Should Oregon actively oppose Trump Administation policies?
Yes, at every opportunity
Yes, but only as appropriate
No, elections have consequences
Northwest Observer
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Oregon Citizens Lobby War Room
Thursday, April 3, 2025 at 8:30 am
Meet at Ike Box for training and updates on legislation. Send testimony, watch hearings, and visit capitol to testify. Legislators and special guests. Every Thursday 8:30am to 3pm to June 26.
Ike Box, 299 Cottage St NE, Salem (upstairs)

Coffee Klatch, Jeff Kropf host
Monday, April 7, 2025 at 6:00 pm
Political news unraveled. Guest speakers, Senators and Representatives. Hear Candidates running for May Primary. Learn how to testify. Bring your friends and neighbors! All welcome.
Sparky's Brewing Company 1252 23rd SE, Salem

OFF 2-Day Shooting Event
Saturday, May 3, 2025 at 10:00 am
Oregon Firearms Federation. All proceeds benefits OFF’s legal fund to cover ongoing fight against Measure 114 and efforts to protect your Second Amendment rights. Cost $50 per day, May 3 and 4, 10am to 7pm. Competitions. Special prices. Food & drink provided. 541-258-4440
Indoor Shooting Range, 580 S Main, Lebanon, OR

Oregon Citizens Lobby War Room
Thursday, June 26, 2025 at 8:30 am
Meet at Ike Box for training and updates on legislation. Send testimony, watch hearings, and visit capitol to testify. Legislators and special guests. Every Thursday 8:30am to 3:00pm to June 26.
Ike Box, 299 Cottage St NE, Salem (upstairs)

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Brown sends resources out of state
Oregon’s generosity leaves residents crying

Estacada was told to turn off their sprinkler systems and evacuate by the County Emergency Operations Center “because the fire has become too difficult to control and therefore too dangerous to fight. They pulled all firefighters off the fire-lines and out of Estacada. At this point there will be no firefighters protecting the City.”

Residents are furious that the Super Tanker plane sets idle waiting for the Governor’s order. They see this as a repeat of the Columbia River Gorge fire three years ago when Governor Brown refused to send up the Super Tanker claiming it cost too much money.

Earlier this year six of the state’s largest CH-47 Chinook military helicopters operated by the Oregon National Guard that could have helped fight the wildfires were sent to Afghanistan. Seven other military aircraft are assisting in search and rescue and four are carrying water.

In April, Governor Brown sent 140 ventilators to New York only to turn around later and accuse President Trump for not sending Oregon ventilators.

This generosity does not relay security for Oregonians that should be government’s priority. The lack of control from riots and now the lack of providing the assets to drive back fires leaves Oregonians shaking their heads. Can we find our way back to prosperity and recovery under this administration?

--Donna Bleiler

Post Date: 2020-09-11 09:29:42

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