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Yes, at every opportunity
Yes, but only as appropriate
No, elections have consequences
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On this day, February 11, 1999 the New Carissa cargo ship which ran aground a week earlier on the Oregon Coast near Coos Bay was set on fire with explosives to burn off some 400,000 gallons of fuel oil to prevent its spillage.

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Celebrate Presidents Day
Sunday, February 16, 2025 at 2:00 pm
Come celebrate Presidents day!

Sunday February 16th (day prior to Presidents day)

2562 S Santiam Hwy, Lebanon OR

(Between Grocery Outlet and Schmizza)

1:30 PM starts flag wave, movie starts approx. 2:30 PM

Flag wave weather permitting. dress warm.

Watch the Reagan movie and enjoy some snacks.

$5 donation recommended.

Linn County Conservative Alliance 2562 S Santiam Hwy, Lebanon, OR 97355. between Grocery Outlet and Schmizza.

Let Kids Be Kids
Thursday, March 6, 2025 at 6:00 pm
Empower parents, protect kids, and reclaim our schools. Parents have a responsibility to stand up for their children and their futures. Keynote speaker, Fox News Host Rachel Campos-Duffy. music by Kurt Van Meter. Tickets
NW Event Center, Hillsboro, OR

Friends of Gap Road Town Hall
Tuesday, March 11, 2025 at 6:00 pm
Guest Speakers: Jim Johnson a career in land use and water management, and David Neal a Linn County farm owner exporter and owner of a land water management business.
Harrisburg High School Multi Purpose Room 400 S 9th St

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Bill Holds Former Legislators Accountable - Restricts Lobbying
HB 2727 strengthens legislative integrity

The House Committee on Rules held a public hearing this week on House Bill 2727, which strengthens the integrity of our legislative process by expanding the limits of post-legislative lobbying by former legislators.

Current law prohibits a member of the Legislature from becoming a lobbyist for private sector interests for one-year after the member ceases to hold office, but doesn’t apply the same standard for former members seeking to influence the legislature on behalf of a state agency or public body.

In other words, Oregon law forbids private sector interests from using private funds to employ former members to lobby, but the State of Oregon can freely use taxpayer dollars to hire former members into positions where they then lobby their former colleagues.

The hearing brought up the question of constitutionality. Representative Anna Sharf (R-Amity), submitted the Legislative Counsel Opinion and after applying court case decision, it concludes: "The basis of the quid pro quo corruption or the appearance of quid pro quo corruption that the courts have recognized as the only valid governmental interest to justify constraint on political speech otherwise at the core of First Amendment protections. If the advocacy that the HB 2727 change proposes is limited to advocacy before the Legislative Assembly, the government objective of limiting the appearance of quid pro quo corruption remains the same and therefore HB 2727 does not violate First Amendment principles." Only if the restraint applied to entities other than the Legislative Assembly, would it be an impermissible constraint on speech protected by the First Amendment.



“HB 2727 is a good government bill that simply levels the playing field by applying the revolving door provision to both private and public entities for one-year after leaving office,” said Rep. Scharf. “By updating the current statute, we can ensure that the same level of accountability and transparency, that was intended for private sector lobbying interests, also applies to public sector interests,” Rep. Scharf concluded.

To submit testimony or comment, go to Oregon Citizens Lobby.

--Donna Bleiler

Post Date: 2025-02-10 18:00:37Last Update: 2025-02-10 19:09:22

Oregon Legislature Stalls on Hearing to Protect Women in Sports
President Trump’s executive order ensures fairness and safety in women’s sports

In a swift move, President Trump signed an executive order, his first day in office, protecting women and girls in sports. The President affirmed that his Administration will protect female athletes from the danger of competing against and the indignity of sharing private spaces with someone of the opposite sex. This Executive Order is both a demonstration of common sense and a restoration of our country’s promise to give women equal opportunities.

"This isn't about exclusion—it's about preserving opportunities for women and girls to excel on a level playing field. I urge Oregon and the OSAA to follow this commonsense approach and will continue to advocate for that," says Oregon State Representative Shelly Boshart Davis (R, Albany).

A recent statewide poll commissioned by House Republicans revealed that 69% of Oregonians oppose OSAA's current policy of allowing biological males to compete in women's sports.

Republicans have introduced several pieces of legislation to protect women’s sports and are united in protecting women. Boshart Davis praised President Donald Trump's executive order titled "Keeping Men Out of Women's Sports," which reinforces federal protections for female athletes under Title IX. The order mandates that schools and athletic organizations uphold single-sex sports categories based on biological sex, ensuring fairness and safety in women's competitions.

