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Yes, at every opportunity
Yes, but only as appropriate
No, elections have consequences
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Oregon Citizens Lobby War Room
Thursday, April 3, 2025 at 8:30 am
Meet at Ike Box for training and updates on legislation. Send testimony, watch hearings, and visit capitol to testify. Legislators and special guests. Every Thursday 8:30am to 3pm to June 26.
Ike Box, 299 Cottage St NE, Salem (upstairs)

Coffee Klatch, Jeff Kropf host
Monday, April 7, 2025 at 6:00 pm
Political news unraveled. Guest speakers, Senators and Representatives. Hear Candidates running for May Primary. Learn how to testify. Bring your friends and neighbors! All welcome.
Sparky's Brewing Company 1252 23rd SE, Salem

OFF 2-Day Shooting Event
Saturday, May 3, 2025 at 10:00 am
Oregon Firearms Federation. All proceeds benefits OFF’s legal fund to cover ongoing fight against Measure 114 and efforts to protect your Second Amendment rights. Cost $50 per day, May 3 and 4, 10am to 7pm. Competitions. Special prices. Food & drink provided. 541-258-4440
Indoor Shooting Range, 580 S Main, Lebanon, OR

Oregon Citizens Lobby War Room
Thursday, June 26, 2025 at 8:30 am
Meet at Ike Box for training and updates on legislation. Send testimony, watch hearings, and visit capitol to testify. Legislators and special guests. Every Thursday 8:30am to 3:00pm to June 26.
Ike Box, 299 Cottage St NE, Salem (upstairs)

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House Democrats Vote to Underfund Fire Fighting and Defund the Forest Practices Act
While active wildfires rage in Oregon

Earlier this month, with bipartisan support, the Senate passed a version of HB 2434, introduced by State Representative Nancy Nathanson (D-Eugene) that included the Forest Harvest Tax. The tax provides critical funding for fire fighting, forestry and climate education programs at Oregon State University, and critical forest conservation programs.

Today, the House Democrats, less one, voted down the measure, sending it to a conference committee. The bill came back to the Senate floor without those key funding provisions.

“Make no mistake, while several active wildfires are burning in Oregon, Speaker Kotek and House Democrats refused an increase in funding for fire fighting. That is what happened today,” Senate Republican Leader Fred Girod (R-Lyons) said. “They gave the Senate no choice but to pass the bill without these important provisions. Their temper tantrum is going to have real-life consequences for those who fight fires.”

Parliamentary procedure required the Senate to pass the version of HB 2434 that did not include the increased Harvest Tax.

House Bill 2434 passed the Senate on a vote of 24-4, despite bipartisan disappointment that House Democrats stripped important forestry funding from the bill.

--Staff Reports

Post Date: 2021-06-25 22:17:01

Oregon Will Fully Re-Open June 30
All remaining COVID-19 restrictions to be lifted

Governor Kate Brown has signed a recovery-focused executive order lifting all remaining COVID-19 health and safety restrictions issued under Oregon’s emergency statutes.

Restrictions will be lifted when Oregon achieves a 70% first dose adult vaccination rate or on Wednesday, June 30, whichever occurs soonest.

Senate Republican Leader Fred Girod (R-Lyons) countered:

“While there is really no need to wait until June 30, it’s great news that Oregonians will finally be able to get back to normal life. Businesses and customers won’t have to worry about vaccine passports anymore. Oregonians should not forget the gross abuse of power that has taken place by Democrats over the last year that locked kids out of the classroom, devastated small businesses, and threw people out of work.”

With restrictions lifted, the state will shift to a focus on helping Oregonians and communities recover from the impacts and the economic toll of the pandemic.

“I’m proud of our collective efforts to vaccinate more than 2.3 million Oregonians. It is because of this success that we can move Oregon forward, and into the next chapter of this pandemic. We are ready,” said Governor Brown.

The Governor signed the executive order on Friday in a press conference with Oregon Health Authority Director Patrick Allen, state epidemiologist Dr. Dean Sidelinger, and Oregon Department of Education Director Colt Gill.

