This is the first meeting since their inappropriate website was exposed
The Sherwood School District School Board is scheduled to meet at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, August 12. This meeting marks the first meeting since the school district was
exposed promoting
materials suggesting that staff “vote for Democrats†and and “Donate to campaigns of local progressive politicians...who are trying to unseat incumbent Republicans/conservatives.†The activity caught the eye of
at least one State Representative and ultimately resulted in the board taking the offending materials off its website and
issuing an apology
agenda for the meeting has been posted on the district website. Those wishing to submit
public comments are encouraged to let their voices be heard.
Parents groups have been weighing their legal options.
--Staff ReportsPost Date: 2020-08-11 19:38:21 | Last Update: 2020-08-13 15:50:44 |