We ask that our allies, local community organizations, and businesses who believe that LGBTQIA+ people deserve to live and belong in our area without fear of harm or harassment to join us in rejecting the messages and behaviors of hatred and bigotry that Rob Taylor espouses. We ask that you join us in contacting Bicoastal Media and requesting that they remove the Rob Taylor Report from their station.
For transphobic, homophobic, and racist comments on his radio show, at public events, and on social media, Southern Oregon Coast Pride takes an unprecedented action to denounce Rob Taylor and the Rob Taylor Report. His messages and behaviors harm all of us and hinder the well-being and prosperity of our community. That they are given a platform that reaches a wider audience and that they are part of his efforts to organize local opposition to the values of inclusion and acceptance of the diversity within our community makes this denouncement urgent and necessary.
Southern Oregon Coast Pride knows how important it is to advocate and create safe spaces for trans identifying individuals in our communities. Sadly, 2021 has already seen at least 45 transgender or gender non-conforming people fatally shot or killed by other violent means. We say at least because too often these stories go unreported -- or misreported. In this and previous years, the majority of these people were Black and Latinx transgender women.
Post Date: 2021-12-04 14:58:53 | Last Update: 2021-12-04 18:17:48 |