What will be the result of the 2024 presidential election?
Trump wins by more than 5 points
Trump wins by fewer than 5 points
The race is basically a tie, gets messy and goes to the courts
Harris wins by more than 5 points
Harris wins by fewer than 5 points
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On this day, September 1, 1836, Protestant missionary Dr. Marcus Whitman led a party to Oregon. His wife, Narcissa, was one of the first white women to travel the Oregon Trail.

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Monday, September 2, 2024 at 5:00 pm
STATE FAIR IS RUNNING NOW UNTIL SEPTEMBER 2. Make sure and visit the Americans for Faithful Election booth.
Salem, Oregon

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Saturday, September 7, 2024 at 5:00 pm
Linn Laughs LIVE with Adam Corolla 5pm-9pm
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Saturday, September 14, 2024 at 10:00 am
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Rob Taylor Show Unleashes on First Live Podcast
Marc Thielman’s lawsuit rattles Secretary of State

The Rob Taylor Show was cancelled on Coos Bay radio for primarily exposing Representative David Brock Smith. That encouraged him to push his dream forward into his own platform. His first podcast, January 1, he interviewed Marc Thielman, only to find out he is being surveilled by the Secretary of State.

Thielman reported that his lawsuit, Marc Thielman, et al. v. Tina Kotek et al., came to fruition with Representative Ed Diehl’s public records request exposing the Secretary of State in the pursuit of developing spying software to target those they determine are spreading misinformation in elections. The records request confirmed that the Secretary has already spent over $5 million on a test pilot in 2022 that was never turned off. The Secretary continues to receive list of individuals they want investigated for spreading mis- dis- and mal-information. Included on that list he named Rob Taylor and Lars Larson.

Thielman says they used a government slight-of-hand to do the test run to keep it from the public. It was only when they formalized the solicitation for vendors to develop the software that the public became aware of how they want to surveil phones, emails, social media, and any other reporting or sharing of information. This was the first indication that Oregon was setting up the Secretary as our own CISA “Ministry of Truth”.

The contract was awarded to a UK firm, claiming “they use Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) to find and track disinformation threats made by the public.” But Secretary LaVonne Griffin-Valade quickly denied it, and caught her in a lie. Thielman said they have filed an injunction to stop the contract.



Washington State implemented their misinformation program about six months ago and Thielman says people are getting knocks on their doors over things they have posted on social media and voiced on podcasts. Oregon is the only state that has filed a case to fight for free speech.

Thielman thinks that 2024 will be a make-or-break year, and we can look forward to more aggressive government attacks. We have almost no chance of having a unified election. Even if the election is fraud free, we will still have to contend with Antifa and rioting.

Thielman indicated he is putting all his effort into this lawsuit, because of the change in government he has seen and how important it is. He says it hits to the underbelly, and they know their system is unconstitutional, but they don’t care.

--Donna Bleiler

Post Date: 2024-01-04 11:15:33Last Update: 2024-01-05 13:25:25

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