The Governor’s recovery order rescinds Executive Order 20-66, the successor to her original “Stay Home, Save Lives” order and subsequent “Safe and Strong Oregon” orders, which authorized Oregon’s statewide mask mandate and the county risk level system, including restrictions on businesses and other sectors for physical distancing, capacity limits, closing times, and more. The recovery order also rescinds Executive Order Order 20-22 (Non-urgent Healthcare Procedures), Executive Order 21-06 (K-12 Schools), Executive Order 20-28 (Higher Education), and Executive Order 20-19 (Childcare Facilities).

With the repeal of the set of executive orders that placed COVID-19 related restrictions on Oregonians, the recovery order extends the emergency declaration for the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.



The Governor’s remaining emergency authority will be limited in focus to COVID-19 recovery efforts, similar to the recovery executive order currently in place for 2020 wildfire season recovery.

The recovery order does not provide authorization for agencies to renew restrictions based on emergency authorities.

Some statewide mask requirements may stay in place in specialized settings following federal guidance, including airports, public transit, and health care settings. The Governor’s recovery order will remain in effect until December 31, 2021, unless terminated earlier.

Rescinding the Governor’s executive orders for K-12 schools, higher education, and childcare will mean a shift to a more traditional, local decision-making model for communities when it comes to serving the health and safety needs of students and children.

In order to ensure a return to full-time, in-person instruction in the fall, the Oregon Department of Education and the Oregon Health Authority will be issuing updated, advisory guidance for the 2021-22 school year. Schools will still be expected to comply with longstanding regulations around the control of infectious diseases, and to have a communicable disease management plan.

--Bruce Armstrong

Post Date: 2021-06-25 13:15:31Last Update: 2021-06-26 08:36:54

Oregon Schools to Open
Moving to an advisory framework for Covid restrictions

The Oregon Department of Education has now announced the Ready Schools, Safe Learners Resiliency Framework for the 2021-22 School Year.

The Resiliency Framework helps school districts prepare their staff and campuses for the next academic year. As Oregon enters the next chapter of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Resiliency Framework shifts public school districts to a more traditional, local decision-making model, so that communities can make the health and safety decisions that serve students best.

The framework also reflects Governor Kate Brown’s recent announcement of her order lifting all remaining COVID-19 health and safety restrictions issued under Oregon emergency statutes, including the executive order for K-12 schools.

“The path is clear for students to return to full time, in-person instruction next year. Working together, we can harness this opportunity to rekindle joy and learning in the classrooms, auditoriums, and playgrounds across Oregon,” said Oregon Department of Education Director Colt Gill. “Oregon schools are ready to once again be vibrant places for learners, staff, and their families.”

The key Resiliency Framework pillars are: “Schools have more than a year of practice on how to mitigate COVID-19 and create a welcoming and inclusive learning environment for students and staff,” Gill said. “Moving to an advisory framework is a logical progression from emergency state direction to local decision-making for keeping students and staff healthy within each school’s unique context.”

--Bruce Armstrong

Post Date: 2021-06-25 12:47:42Last Update: 2021-06-25 16:58:21

Republicans Fight for Those Wrongfully Convicted
Effort Blocked by Senate Democrats

The Oregon Senate Republicans attempted to force debate on Senate Bill 499, legislation that would compensate those wrongfully convicted for their years of lost freedom.

Senator Kim Thatcher (R-Keizer), the bill’s author, made a motion on the floor to withdraw SB 499 from the Ways and Means Committee to debate and vote on it. Senate Democrats shot down the motion.

“Everyday this bill gets delayed, is another day justice is denied for these Oregonians,” Senator Thatcher said. “I agreed to send this bill to Ways and Means because as a matter of principle, we should have accurate and thorough accounting of how much things cost. The analysis should have been simple, but instead,it got killed in committee. This isn’t a partisan issue, it simply attempts to right a wrong.”

According to the National Register for Exonerations, there have been 21 exonerations in Oregon since 1991, many of which have been proven innocent.



