Spoiler alert: no one is going to show up
The Salem Police Department have put out a statement ahead of expected demonstrations surrounding the inauguration of President Biden. Additionally, the Oregon Capitol Building's first floor windows have been boarded up.
The Salem Police Department and Oregon State Police are aware of potential demonstrations and civil unrest at the Oregon State Capitol on January 19-20. Information on these events is limited and rapidly evolving. Based on current information, the protest start times vary between 9:00am and noon.
"We are well aware of the potential protests being discussed between now and Inauguration Day," remarked Police Chief Trevor Womack during a presentation at the January 11 meeting of the Salem City Council about the department's strategic approach to protests and marches in Salem. "We are closely communicating and coordinating with our partners to make sure we are prepared."
As a reminder, for events that occur at the state capitol, the Oregon State Police (OSP) has jurisdiction and enforcement responsibility. Additionally, OSP issued a statement on Wednesday, January 13 which announced the utilization of the Oregon National Guard to assist with the expected events at the state capitol. The Salem Police Department will work in a support role to OSP and assist as requested and needed.
About the possibility of additional protest-related impacts to the community, Chief Womack added, "We stand ready and equipped to guard our community and will work to minimize any adverse impacts to our neighborhoods and streets."
To the extent possible, residents are encouraged to avoid the vicinity of the state capitol on the dates mentioned given enforcement activities and disruptions to traffic flow may occur.
Interested persons can monitor the Salem Police Department or OSP's media platforms for any traffic or police advisories.
--Staff ReportsPost Date: 2021-01-19 20:49:10 | |