Boshart Davis said. "For decades, women fought for equal opportunities in athletics. Allowing biological males to compete in female categories undermines these hard-won rights and puts female athletes at an unfair disadvantage."

The executive order directs federal agencies to interpret Title IX—the 1972 law prohibiting sex-based discrimination in education—as barring biological males from participating in female sports. Institutions violating these guidelines risk losing federal funding and facing legal action.

The Oregon School Activities Association (OSAA) makes policies for sports teams in schools. They are figuring out what changes are necessary and how to apply them locally. The association’s current policy is to allow transgender girls on girls' sports teams, because Oregon law prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation, which includes gender identity. Oregon law also allows changing gender according to ones current feelings.



House Minority Leader Christine Drazan (R-Canby), told KGW, it’s not all or nothing. “I think that there is absolutely an important path here where transgender athletes have the opportunity to compete that they deserve, that this does not have to be an either or moment. We don't have to sacrifice safety and the opportunity to compete and win for women and for people that are biological females.” It appears she isn't leaving out developing a league for transgenders.

HB 3041 passed in 2021 clarified existing anti-discrimination protections by adding “gender identity” to all Oregon laws that use “sexual orientation” in the text of the law. Oregon statutes provide comprehensive protections against discrimination for protected groups in employment, housing, public accommodations, education, health care and law enforcement profiling laws that have discriminatory motivation. However, the President's executive order is based on safety and equal body development for fairness in sports. Now the Oregon legislators are being challenged to stand for minority rights in fairness for women and do their job to keep them safe.

--Donna Bleiler

Post Date: 2025-02-09 11:30:12Last Update: 2025-02-10 01:30:20

Elliott Forest Plan Hides Secrets
DSL schedules sudden legal effort to add legality to the Elliott plan

In an act of sudden legal effort, the Oregon Department of State Lands (DSL) is seeking comments on administrative rules to legalize the Elliott State Research Forest, Forest Management Plan by reference into Administrative Rules 141-079. At the October 2024 meeting of the State Land Board, the Board approved the 2024 Forest Management Plan with the intent to then incorporate the plan into Oregon’s Administrative Rules. The comment period is open from February 3 - March 5, 2025 at 5 p.m.

The Forest Management Plan claims to guide how the lands will be managed to sustain its diverse values, address fundamental research questions regarding working forests in the context of climate change, and achieve the specific ecosystem goods and service outcomes envisioned for the Elliott.

The question is, what is “envisioned for the Elliott.” The Forest Management Plan adopted is top heavy in preserving the Elliott through carbon credits, which doesn’t reduce carbon but allows polluters to continue polluting for a price under Oregon’s cap-and-trade system. To be eligible for carbon offset crediting, forest projects must demonstrate that they will store more carbon than their business-as-usual approach. Additionally, these projects must show permanence, typically defined as the ability to store carbon for 100 years or longer, says Laura Dee, a CU Boulder assistant professor of ecology and evolutionary biology.

Not everyone’s vision for the Elliott is to lock it up in carbon credits. Bob Zybach Ph.D, Environmental Scientist, has been promoting the “Oregon Giesy Plan” since 2014. He says, “A course correction is long past due, and the public deserves to know what is taking place, and what alternatives might be possible. More time is needed to consider this costly Forest Management Plan and its focus on a few investors profiting from carbon credits, rather than our schools and rural counties profiting once again from a functional working forest with untapped educational and research opportunities.”

Zybach is proposing a Resolution to the Oregon Logging Conference (OCL), meeting in Eugene on February 20, regarding the carbon credit scheme that has been taking place on the Elliott Forest under Huntington’s direction, and calling for an immediate financial audit of taxpayer investments, including Secretary of State Tobias Read’s role as State Treasurer:

OLC calls for the immediate suspension of all plans and expenditures regarding possible carbon credit sales on the Elliot State Forest; that all 550 miles of historic Elliott roads be maintained for public, recreational, research, educational, and forest management access; that Elliott forest management return immediately to 1989 harvest levels of a minimum 50 mmbf in sales per year until updated plans can be developed, and that net proceeds go directly to Oregon public K-12 schools, as intended in 1859, in 1930, and continued until 2017.

How did carbon credits take over the Elliott Forest management plan? Dr. Dave Sullivan documented the behind-the-scenes transformation of the Elliott State Forest to a carbon credit plan. Sullivan was concerned at the cost of hundreds of logging jobs and hundreds of millions of dollars to school funds. He says that history follows that secrets deliberately attempting to avoid oversight, retain power and force for a desired political outcome.

