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Hoyle Criticized for Wildfire Prevention Leadership Failure
Hoyle Signs Old Growth Pledge, Ignores Bipartisan Legislation to Reduce and Prevent Annual Wildfires

As dozens of wildfires burn, smoke spreads, and emergencies are declared, fourth District Candidate for Congress Monique DeSpain criticized incumbent Congresswoman Val Hoyle’s leadership failure to deliver wildfire prevention after nearly two years in Congress. Oregon's fourth Congressional District contains Eugene and the Southern Oregon Coast region.

“Another year brings us another season of choking on smoke from wildfires. Everyone supports doing more to fight these fires, but voters in the Fourth District have had enough of the excuses for failing to diminish and end these annual wildfire emergencies, which are both predictable and preventable,” stated DeSpain. “In a district that is 85% forestland, of which half of it is federally-managed and where so many of these fires burn out of control every year, our current federal representative, Congresswoman Val Hoyle, hasn’t led in delivering the urgent, proactive, transformative solutions that we need. I will.”

HR 8790 Fix Our Forests Act is comprehensive, bipartisan legislation designed to restore forest health, increase resiliency to catastrophic wildfires, and protect communities by expediting environmental analyses, reducing frivolous lawsuits, and increasing the pace and scale of forest restoration projects. The Act presents desperately needed solutions that would expedite progress under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 and improve forest management activities on National Forest System lands, on public lands under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management, and on Tribal lands to return resilience to overgrown, fire-prone forested lands, and for other purposes.



“I am at heart an environmentalist who values our state's beautiful natural ecosystems and its abundant resources. I know that what is happening now, and for the last several years, is not good for the environment nor for any of us living creatures who live in or near our forests. The truth is; either we act now to harvest the timber and underbrush, which serves as a powerful fuel load for these wildfires, or we breathe the timber later as wildfire smoke every year. We must act now to improve overall forest health, which would have the added positive benefit of producing revenue for our local economies and communities that are desperate for law enforcement, school funding, and other basic community resources. This is why I will work with anyone from any party starting on Day One by supporting bipartisan bills like H.R. 8790, the Fix Our Forests Act,” added DeSpain.

Widely recognized as a vulnerable Democrat in her reelection campaign, Congresswoman Hoyle has announced that she is skipping the Democratic National Convention later in August in order to remain in Oregon because “Wildfires are getting worse out here and working this is her priority right now.” This statement falls in stark contrast to her signing of an Old Growth Pledge in support of the Biden Administration's plan to further limit the removal of dead trees on federal lands.

“As a retired Air Force Colonel, a fighter for crime victims, and the mother of twin sons, I won’t wait 19 months into my term of office to make wildfire prevention through active forest co-management a priority,” added DeSpain. “Career politicians like Val Hoyle have given us the forest policies we have now that have led to these annual wildfire disasters. She’s even doubled down on failure by signing a pledge to extreme special interest groups vowing to block better forest management policies on more Oregon federal land. I will be an independent voice for our 4th District who will focus on delivering concrete results using proven, effective solutions. Deploy me to Congress, and let's make it happen.”

This past May, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee moved Val Hoyle to its “Frontline” list of vulnerable incumbents, a powerful sign of Hoyle’s weakness versus the strong challenge being offered by GOP nominee DeSpain. Last week, the National Republican Congressional Committee named Monique DeSpain to their Young Guns Program, recognizing her campaign as one of the best in the country and making OR-04 a key flip opportunity for national Republicans. DeSpain has challenged Hoyle to six debates in six counties in the 4th District, to which Hoyle has so far failed to agree.

--Staff Reports

Post Date: 2024-08-14 09:32:20Last Update: 2024-08-14 09:47:58

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