“We face the need to manage spending more conservatively”
Amidst declining gas tax revenues, the Oregon Transportation Commission -- the policy setting board for the Oregon Department of Transportation -- has decided to scale back several projects in its Urban Mobility Plan, including tolling on parts of I-205 and I-5. ODOT still plans to toll the section of the Abernathy Bridge, located where I-205 crosses the Willamette River, when that part of the project is complete.
In 2017, then Governor Kate Brown signed
HB 2017, known as Keep Oregon Moving. The new law directed the Oregon Transportation Commission to establish a congestion relief program, to seek federal approval to implement value pricing and to implement pricing on specific facilities. These provisions and others, including amendments made in 2021 by
HB 3055, reside at
Chapter 383 of Oregon Revised Statutes. Since 2017, ODOT has taken steps to establish a tolling program and to prepare to implement tolling on Interstates 5 and 205, as prescribed by statute. In January, 2023, the OTC adopted an amendment to Oregon Highway Plan Goal 6 Tolling and Pricing to modernize policy.
Urban Mobility Strategy Projects include:
In late June, the Oregon Transportation Commission held a special meeting to discuss their draft finance plan for major Portland region projects such as the I-5 Rose Quarter Improvement Project, I-205 Improvements Project and the Oregon Toll Program. The commission approved the plan and the agency sent this plan to Governor Kotek for her review.
This finance plan was requested by Gov. Tina Kotek , she directed to delay toll collection until 2026, recognizing that projects that were meant to be funded by toll revenue would be impacted by this delay.
The Transportation Commission says that tolling was always a central component of paying for these projects. They state that With tolling revenue now delayed, they face the need to manage spending more conservatively.
The Commission has said that there is still commitment to the I-5 Rose Quarter Improvement Project and the Historic Albina community. The commission advised ODOT staff to move forward with the baseline which will provide roughly $40 million in further funding to bring the project to a higher level of design, making it more competitive for future funding opportunities.
I-205 Improvements Project includes proposed two options regarding the I-205 Improvements Project. The baseline includes indefinitely postponing the second phase of construction, which includes adding a missing third lane and seismic upgrades to a total of eight bridges. Construction on the Abernethy Bridge would continue, and tolls would begin in 2026 to repay the costs of the bridge. The alternative option envisions doing the above but would also include additional funding to replace the Tualatin River Bridge to make it earthquake ready.
The commission advised ODOT staff to move forward with the baseline option of finishing construction on the Abernethy Bridge, tolling at the bridge to repay the cost of construction, and indefinitely postponing phase two of the project.
“This is how we’re going to move forward for the time being unless given different direction. If the direction is that we’re not going to toll at all, then we’re going to have to pivot hard and make really difficult decisions,” Chair Julie Brown shared.
--Staff ReportsPost Date: 2023-10-07 17:05:36 | Last Update: 2023-10-07 19:17:46 |