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Bill Probes Alternatives for Closing Prison
The negative economic impact to these communities will be extremely challenging

Governor Brown has taken steps to close three Oregon correctional facilities over the next two years: According to State Representative E. Werner Reschke, the negative economic impact to these communities will be extremely challenging. Representative Reschke is against closure and states his strong support for keeping Warner Creek Correctional Facility open.

“The political leadership remains in favor of closing Warner Creek Correctional Facility by mid-2022. I am strongly committed to making it clear to the Governor and legislators in Salem that closing Warner Creek Correctional Facility is a grave mistake for several reasons,” said Representative Reschke. Reschke has joined Senator Findley in Chief Sponsoring SB 19, which upon closure would transfer Warner Creek Correctional Facility to Lake County and allow the county a one-time land use change. This allows the county to use the building, or find a private entity to lease or buy the facility.

“While SB 19 does not immediately replace all the lost jobs due to a prison closure, it provides a far better future for Lake County than the State’s plan of shuttering the facility for non-use,” said Rep. Reschke.

--Staff Reports

Post Date: 2021-02-02 18:30:37Last Update: 2021-02-02 19:17:51

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