Should Oregon actively oppose Trump Administation policies?
Yes, at every opportunity
Yes, but only as appropriate
No, elections have consequences
Northwest Observer
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On this day, March 6, 2018, Oregon's Gov. Kate Brown signed a bill prohibiting domestic abusers and people under restraining orders from owning firearms.

Also on this day, May 6, 2004, the FBI, using fingerprint evidence, arrested Oregon lawyer Brandon Mayfield as part of the investigation into the Madrid, Spain, train bombings. The bureau later said Mayfield's arrest had been a mistake, and apologized. In 2006 the US government agreed to pay Mayfield $2 million to settle a lawsuit.

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Friends of Gap Road Town Hall
Tuesday, March 11, 2025 at 6:00 pm
Guest Speakers: Jim Johnson a career in land use and water management, and David Neal a Linn County farm owner exporter and owner of a land water management business.
Harrisburg High School Multi Purpose Room 400 S 9th St

Discover Ho to Regain Trust in Our Election Process
Tuesday, March 11, 2025 at 6:30 pm
Learn about results on Oregon elections from national expert on election integrity, Dr. Douglas Frank. Free event, donations to cover Dr Frank's travel exp.
Salem First Baptist, 695 Liberty St NE, Northblock 5 Bay Garage

Discover How To Regain Trust in our Election Process
Tuesday, March 11, 2025 at 6:30 pm
Join us to hear results about Oregon Elections from Dr Douglas Frank, nationally recognized election integrity expert and physicist. Dr Frank has worked with head officials in over 40 states to help restore election integrity to America. Join the effort for free and fair elections with likeminded in our community by coming to this event! Bring your friends and help create awareness that our elections need reform!
Salem First Baptist Church 695 Liberty St NE Salem, OR Northblock 5 Bay Garage March 11th 6:30pm

Evening with Dr. Douglas Frank
Wednesday, March 12, 2025 at 6:00 pm
Nationally recognized election investigator. Dr Frank has been relentlessly perusing election reform with grass roots teams in 48 States. This is a free event. there will be plenty of time for questions and to engage with Dr Frank. if you can not make the Wednesday event, there is another chance to see him in Corvallis. 1850 SW Whiteside Dr. Corvallis OR. 97333 at 10:00 am. (go to BENTONGOP.ORG for more information and to RSVP.
2562 S Santiam Hwy, Lebanon OR. Between Grocery Outlet and Schmizza.

Evening with Dr. Douglas Frank
Wednesday, March 12, 2025 at 6:00 pm
Nationally recognized election investigator. Dr Frank has been relentlessly perusing election reform with grass roots teams in 48 States. This is a free event. there will be plenty of time for questions and to engage with Dr Frank. if you can not make the Wednesday event, there is another chance to see him in Corvallis. 1850 SW Whiteside Dr. Corvallis OR. 97333 at 10:00 am. (go to BENTONGOP.ORG for more information and to RSVP.
2562 S Santiam Hwy, Lebanon OR. Between Grocery Outlet and Schmizza.

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Mask Mandates in Clackamas County
This building is now the “same as your private home”

Without comment or answer to the Northwest Observer’s questions, it appears due to the September 29, 2021, decision by the Appeals Court related to mask wearing as “nonmandatory recommendations”, the Facility Director, Jeff Jorgensen, captured the reason for any order given to the citizens by Clackamas County Commissioners and their legal counsel, Steve Markour, in this building, is that this building is now the “same as your private home”.

This government building houses or at least use to house hundreds of government employees. Many government employees continue to stay at home while now elected government officials call these government buildings “home” and their “private property”, now the move is to claim they can eject anyone they want without reason, cause, or law?

October 14, 2021, the Northwest Observer sat for 45 minutes in front of commissioners Tootie Smith, Mark Shull, Paul Savas, counsel Steve Markour during the Clackamas County Commission’s meeting mask free until the moment the public comment session began. Jorgensen approached the reporter holding in his hand what looked like some head gear contraption from 2001 Space Odessy. Because of the appeals court decision is that the reason Jorgensen never mentioned the “deadly virus” or the “emergency” or “the pandemic” and had no qualms with shaking the reporter’s hand? Now the issue has become simply that these buildings are the same as “your private home”?

The Northwest Observer's questions not answered by Chair, Tootie Smith, commissioners Mark Schull, Paul Savas and county counsel Steve Markour submitted via email include as follows: On November 19, 2020 Clackamas County Commissioner Tootie Smith said, ”How dare Governor Brown think she’s going to come out, she’s going to send the police into people’s homes and arrest them and fine them for having a Thanksgiving meal with their family, while at same time she lets rioters and anarchists destroy downtown in the city of Portland. That’s hypocrisy.”

On July 28, 2021, Commissioner Smith continued her defiance. “As the Delta variant continues to rise in Oregon, Clackamas County chair remains staunch in her defiance of virus restrictions”



And on August 12, 2021 Commissioner Smith continued to uphold her consistent stance. “This week, Governor Brown issued a mask mandate to all indoor buildings yet said local authorities would not be charged with enforcement. My question to her is this: if it’s not enforced, how is it a mandate?” Smith asked.”

Oregonians know more and more now after a year and a half of listening to Governor Kate Brown’s pinball edicts on television that Kate Brown’s, OHA’s and OSHA’s “rules cannot violate law”, and more and more citizens wonder when their elected officials will also learn that civics lesson.

--Margo Logan

Post Date: 2021-10-17 11:13:57Last Update: 2021-10-17 11:38:30

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