school calendar in place in many states like Oregon. This is an opportune time to seriously consider year round school.
--Celeste GervascioPost Date: 2021-02-09 08:33:29 | Last Update: 2021-02-09 08:44:07 |