Should Oregon actively oppose Trump Administation policies?
Yes, at every opportunity
Yes, but only as appropriate
No, elections have consequences
Northwest Observer
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On this day, March 6, 2018, Oregon's Gov. Kate Brown signed a bill prohibiting domestic abusers and people under restraining orders from owning firearms.

Also on this day, May 6, 2004, the FBI, using fingerprint evidence, arrested Oregon lawyer Brandon Mayfield as part of the investigation into the Madrid, Spain, train bombings. The bureau later said Mayfield's arrest had been a mistake, and apologized. In 2006 the US government agreed to pay Mayfield $2 million to settle a lawsuit.

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Friends of Gap Road Town Hall
Tuesday, March 11, 2025 at 6:00 pm
Guest Speakers: Jim Johnson a career in land use and water management, and David Neal a Linn County farm owner exporter and owner of a land water management business.
Harrisburg High School Multi Purpose Room 400 S 9th St

Discover Ho to Regain Trust in Our Election Process
Tuesday, March 11, 2025 at 6:30 pm
Learn about results on Oregon elections from national expert on election integrity, Dr. Douglas Frank. Free event, donations to cover Dr Frank's travel exp.
Salem First Baptist, 695 Liberty St NE, Northblock 5 Bay Garage

Discover How To Regain Trust in our Election Process
Tuesday, March 11, 2025 at 6:30 pm
Join us to hear results about Oregon Elections from Dr Douglas Frank, nationally recognized election integrity expert and physicist. Dr Frank has worked with head officials in over 40 states to help restore election integrity to America. Join the effort for free and fair elections with likeminded in our community by coming to this event! Bring your friends and help create awareness that our elections need reform!
Salem First Baptist Church 695 Liberty St NE Salem, OR Northblock 5 Bay Garage March 11th 6:30pm

Evening with Dr. Douglas Frank
Wednesday, March 12, 2025 at 6:00 pm
Nationally recognized election investigator. Dr Frank has been relentlessly perusing election reform with grass roots teams in 48 States. This is a free event. there will be plenty of time for questions and to engage with Dr Frank. if you can not make the Wednesday event, there is another chance to see him in Corvallis. 1850 SW Whiteside Dr. Corvallis OR. 97333 at 10:00 am. (go to BENTONGOP.ORG for more information and to RSVP.
2562 S Santiam Hwy, Lebanon OR. Between Grocery Outlet and Schmizza.

Evening with Dr. Douglas Frank
Wednesday, March 12, 2025 at 6:00 pm
Nationally recognized election investigator. Dr Frank has been relentlessly perusing election reform with grass roots teams in 48 States. This is a free event. there will be plenty of time for questions and to engage with Dr Frank. if you can not make the Wednesday event, there is another chance to see him in Corvallis. 1850 SW Whiteside Dr. Corvallis OR. 97333 at 10:00 am. (go to BENTONGOP.ORG for more information and to RSVP.
2562 S Santiam Hwy, Lebanon OR. Between Grocery Outlet and Schmizza.

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Shorten School Days Gets Parent's Appeal
Bill passes Senate with bipartisan support.

The Oregon State Senate voted overwhelmingly to enforce students with disabilities’ right to attend school full time. Senate Bill 819 will require informed and written parental consent before a student can have a shortened school day. It also requires the Oregon Department of Education to enforce the law and empowers the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission to investigate and hold superintendents accountable for refusing to restore equal access to schools for students with disabilities.

Today, nearly 1,000 students with disabilities in districts across the state have been placed on a shortened day for whom a full school day is difficult due to endurance or other factors, in accordance with OAR 581-022-1620.

In at least one case, students receive as little as 25 minutes a week of instruction for years on end. If SB 819 is signed into law, beginning on March 27, parents of these students can file a written objection to their student’s shortened day schedule. The district must return the student to full time school within 5 school days. Failure to do so can lead to loss of state school funds and discipline for the responsible administrator.



Director Colt Gill, Oregon Department of Education said, “ODE would require additional resources to implement the investigations required by this bill in order for each eligible child to have an educational program that enables the provision of free appropriate public education (FAPE).”

“Students with disabilities have had the right to full time public education since the 1970s. It is inexcusable that many districts routinely deprive students of the chance to learn reading, math and social skills by shutting the schoolhouse door in their faces,” said Senator Sara Gelser Blouin (D-Corvallis).

“Today, the Oregon State Senate sent a clear message: There is no excuse for school districts to violate the civil rights of students with disabilities, and the Oregon Department of Education is expected to enforce state and federal law. With rapid action from the House and Governor, Oregon students will be able to realize the promise of a free and appropriate public education next month.”

The bill will now go to the House of Representatives for consideration.

--Donna Bleiler

Post Date: 2023-03-02 13:59:07Last Update: 2023-03-03 00:22:44

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