Sullivan’s research ran into many roadblocks trying to find hidden information on basic financial statements, management plans, timber levels, meeting notes and he found no data models for the proposal. The vast majority of basic information needed to make informed decisions was being hidden from public view. One of these secret meetings of the College of Forestry spent $660,000 of Department of State Lands funds to create an Elliott State Research Forest Proposal, which slowly leaked information through the Science Advisory Panel.

Even though there was a lack of transparency, Sullivan found one consistent thread. Starting in 2018, Geoff Huntington, under contract with OSU, did a behind-the-scenes transformation of the Elliott State Forest to a carbon credit scheme at the cost of hundreds of logging jobs and hundreds of millions of dollars to our schools. Although he is a UO environmental law graduate and founder of the Journal of Environmental Law and Litigation, he was somehow representing OSU College of Forestry by himself without oversight. Using information shared with him by Wayne Giesy and Zybach regarding the proposed "Elliott State Education Forest," he developed a carbon credit plan that locked down timber harvests even though OSU became steadfast in opposition to monetizing the carbon within the Elliott as an interference to research to study sustainable management questions.

When Tom DeLuca was hired as the new OSU Dean of Forestry, Huntington left for a taxpayer-paid position with DSL, under now Director Vicki Walker, who was the only DSL signer on Huntington’s original carbon credit plan. He continued working closely with State Land Board member, State Treasurer Tobias Read, to further his plan. Read completely backed this arrangement and openly referenced Huntington’s influence at public meetings rather than auditing the DSL and OSU books to see how taxpayer funds were being redirected. Now Read is next in line for the governorship, which will most likely continue the 2024 Elliott Forest Management Plan leaving rural Oregon, the State’s forest industry, and schools underfunded.

"When Governor Kotek was elected, Huntington advanced to become her personal advisor on natural resources. This move helped further codify the mismanagement of the Elliott for the benefit of a handful of elite government officials and wealthy investors at the expense of hundreds of rural workers and all Oregon school children and should be brought before the public before any more backroom politics take place," says Zybach.



Zybach also wants, “an audit of costs and losses related to government mismanagement of the Elliott since 2018 before going any further down this costly and counter-productive road. The principal conclusion of reviewing the Elliott State Research Forest Plan proposal is that it is fundamentally misdirected and likely to fail on both economic and scientific fronts if it is adopted in its present form. The analysis suggests the misdirection of management will continue to cost Oregon schools hundreds of millions of dollars, cost local communities hundreds of needed blue-collar jobs, significantly increase the risk of catastrophic wildfire to local communities and wildlife, and will be unlikely to produce scientific information of particular value to Oregon landowners, resource managers, students, and taxpayers.”

Eight Republican legislators have sponsored HB 3103, which directs the State Forester to establish sustainable harvest levels for harvesting timber on state forestland and develop a timber inventory model to inform sustainable harvest levels to prevent wildfires. Your support is needed for the bill to receive a hearing.

Representative Boomer Wright (R-Coos Bay) is sponsoring HB 3508 for the State Forest Department to study methods for improving active forest management.

--Donna Bleiler

Post Date: 2025-02-07 20:04:02Last Update: 2025-02-08 17:28:28

Democrat Lawmaker Calls Voters ‘Petulant Children’ for Opposing Tax Hikes
ODOT claims needing $3.5 billion to cover counties and cities

Oregon Senate Republican Leader Daniel Bonham (R-The Dalles) responded to comments from Rep. Mark Gamba (D-Milwaukie), who suggested that voters are acting like “petulant children” for opposing tax increases needed to fund infrastructure projects.

OPB reports on Senate Bill 687, which would roll back a state law – created when lawmakers took up transportation funding in 2009 – that requires cities to seek voter approval before passing local fuel taxes. It would also allow every county in Oregon to implement or hike vehicle registration fees without a vote, an option currently only available to the four counties with more than 350,000 residents.

“Every year, cities and counties get poorer and poorer and their infrastructure gets older and older,” said Rep. Mark Gamba, a Democratic sponsor of the bill and the former mayor of Milwaukie. Gamba said voters too often act like “petulant children” standing in the way of taxes that are necessary to replace vital infrastructure like roads, sewage plants and libraries.

Former Governor Brown championed a transportation package for $5.3 billion in 2017 in additional taxes spread over 10 years. This funding was intended to address congestion, public transportation, road repairs, and bridge maintenance among other transportation needs.

Now here we are again with ODOT claiming they are broke needing $3.5 billion to cover counties and cities, even though the 2017 10- year package is still supposed to be funding transportation needs. Where has the $5.3 billion gone?