Those who have been found innocent are eligible for compensation under SB 499.These individuals have lost large parts of their lives in prison and/or with a permanent record for a crime they didn’t commit. The process to get exonerated is complicated and can take years to resolve. In most cases, wrongfully incarcerated individuals are continuing to serve time in prison during this process. After being found innocent, those individuals now have to put their lives back together. It is no surprise that those who spent years behind bars for a crime they didn’t commit struggle when they re-enter the community. Compensation and services will help exonerees rebuild their lives, while also sending the message that the state is taking responsibility for a mistake that resulted in the exoneree losing years of their freedom.

Oregon is only one of 14 states that do not provide compensation to wrongfully convicted individuals.

Idaho just signed this program into law this year.

“Senate Bill 499 would have established a common-sense process by which to compensate those who have been wrongfully convicted,” Senator Thatcher said.“It’s a good bill, it wouldn’t cost very much. It should have gotten its day here on the floor. It is unfortunate that it couldn’t be today.”Senate Bill 499 has bipartisan support,but the motion to debate SB 499 failed by a vote of 12-17, along party lines.

The bill will remain in the Ways and Means Committee, where it will likely die upon sine die.

--Bruce Armstrong

Post Date: 2021-06-24 15:28:18Last Update: 2021-06-24 15:39:33

Racism Crisis
How many laws does Oregon have that can be challenged by the constitution?

With a few days left in the Legislative session, Representative Andrea Salinas (D-Lake Oswego) and Representative Courtney Neron (D-Wilsonville) introduced HR 6 in a last-ditch effort. House Resolution 6 declares racism to be a public health crisis in this state.

Following the misleading of 209 county, state, and local leaders who have declared racism as a public health crisis or emergency as a step to advance racial equity and justice in the allocation of resources and strategic action.

A New Kind of Hate? Equity is the opposite of equal opportunity. Equity demands an equal outcome and that only happens when you gerrymander to favor one group or another. At the turn of the century the Democrat leadership was pushing tolerance. We passed legislation against bullying, harassment, abuse. Where has the party of tolerance gone?

The unconstitutionality of equity favoring race or gender has been ruled by two federal judges: First U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor, and federal Judge William Griesbach in Wisconsin.

Even the Oregon Constitution demand equal treatment, not equal outcome, especially Section 20.

Oregon Constitution Article I, Section 1. Natural rights inherent in people. We declare that all men, when they form a social compact are equal in right: that all power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety, and happiness; and they have at all times a right to alter, reform, or abolish the government in such manner as they may think proper.

Section 20. Equality of privileges and immunities of citizens. No law shall be passed granting to any citizen or class of citizens privileges, or immunities, which, upon the same terms, shall not equally belong to all citizens.

How many laws does Oregon have in statute, or has passed this session that can be challenged by the constitution and federal court rulings? HB 3353 is waiting Governor’s signature that requires coordinated care organizations to increase spending on services and programs that advance health equity to socially disadvantaged.

Equity looks at the color of your skin when determining service, the deepest form of racism.

--Donna Bleiler

Post Date: 2021-06-24 13:50:50Last Update: 2021-06-25 09:27:52

Senate Democrats Vote to Maintain Tax on Stimulus Checks
“There is no defensible reason to be taking stimulus checks”

Oregon Senate Democrats have locked up to block Republican legislation to return an estimated $300 million in taxes back to middle-class families. Because of a quirk in the Oregon tax code, an estimated 870,000 Oregonians paid more in state taxes simply for receiving a stimulus check.

Senator Dick Anderson (R-Lincoln City), who introduced SB 842 in March to return this money to Oregonians, made a motion on the Senate floor for the measure to be debated and voted on. Senate Democrats voted in lock-step to shoot down the motion.

“I am a former mayor,” Senator Anderson said. “I am used to passing common-sense, bipartisan ideas that fix unintended consequences. It's extremely disappointing that partisanship got in the way of this bill. There is no defensible reason to be taking part of Oregonians’ stimulus checks, especially given Oregon’s current financial position.”

