In co-operation with county emergency management agencies
An Oregon Special Session Legislative Concept(LC) has been proposed which would direct the Oregon Business Development Department to establish program to create the Oregon Critical Disaster Preparedness Stockpile to ensure robust stock of emergency supplies and equipment.
LC0003 would direct the Oregon Homeland Security Council, in consultation with Oregon Health Authority and relevant state agencies, to develop a list of essential equipment, materials, supplies,distribution channels and manufacturing capabilities for stockpile, including personal protective equipment, communicable disease testing equipment and all-hazards emergency surge supplies.
The program would be administered by the department in co-operation with county emergency management agencies and the Office of Emergency Management.
The often used emergency would be declared in the state legislature, making this law effective immediately upon it's passage.
--Ben FisherPost Date: 2020-12-09 10:49:49 | Last Update: 2020-12-07 12:18:40 |