Leader Bonham said, “Fresh off the campaign trail, one thing was clear—Oregonians, regardless of party, are struggling with the rising cost of living. Instead of addressing these concerns, Democrat lawmakers are signaling their intent to raise taxes, proving just how out of touch they are with working families. Oregonians shouldn’t be ridiculed for rejecting tax hikes—especially when the real problem is Democrats’ failure to run government efficiently.”

Oregon’s state budget has more than doubled in the past 10 years, yet we face a cost of living 31% higher than the national average, the worst housing shortage of all 50 states, failing schools, and a homelessness and addiction crisis on our streets.

“Democrats may have a supermajority, but if their plan is to dismiss voters and push through tax hikes, we will oppose them every step of the way,” concluded Bonham.

--Donna Bleiler

Post Date: 2025-02-04 23:30:09Last Update: 2025-02-04 23:59:58

AG Releases Sanctuary Promise Community Toolkit.
Oregon legislators want to bring back criminals

Oregon’s new Attorney General, Dan Rayfield, wasted no time distributing information on the Civil Rights Unit (CRU) Sanctuary Promise Community Toolkit.

The CRU Sanctuary Promise Community Toolkit is a free, online resource for those seeking to understand Oregon’s sanctuary laws and help ensure that our communities are safe for all. This toolkit covers information needed to understand, report, and combat violations of Oregon’s Sanctuary Promise Laws. Some of the information covers: Promoting the CRU Sanctuary Promise Community Toolkit, Senator Deb Patterson (D-Salem) said “Oregon’s Sanctuary Promise laws mean that everyone can live, work, go to school, and access government services without fear that the state or local government will report you to ICE. The Oregon Department of Justice has created a guide to help Oregonians understand, report, and combat violations of these sanctuary laws.”

The House and Senate Committee on Judiciary are sponsoring HB 2466 and SB 277, which amends the statue ORS 181A.823. The statue prohibits enforcement agency or public body from sharing or collecting immigration or citizenship status. HB 2466 and SB 277 adds an exception allowing for the sharing of data as needed to effect an international extradition and return of a person charged with or convicted of a crime in this state and for whom a warrant of arrest has been issued.

This will counter extradition of criminals by ICE and use Oregon taxpayer funds to bring back criminals for trial. If convicted, we have to pay for their incarceration and when freed there is no provision to deport them. According to a Hoover Institute report, it depends on the country whether deported criminals will be incarcerated. Why should Oregon bring back criminals, especially if they are already incarcerated in the country of origin.

ORS 181A.823 is a statute that deals with prohibitions related to immigration enforcement. It outlines restrictions on the enforcement of federal immigration laws by state and local entities. Here are some key points:



The toolkit follows 22 Democrats sponsoring HB 2543 requesting $15 million to lawyer up “illegals” and fight against the Federal Government deporting “illegal” criminals. Appropriation includes $10.5 million to Oregon Department of Administrative Services to disbursement to Oregon Worker Relief as the fiscal agent under ORS 9.85. Appropriates $4.5 million to the Judicial Department for transfer to the Oregon State Bar for use by the Legal Services Program to provide legal services to individuals on immigration matters.

Representative E. Werner Reschke (R-Crater Lake) in contrast is sponsoring HB 2192, which requires a public body that gets and keeps a person's data to get and keep the person's status as an immigrant or citizen.

The bill requires each public body that collects and maintains personal information about individuals residing in this state to collect and maintain, along with the personal information of each individual, information on the individual’s immigration or citizenship status when applying for benefits. Deletes the prohibition against collecting “Information concerning a person’s citizenship or immigration status.” It includes information about whether a person is a citizen of the United States or has lawful authority to be present in the United States, either through a visa, a green card or another official documentation. The term does not include information consisting of a person’s address, location, contact information, relatives, associates or other information that could lead to the detection or apprehension of the person.

Go to Oregon Citizens Lobby Legislative Bill Alerts to respond on these bills.

--Donna Bleiler

Post Date: 2025-02-02 12:54:37Last Update: 2025-02-02 01:09:26

Oregon Democrats Fall Short of Their Agenda
“The legislature’s job is to improve Oregonians’ lives”

Oregon Democrat Caucus laid out their 2025 “Oregon Forward” agenda focusing on increasing prosperity, making Oregon safer and healthier, and protecting our rights and freedoms.

Senate Majority Leader Kayse Jama (D - E Portland & N Clackamas County) thinks “Oregonians want their elected officials to work together to make our state the best place to live, work, and raise a family.” However, what has happened is behind closed doors, which provides no evidence that leadership is willing to be bipartisan.