Congress passed three separate pieces of legislation over the last year that sent Oregonians three stimulus checks. The maximum an average family of four paid could have paid in increased state income tax is $1,000 between all three payments. That is $1,000 that was supposed to help these families weather the storm in the depths of the pandemic. On the other hand, the State of Oregon has billions of dollars extra in unexpected revenue.

Congressman Peter DeFazio sent Governor Brown, Speaker Kotek, and President Courtney a letter in February expressing support for exempting stimulus payments from taxes. He said that Congress intended these payments to be tax-free, saying, “ It is unconscionable to ask those working families who have struggled the most during this crisis to bear the weight of the state’s budget shortfall.” At the time of the letter, Oregon had a projected budget shortfall. Oregon now has a billion-dollar surplus.



“Democrats blocking this legislation shows Oregonians exactly where their priorities are,” Senate Republican Leader Fred Girod (R-Lyons) said. “This money belongs in the pockets of Oregonians. It is only right to return it to them. I hope that Democrats will find it in their hearts to move this legislation during the next session.”

More stimulus payments will be sent to Oregonians with children starting July 1. It is unknown if these payments will also be partly diverted to the state.

“Conversations around the new child tax credit payments are the kinds of conversations that this bill was trying to initiate, but because it was blocked in committee, working families will again be put in limbo over how these payments are going to affect their taxes,” Senator Anderson added.

The motion to debate SB 842 failed by a vote of 11-17, largely along party lines. It will remain in the Senate Finance and Revenue Committee where it will likely die upon sine die, unless Democrats suddenly decide it is a priority to give Oregonians the full benefit of their stimulus check.

--Staff Reports

Post Date: 2021-06-24 13:43:34

Senate Republicans Attempt Last Ditch Effort to Fix Democrats’ Loose Voting Law
Unpostmarked ballots are counted up to 7 days after election day

Democrats are charging forward with a bill that would open our election up to more possibilities of fraud with HB 3291, introduced by Representative Dan Rayfield (D-Corvallis) and Senator Rob Wagner (D-Lake Oswego).

At issue in HB 3291 are two key provisions. The first would require unpostmarked ballots to be counted as long as they arrive up to 7 days after election day. This would allow someone to mail ballots up to 7 days after the election, and if they didn’t receive a postmark, it would be presumed valid. It would also make it easier for late unpostmarked ballots to be counted if brought into an elections office.

The second would allow election officials to start counting ballots before election day. Politically motivated election officials could give candidates and campaigns running tallies on the vote count weeks before election day, giving favored campaigns and candidates an advantage in get-out-the-vote efforts.

“The longer and more drawn out the process, the greater chance for bad actors to tamper with votes,” Senate Republican Leader Fred Girod (R-Lyons). “There are decent parts in this bill, but these two provisions provide a freeway to fraud. How many letters does each of us get in the mail with a missing postmark? It's not an insignificant number. We need to make it easier to vote and harder to cheat. This bill makes it easier to cheat.”

Despite Republican objections in committee, Senate Democrats refused to tighten up the bill’s language. Senate Republicans introduced a minority report on the Senate floor that would have fixed the two provisions and given the bill bipartisan support. Instead, Democrats rejected the changes along party lines on a vote of 12-17.

The Republican changes would have made unpostmarked ballots received after election day be marked as “challenged,” giving voters the opportunity to prove they mailed it before election day. It would also have disallowed county clerks to start counting ballots before election day.

Senate Republican Tim Knopp (R-Bend) authored SB 694 which would have extended the date in which voters can put their ballot in the mail to be counted. It would have also banned ballot harvesting, a process by which political operatives can deny equal access to the ballot box by collecting ballots from preferred voters.



“Coupled with ballot harvesting, this bill will make our election system ripe for bad actors,” Senator Knopp said. “I wrote SB 694 to allow Oregonians more time to get their ballot in, but the provisions in this bill will do nothing to promote confidence in our elections. The fixes Republicans proposed today are completely reasonable, and I fail to understand the Democrats' unwillingness to work with Republicans on the integrity of our elections.”

HB 3291 is also unclear how independent observers would be able to observe the counting of ballots by election officials if they can start counting as soon as they receive them.

