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On this day, October 21, 1861, Oregon Senator Colonel Edward Dickinson Baker, for whom Baker County was named, was killed leading Union troops in the Civil War at the Battle of Ball's Bluff in Virginia.

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Meet the 2022 Candidates: US Senate
Jo Rae Perkins v Ron Wyden

Editor's note: Oregon Abigail Adams Voter Education Project equips voters with information on how candidates stand on issues through a questionnaire process featured in comparison guides.

Candidate for U.S. Senate Jo Rae Perkins is running against incumbent Ron Wyden. Perkins ran against Merkley in 2020 and made a good showing after several attempts at Congressman Peter DeFazio’s seat. She has been called out for being outspoken on issues, that just may be playing in her favor at long last. Her new platform, A Better Oregon, A Better America exemplifies an Oregon with less crime, less homelessness, where inflation is controlled, growth is supported and the American dream thrives.

Government’s only mandate is security. When you look at what is happening in Portland spreading to other parts of the state, security is what voters are looking for. Perkins’ view of the Portland scene is she is incensed over the violence and will make public safety a top priority. She supports local, state and federal law enforcement officers that uphold the U.S. and Oregon Constitutions, and securing borders from criminal elements to keep us safe.

Perkins’ Oregon Abigail Adams Voter Project questionnaire supports her longtime belief that the federal government needs to be dramatically reduced in scope. She’s insistent that both the state and federal governments have been overreaching impacting the economy. Perkins says she will vote against raising the debt ceiling, and says she will vote to end the Fed and insist the Treasury takes charge according to the U.S. Constitution.

Wyden focuses his efforts in a reactive direction. He has stood for National Guard veterans needing adequate medical care after dangerous deployments. Inspired by the death of a 15-year-old girl in Portland, Wyden was able to pass a law declassifying evidence so the Saudi government cannot protect Saudi nationals accused of serious crimes in the United States and flee the country before facing justice.

Wyden authored parts of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) on clean energy, which trashes the tax code and says the more you reduce your carbon footprint, the bigger savings you get. The IRA approved hundreds of billions in spending to combat climate change, lower drug prices and take on tax cheats funding 87,000 IRS agents. Wyden sees Oregon benefiting as a leader in climate change and renewable energy program, but who will pay for the billions?

Perkins points out the original name of the Inflation Reduction Act was the Build Back Better Plan and it is fraught with waste and more spending than it saves. She questions the billions spent to combat climate change with its focus on ‘green energy’. She says, “electric vehicles ignore the costs, the pollutants and the dangers of mining lithium. In addition, our electric grids are not sufficient to charge all the electric vehicles, which is evident with the rolling brown outs in several states.” Perkins sees natural resources are best controlled by those in the region that can best manage it and removed federal management.

Wyden claims he worked hard to replace No Child Left Behind with a better approach that empowers parents, teachers and schools. Still, he voted no twice on an Educational Savings Account bill and no on school vouchers that would have helped parents. He voted no on allowing more flexibility in federal school rules, no on funding for abstinence education to help reduce teenage pregnancy, and voted yes to fund student testing to determine student achievement instead of allowing under-performing schools to use public funds for private tutors.

Contrary to Wyden’s voting record, Perkins wants to “push politics out of our classrooms.” She opposes the teaching of Critical Race Theory and Gender Identity. She says, “such issues are designed to further divide us.” She supports school choice and the right of Parents to be involved, and believes tax dollars for education must follow the student. Perkins sees mandates as unlawful and schools, businesses or governments have no right to mandate what you put in or on your body.

Perkins also supports law enforcement to end human trafficking and homelessness. She says “murder is up 83% [in Portland] of which some is due to the homeless epidemic.” She is also actively involved with various Election Integrity groups to ensure votes are counted as intended and 100% safe and secure.



Wyden joined Governor Brown praising the funding for the community-based mobile crises intervention program, which will allow the Oregon Health Authority to work with community partners to provide health crisis 24-7, 365 days per year. Perkins sees the value for intervention and need for behavioral health responses, but we need to address the mental health crises proactively instead of reactively. She questions whether mobile treatment will lead to long term treatment and stability.

Running for the Pacific Green Party is Dan Puiju. His platform is to end the forever wars by dismantling the military-industrial complex, dismantle and prosecute the national security state and calls for a mutual non-encroachment treaty between world powers. Pulju submitted the Oregon Abigail Adams Voter Project questionnaire, that reflects the rebranding of the Pacific Green Party platform to steer away from the progressive movement.

Running for the Progressive Party is Chris Henry in the trucking industry. Henry is not a new name on the ballot. He ran for State Treasurer for the Independent Party, and the Oregon Labor Commissioner in the May Primary running on worker’s rights to unionize and education for a stronger workforce.

--Donna Bleiler

Post Date: 2022-09-13 14:49:53Last Update: 2022-09-14 08:42:37

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