House Majority Leader Ben Bowman (D-Tigard, Metzger, & S. Beaverton) said, “The legislature’s job is to improve Oregonians’ lives. Solving Oregon’s most important problems means our government has to work effectively. We believe that every Oregonian should feel safe and at home in our state, and the values-driven leaders in our caucus will work hard to deliver results for working people.”

How does their proposed legislation stand up to their priorities so far?

1. Keeping more money in Oregonians’ pockets and growing opportunity/Delivering a Roadmap Forward 2. Prioritizing affordable housing and the homelessness crisis 3. Promoting community safety and improving the justice system 4. Maintaining Oregon’s transportation system/Making Oregon work 5. Increasing access to care for all Oregonians/Protecting Basic Rights and Freedoms



6. Protecting our environment and our future – climate change reducing greenhouse gas 7. Improving outcomes for students, teachers, and families/Making Oregon Work 8. Safeguarding our freedoms and holding government accountable

Most of the above bills can be found on Oregon Citizens Lobby including response options.

--Donna Bleiler

Post Date: 2025-01-30 22:10:13Last Update: 2025-01-31 00:40:39

SJR 28 asks voters to give up right of representation

Oregon Democrat legislators are asking voters to transfer their responsibility to make environmental laws to the courts. SJR 28 proposes an amendment to the Oregon Constitution to establish a fundamental right to a clean, safe and healthy environment.

This bill allows lawsuits against the state's action or inaction, and the prevailing parties securing protection for public safety or health interests in a self-identified right is entitled to costs for litigation, including attorney and expert witness fees, which pollutes the healthy environment of taxpayers having to pay for their own added control.

Twenty-two Democrat legislators want to control your living habits and needs for the greater good allowing the courts to make laws without representation. The US Supreme Court has already decided against legislators advocating their responsibility in the Chevron case.

SJR 28 reads, "This right is enforceable upon enactment, without implementing legislation or exhaustion of other remedies. This right is remedial in purpose, adding to and strengthening existing rights and remedies to achieve a healthy environment for all."

The courts are seen as interpreters of laws, and perceived as undemocratic in making laws, as the judiciary is not elected and therefore not directly accountable to the people. The traditional view that they should interpret laws rather than make them remains an important principle. It helps to maintain the balance of power between the branches of government and ensures that the democratic process is respected.

Democrats released their priorities, which very few of their filed bills follow. Perhaps this is what House Majority Leader Ben Bowman (D-Tigard, Metzger, & S. Beaverton) met when he said their road forward is to “progress toward reducing greenhouse gas emissions while ensuring our state is resilient in the face of climate change.”



What does that mean for Oregonians? The Oregon Lawyers Association has sponsored HB 2640 to reduce criminal court cases, perhaps to take on these more subjective cases that will blow with the wind of political power. Oregonians should take stock of how much they value liberties. Even if legislators pass bills to spur economy growth, a hand full of out-of-state environmentalist can challenge it. That's what happened to our forests using the spotted owl. It destroyed the Elliott Forest and impacted the school fund. Now the federal government wants to destroy hundreds of owls, where are the environmentalist? Giving environmentalists free reign and a hammer over our environmental policies will be a backwards move for Oregon.

Follow Oregon Citizens Lobby Alert page and make your voice count.

--Donna Bleiler

Post Date: 2025-01-28 17:35:35Last Update: 2025-01-28 18:38:39

Democrats launch a nanny state agenda

Oregon Governor Tina Kotek lists five priorities for the 2025 legislative session focusing on staying the course on addressing homelessness and housing supply, mental health and addiction care, and improving outcomes for Oregon K-12 students.

Governor Kotek supports investments aligned with her recommended budget and will work with legislators on additional topics such as a comprehensive transportation package, stable funding for the Oregon Health Plan, child welfare outcomes, addressing the public defense crisis, and wildfire suppression and community resilience funding.

Governor Kotek said. “This legislative session carries a clear charge for all of us: to tackle problems with purpose and embrace opportunities for change together. We can’t forget why we are here: Oregonians who don’t know where they’ll sleep tonight. The person in our lives who wants mental health care and can’t get it. Children who are brimming with promise and who rely on us to get their education right. Hard working Oregonians who are wondering how they’re going to make ends meet. We’re here because we have the opportunity to make their lives better, now and in the future.”

1. Building on Progress to Address Homelessness and Housing Supply

Governor Kotek’s housing and homelessness agenda this session will build on her priority to getting people off the streets and increasing housing production. Her priorities include legislation that supports increased production of “middle housing” housing options, stronger pathways to home ownership, and the establishment of a Tribal housing grant program. She will also support setting up statewide shelter program standards and establishing a program that funds water, wastewater, stormwater, and transportation infrastructure needed for new housing production. The Democrat leaders are more interested in finding root causes that are driving the cost-of-living than the Governor seems to be. They want constraints to reduce the cost of childcare, utilities, broadband, and health care/prescription drugs. They will focus on expenditures and preventions that may lower costs in the long run including a pathway out of homelessness by providing a place to live.