HB 3291 narrowly passed the Senate with bipartisan opposition on a vote of 16-13, with the deciding Democrat Senator taking several seconds to decide how he wanted to vote. The bill will now head to the Governor’s desk for her signature.

--Staff Reports

Post Date: 2021-06-24 13:37:04Last Update: 2021-06-24 13:50:50

Numbers Speak Louder than Words
U.S. deaths from the COVID-19 vaccine is 5,888, and 25,359 injuries and counting

Governor Brown set a 70% vaccination goal along with Washington. Governor Inslee, who has called an end to his goal and will open Washington on June 30. Governor Brown has not followed suit. Her incentive programs have done well taking the number needed to be vaccinated down to only 38,143 away from the 70% goal. Oregon Health Authority states on their website that the “Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines have been authorized for emergency use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, under an Emergency Use Authorization to prevent Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) for use in individuals 12 and older for Pfizer, and 18 years of age and older for Moderna and Johnson & Johnson. So far, they have not been approved or licensed by the FDA.”

A doctor’s testimony in Parliament points to disclosure, “We are not told that it is a human experiment when given the vaccine. A similar experiment in 2009, Pandemrix, was stopped with 32 less side effects than what we have now. Telling the public the vaccines are safe is intentionally committing crimes, the most serious being genocide.”

The CDC has received reports of more than 300 cases of heart inflammation in young people under age 30 after taking the COVID-19 vaccination, and teenagers under 20 account for half of the cases that are mostly male. That is three times the average.

U.S. deaths from the COVID-19 vaccine is 5,888, and 25,359 injuries and counting. Compared to Europe with 12,184 deaths and 1,196,190 reported injuries, and United Kingdom with 1,047 deaths and 725,079 injuries, makes it a worldwide issue. These aren’t auto accidents and they aren’t COVID-19 numbers. These are COVID-19 vaccine deaths and injuries from an unapproved experimental shot. Injuries leaving people paralyzed, numb hands and feet, pain and seizures making them unemployable.

If there were 5,888 deaths in any other medical trial, would there be a push for 70% participation? Would the government offer prizes? The CDC met last week to discuss the latest research and safety issues, but isn’t expected to make any changes except for monitoring reporting’s. That leaves the burden to make safe decisions on the public.



There is contradicting information about what is in the COVID-19 vaccines, and it usually boils down to what the spike proteins do. They penetrate cells to provoke virus-neutralizing antibodies that will trigger immunity. The problem occurs when spike protein triggers immunity against COVID-19 and strips it of immunity to everything else.

A new study is the first to directly show that the spike proteins themselves are able to cause harm to the host cells. If that is the case, then the vaccines are really no different than the disease. The study further shows that COVID-19 is primarily a vascular disease that damages blood vessel walls rather than a respiratory illness as previously thought. Now there is fear that the flu could be a serious problem this winter because as the vaccine works through the body, the vaccinated body won’t be able to defend itself. Are vaccinations creating another emergency?

British reports are calling for completely stopping the COVID-19 vaccinations. The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency now has more than enough evidence to stop the vaccines that they say are toxic to humans. The World Health Organization is also recommending not vaccinating anyone under the age of 18.

Limiting Governor Brown’s stronghold during an emergency has not been lacking in this legislative session. There was even an attempt to terminate the state of emergency relating to COVID-19 with SR 2 by a floor motion to withdraw it from committee, which failed. However, if vaccinating individuals continue at the current pace, Governor Brown will be forced to open the state around July 1.

--Donna Bleiler

Post Date: 2021-06-24 07:57:04Last Update: 2021-06-23 22:19:31

Excessive Heat Warning in Oregon
Unprecedented heat expected this weekend

Strong high pressure over the Pacific Northwest will bring a stretch of unseasonably hot weather to much of southwest Washington and northwest Oregon.

Temperatures will already be in the low to mid 90s beginning Friday, but increase further to dangerous levels Saturday through Monday. High temperatures will run 20 to 30 degrees above normal for late June at many locations, putting numerous daily, monthly and possible all-time high temperature records in jeopardy.