2. Strengthening Mental Health and Addiction Care

Governor Kotek’s vision is to make mental health and addiction care accessible no matter where you live and what you can afford. Her behavioral health agenda will close gaps in the current system and expand access to the types of care and workforce needed. Organizations lost their workforce during COVID through Executive Order mandating the vaccine. That poor decision now puts Oregon at insufficient levels to meet current demands, particularly when serving individuals with the highest level of acuity.

The Governor is prioritizing investments in Oregon's workforce and increasing capacity by developing a new model of permanent supportive housing that can more effectively serve people with serious mental health needs who can live independently with enhanced on-site services.

3. Improving Outcomes for Oregon Students

The Governor's education agenda will better resource our schools and hold them accountable for the outcomes by creating as much fiscal certainty for school districts as possible. The current service level for the State School Fund increased last year by $600 million, leading to a historic total investment of $11.36 billion. She proposes to codify an updated process for calculating the State School Fund to provide more accurate and predictable funding for K-12 public education.

Increased investment must come with better outcomes for Oregon students. The Governor's 2025 education agenda is for more accountability for districts, schools, and the state. When a district’s numbers show failure for their students, she says direct assistance should be deployed toward better student outcomes, but she ignore the need and solutions that school choice would bring. Instead, the Governor will introduce a plan to create a continuum of support for districts and schools. The legislation will run in tandem with a set of administrative actions to better support schools and districts.

4. Staying the Course

The Governor has been accused that her recommended budget is nothing more than status quo. She is sticking with her policies and wants to build on what she sees as progress from her first two years in office.

5. Additional Priorities

Other legislative priorities include stable funding for wildfire mitigation and suppression, but as chair of the state land board, she needs to be accountable to counties loosing over 50% of their timber income.

The Governor supports a transportation package that fully funds the operations and maintenance of Oregon’s transportation system ignoring the majority of citizens against tolling.

Governor Kotek will also support legislation that advances Oregon’s climate resilience, improves state government operations, and reduces consumer costs. Oregonians are watching how she plans to accomplish such big goals without raising costs to consumers while raising taxes and fees.



The Governor’s leaders in the legislature filled in where the Governor has fallen short in keeping Oregonians safe by keeping streets and sidewalks clean, and protect Oregonians from the threat of gun violence by imposing more gun restrictions on law abiding citizens.

Leadership says they want to protect basic rights and freedoms by safeguarding access to unions, healthcare, abortion, clean water and lands. They add to being a sanctuary state, a place of diversity, equality and inclusivity (DEI) as a fundamental freedom, they will fall on their sword for. That battle seems to destroy all their priorities – it’s so easy to spend billions of taxpayer dollars when it isn’t their money.

“The legislature’s job is to improve Oregonians’ lives. Solving Oregon’s most important problems means our government has to work effectively,” said House Majority Leader Ben Bowman (D-Tigard, Metzger, & S. Beaverton). “We believe that every Oregonian should feel safe and at home in our state, and the values-driven leaders in our caucus will work hard to deliver results for working people.”

Their road forward is to “progress toward reducing greenhouse gas emissions while ensuring our state is resilient in the face of climate change.” Perhaps to cover the Governor’s mismanagement of land use and wildfires. Let’s not forget how much CO2 from California fires is drifting up to Oregon. It seems an unattainable goal with their priorities to think they can “provide the legislative oversight needed to ensure public funds are improving the lives of Oregonians and delivering results.”

--Donna Bleiler

Post Date: 2025-01-28 11:36:36Last Update: 2025-01-28 18:38:08

Senator Brian Boquist leaves with thought provoking words to Oregonians

While Oregon Republican legislators are calling for a slow down and draw back on raising utility rates and other conservative efforts, Democrats steam ahead with glee having a supermajority.

Outgoing Senator Brian Boquist writes his “Last Observations for Thought” as he explains, it is to stimulate the thought process, encourage research, then make your own decisions.

Boquist’s final thoughts are a wakeup call to Oregonians on why Democrats want to pass tax increases, keep the failing homeless project funded, protect the sanctuary state status, control healthcare, take guns from lawful citizens, legalize pornography in schools, designate a toll zone blocking traffic in and out and through Oregon, and pass tax increases to make up for timber sales, and fund projects causing a deficit in a good number of agency budgets.

Boquist writes, “The plea for kindness across the divide in the Oregon Legislature it far to late for this State Senator to believe will happen. Why? Because it defies human nature? Or because it simply does not matter? The printed version of the Oregon Revised Statutes is three foot high. One third of these laws are never used, one third is ignored, and one third is used to justify every emergency. Oregon, and DC, operate in a constant state of emergency. Governors can do anything in an emergency including move money and make laws. The Governor can simply direct with no real checks and balances at all. The Oregon Supreme Court says anything the Governor says is an emergency unless reversed by the legislature. The Attorney General defends the Governor using unlimited funds in any challenge. Likewise, the Attorney General illegally, unconstitutionally, defends the majority Democrats, and Democrat presiding officers in the Legislature at the request of the same two Democrat presiding officers. The real lawyer for the Senate President and House Speaker is the Attorney General. The presiding officers have 100% control over the passage of all bills: either can kill any bill and block any budget. However, even Legislative Counsel agrees the Governor can spend, spend, spend on whatever after the budget is passed or even in an emergency. Just like they can raid PERS funds for an emergency. Then the Executive Branch only has to enforce the laws it wants to use itself while ignoring the others. In short, there is no democracy or republican government at all. In reality the Oregon Legislature is a feckless fraud on the People. It will fall when millennials decide enough is enough … ‘from the ashes will rise a new order’ as the saying goes!”



Previewing the list of bills being posted on OLIS, a significant number are studies or task forces to report on the issues leadership wants to further their agenda. Traditionally, these are “placeholder” bills to use as “gut-and-stuff” waiting to drop the real content at an appropriate time for speedy passage with full intent to blindside Oregonians. But with a supermajority, as long as all Democrats show up for a vote, they don’t need studies or task forces to conjure up support from the public. Voters already gave them the supermajority to amend legislation behind closed doors and finalized on the House and Senate floor.

November 2024 election results should give Democrats pause after voters turned down a corporate tax by 77.5% and refusing to outsource legislators’ salary increases to a committee. This session will be a wake-up call to Oregon voters, exposing how much elections matter.

--Donna Bleiler

Post Date: 2025-01-13 10:03:25Last Update: 2025-01-13 23:27:35

Statewide homeless infrastructure results fail to keep pace with growing homelessness

Oregon Governor Tina Kotek’s first Executive Order in 2025 is to extend Emergency Order 24-02 in order to continue to address the crisis of unsheltered homelessness in Oregon. EO 25-01 directs state agencies to continue reducing the number of people experiencing homelessness in Oregon. In tandem with other executive actions, this executive order establishes and maintains a homeless response infrastructure to address the homelessness crisis, even after the state of emergency has ended.

How well is EO 24-02 working? Homelessness has continued to increase in Oregon since January 2023 when EO 24-02 was implemented. According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s annual Homelessness Assessment Report, Oregon and Portland led the nation in homelessness among families in 2023, with a 13.6% increase in the number of families experiencing homelessness in one year. More recent data from the Community Services Consortium that serves Linn, Benton, and Lincoln counties shows that the counted homeless population more than doubled since 2023, with at least 1,437 people homeless in that tri-county region and 2,875 for the state.

Governor Kotek insists, “We must stay the course on what we see working. If we keep at this pace, 1 in every 3 people who were experiencing homelessness in 2023 will be rehoused. Since declaring the homelessness emergency response two years ago, we exceeded the targets we set through a statewide homelessness infrastructure we never had before. But the urgency remains as homelessness continues to increase and we need to see this strategy through.”

The Governor admits to seeing no results, but extended the emergency response to have the flexibility to sustain the system needed to reduce homelessness and determine the outcomes of the work that will continue through the end of the current biennium, which ends June 29, 2025.

“Governor Kotek came in with clear eyed recognition that the state needed to act quickly and boldly,” OHCS Executive Director Andrea Bell said. “This work is and has always been about people and making their life better. This starts with supporting and empowering local leaders to do what they do best—deliver for community. So much depends on what we, the generations now in positions of responsibility, choose to do in this moment. Building a future that includes and works for everyone is possible when we recognize the scale of our challenges and bring an even greater scale of ambition in confronting them.”

Since taking office, the Governor has taken consistent action in a socialist direction that lowers the standard of living to address homelessness in Oregon. The legislature provided her with a $155 million Homelessness Emergency Response Package of taxpayer money. Contracts were executed less than two weeks later, and dollars were disseminated shortly thereafter. That summer, the Governor signed SB 5511 into law, which included resources to continue operations established under the homelessness state of emergency and expand statewide efforts to reduce and prevent homelessness for the 2023-2025 biennium.