Overnight lows will also be unseasonably warm, limiting the amount of relief from the heat and contributing to increased risk of heat related illnesses. The heat is expected to peak Sunday, then gradually trending downward towards the middle of next week. However even next week will be 10 to 20 degrees above normal.

Dangerously hot conditions with temperatures between 100 and 108. Highest temperatures are expected on Sunday. Overnight lows remaining in the upper 60s to low 70s.

Extreme heat will significantly increase the potential for heat related illnesses, particularly for those working or participating in outdoor activities.

The hot daytime temperatures, combined with warm overnight lows, will result in high heat risk and heat related stress.

Smoke from wildfires may also affect the situation.

Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors.

Young children and pets should never be left unattended in vehicles under any circumstances.

Take extra precautions if you work or spend time outside. When possible reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Wear lightweight and loose fitting clothing when possible. To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments.

Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency, call 911 if needed.

--Bruce Armstrong

Post Date: 2021-06-23 18:21:24Last Update: 2021-06-23 18:45:58

Bud Pierce Runs on “Stronger Together”
He is not new to Oregon’s Governor race

Bud Pierce is identified as an American physician and politician. He is not new to Oregon’s Governor race, running as a Republican nominee in 2016 special election, he has again announced he will run in 2022.

Bud Pierce was born William C Pierce in Wiesbaden, West Germany and raised in Riverside County, California. He moved to Salem in 1994 after receiving a M.D. in 1987 from UCLA School of Medicine. The medical degree came while serving six years as an enlisted Marine reservist, . and he served in the United States Naval Reserve as a doctor during his medical training.

Today, Pierce is a senior partner of Oregon Oncology Specialists of Salem, one of the last physician-owned oncology practices in the Northwest. He is the anchor of the practice, working five days a week, at his dream job.

Pierce started Oregon Crossroads, a public policy and opinion website and podcast in 2019 to engage the ideas of people who live and work in the trenches of life. His goal is to bring practical solutions to complex problems. He firmly believes that leadership is not telling others what to do, but bringing people together around an idea, which was his goal for Oregon Crossroads. Pierce wants to ”bring people together around problems and create solutions that work—something that our current leadership is not doing.”

Pierce announced the details of his campaign platform as wanting to focus on homelessness, public safety, supporting small businesses, healthcare and environmental protections.

Pierce says, “Oregonians currently suffer under the oppressive leadership and poor performance of our current governor. I will never set arbitrary and non-scientific policies, ask law enforcement to monitor you in your own homes, or ask you to inform on your neighbors in the absence of statutory crime.”

“The citizenry is frustrated and unsettled, and I am a far stronger candidate than I was in 2016” Pierce contends. “The time has come for a Republican to once again serve as governor of Oregon after a 40-year drought.”

--Donna Bleiler

Post Date: 2021-06-23 15:02:16

Despite Surplus, State Seeks Revenue
Despite record revenue, Legislature will collect another $30 million from businesses per year

The House Committee on Revenue has passed a bill that would increase taxes on businesses.

SB 139 narrows the scope of which businesses can qualify for a reduced tax rate, and will raise more than $30 million a year for the state. There’s no identified objective for this money. Instead, it simply raises revenue.

In May, it was announced that Oregon is set to have a tax revenue over $1 billion more than projected.

“We should be doing everything we can to support businesses and main streets so we can restore jobs,” said House Republican Leader Christine Drazan (R-Canby). “Increasing taxes will threaten the ability of our communities to bounce back from the pandemic. The state does not need this money, so we shouldn’t be taking it from Oregonians.”

“We’re seeing far too many proposals this session to increase taxes simply for the sake of raising state revenue,” added Representative E. Werner Reschke (R-Klamath Falls), who raised serious concerns regarding SB 139 A during Revenue Committee. “The state has more money than ever, but Oregonians and businesses don’t. This bill will simply make life harder for people.”

Though the Oregon Constitution requires that bills for raising revenue originate in the House, this bill comes from the Senate, and apparently, Legislators, under the guidance of Legislative Counsel have determined that this bill is not subject to the requirements of Article IV, Section 18:

Where bills to originate. Bills may originate in either house, but may be amended, or rejected in the other; except that bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives.

SB 139 passed out of the House Committee on Revenue on party lines (4-3) and will be third read on the House floor Thursday.

--Staff Reports

Post Date: 2021-06-23 15:01:57Last Update: 2021-06-23 15:08:08

Japanese Concerned For Their Safety in Oregon
Consulate has expressed concerns to Kate Brown

Oregon is getting to be well known around the world for all the wrong reasons these days, it seems.

Now, the Consular Office of Japan in Portland has issued a strongly worded letter directed at Oregon's Governor Kate Brown, expressing concern about it's people's safety in Oregon after a violent attack on two Japanese women near Tillamook, Oregon.

The letter was also directed to Oregon Department of Corrections Director, Colette Peters.

The two women were severely beaten by an inmate who had just fled a prisoner work crew nearby. The inmate then stole one of the victim's cars.

The letter reads as follows:

Dear Governor Brown,

I hope you are doing well in these difficult times. Unfortunately, today I am contacting you because I would like to raise some grave concerns about the serious injury to two Japanese women who were assaulted by a prisoner who fled the South Fork Forest Camp (SFFC) on April 14th, 2021.

The two Japanese women were hiking at Gales Creek Campground, Tillamook County, Oregon. At the same time, a work crew from SFFC was cleaning the campground area. One of the prisoners who was cleaning the Campground escaped from the work party and suddenly attacked the two Japanese women from behind, severely beating them with a large stick. Both women were seriously injured. The escaped prisoner stole one of their cars parked at the campsite and escaped.

The two Japanese women were urgently rushed to a hospital where one is still hospitalized due to skull injuries and cerebral hemorrhaging, and the other has undergone four surgeries to repair complicated fractures of her arm. We are shocked by this violence and I am deeply concerned to learn that prisoners under the control of DOC, whose mission is to promote and protect public safety, can easily escape and harm the general public.

In response to this incident, we will have to reconsider how we, the Japanese community, should think about safety in Oregon. Currently, there are about 9,000 Japanese people residing in this state, including permanent residents and expatriate families of Japanese companies. Their safety is one of the most important duties of the Consular Office. One of the victims of this crime is a member of a Japanese company expatriate family. We are concerned that such incidents will scare these people and companies and that they will hesitate to expand their economic activities here. We also expect that many students and tourists from Japan will return to Oregon when the pandemic ends. Outdoor activities in Oregon, with its rich and beautiful natural environment, are an aspect of life here that Japanese people love and one of the biggest attractions for Japanese tourists. Many people will be disappointed and reluctant to visit Oregon if it is seen as unsafe.

We would also like to take this opportunity to note that we are watching with concern the media reports on deteriorating security, such as increased violence and shootings in some areas, including in Portland. In order for us to provide timely information to our citizens in Oregon we would appreciate support from the state government, under your guidance, on the following points.

1. We ask the state government to provide as much support as possible to the victims of the incident mentioned above. Please let us know what kind of support is possible in such circumstances. We would also appreciate it if you could promptly report on any new information or developments related to this case and keep our office closely informed.

2. Please investigate how such an incident occurred and thoroughly implement measures to prevent similar failures from happening again. Please inform us of all of the locations where prisoners in DOC facilities are working in the field in Oregon so that we may advise our citizens and let us know what steps have been and will be taken in the wake of this incident.

3. In order to limit the upset within the Japanese community caused by this recent event, it would be desirable for the responsible authorities to make some statement showing their utmost commitment to ensuring the safety of public spaces in the state.

In addition to traditional trade relations between Oregon and Japan, active investment by Japanese companies in the high-tech industry in recent years has further strengthened the cooperative relationship between Japanese and US companies within the global supply chain, as well as providing many excellent jobs for Oregonians. We hope to continue to develop this kind of positive relationship that benefits both sides so much, and we look forward to the continued support and assistance of the Oregon State Government.

--Staff Reports

Post Date: 2021-06-23 12:07:09Last Update: 2021-06-23 17:20:48

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