In spring of 2024, Governor Kotek Signed SB 1530 into law, which included additional resources to stabilize and expand existing shelters statewide and eviction and homelessness prevention services for the 2023-2025 biennium. That summer, Governor Kotek partnered with Representative Pam Marsh to convene a Sustainable Shelter Work Group with the objective of developing recommendations to establish an ongoing shelter program for the State of Oregon.

Last December, Governor Kotek released her Governor’s Recommended Budget for the 2025-2027 biennium which included the resources needed to maintain current service levels for statewide homelessness response efforts, including those established through the emergency response. Later that month, Governor Kotek received the recommendations report from the Sustainable Shelter Work Group and stated her intent to introduce an ongoing shelter program in the 2025 Legislative Session for the 2025-2027 biennium.



As a result of funding and actions taken since the initial emergency declaration in Executive Order 23-02, as of January 9, 2025, the emergency response outcomes have established 600 new low barrier shelter beds, rehoused 1,200 households experiencing unsheltered homelessness, and prevented 8,750 households from experiencing homelessness. Still homelessness continues to increase.

In addition, as of January 9, 2025, preliminary estimates indicated that the Balance of State outcomes of establishing 100 new low barrier shelter beds and rehousing 450 households experiencing unsheltered homelessness will be exceeded by the outcome deadline of June 30, 2025.

Moreover, with the broader actions taken as a part of the Governor’s statewide homelessness response effort, including the emergency response, preliminary projections indicate that by the end of the 2023-2025 biennium 5,500 shelter beds will be funded by the State of Oregon, 3,300 households will be rehoused, and 24,000 households will have been prevented from experiencing homelessness.

Taken in combination with the Governor Kotek’s Recommended Budget for the 2025-2027 biennium, if funded, the statewide homelessness response infrastructure will be established. This infrastructure will provide nearly 1 bed for every 3 people that were experiencing unsheltered homelessness when the emergency was declared in Executive Order 23-02. It is also projected that with this infrastructure, by the end of the 2025-2027 biennium over 1 in 3 people that were experiencing homelessness when the emergency was declared in Executive Order 23-02 will be rehoused – equivalent to the 16% increase in the number of people experiencing homelessness from 2017 to 2023.

However, a 16% increase over six years has accelerate to 13.6% in 2023 and continues at that pace. That is adding approximately 2,875 more homeless each year. The solutions needs more than providing shelter and homes. Oregon lacks a correction in policies to stop the increase.

--Donna Bleiler

Post Date: 2025-01-10 10:17:25Last Update: 2025-01-10 18:40:31

Democrats keep the public in the dark on plans to raise taxes and fees

Oregon Senate Republican Leader Daniel Bonham (R-The Dalles) pushes back on recent comments from Democrat Representative Rob Nosse (D-Portland) celebrating the party’s supermajority as a way to raise taxes without any input from Republicans.

Portland Democrat Nosse previously wrote, “…Democrats will not be held hostage by Republicans to pass needed tax increases. We can go it alone if we need to, provided we can muster all of us to vote the same way.”

After cutting off Republicans from having any say, he wants them to lay down and play dead: “In addition, the Republicans no longer can just walk off the job either. In 2022 the voters passed BM 113 which put it in our state constitution a provision that says lawmakers who walk out for more than 10 days are barred from running for reelection. Our State Supreme Court unanimously upheld the measure after a legal challenge to it in February of this year. All of this combined will make Republican obstruction tactics harder to pull off.” What Nosse fails to say is the lawsuit was on the wording of when the Senators would not be allowed to run for office. The decision was not on the constitutionality or that it was obstructive or forbidden. Nor did it address the discrimination employed by Speaker Rayfield disapproving leave for religious duties while approving similar requests for Democrats.

Nosse recently doubled down on this idea, writing in his newsletter, “This [supermajority] will give Democrats the ability to pass revenue-raising bills without Republican votes.”

Leader Bonham said: “These comments expose the majority party’s intent to force through tax hikes despite record-high revenue in the latest forecast, even as everyday Oregonians struggle with rising costs and making ends meet. Democrats seem to believe their supermajority entitles them to raise taxes on Oregon families, regardless of what voters want.”

Leader Bonham pointed to the overwhelming defeat of Ballot Measure 118—a major tax proposal that voters rejected by a 4:1 margin—as proof that Oregonians don’t want higher taxes.



Oregon is less than two weeks from the 2025 session, the public has no idea what tax increases the Democrat majority are proposing. Bill concepts are first submitted to the Legislative Counsel to draft as LC bills under a attorney/client privilege blanket. That keeps the public in the dark until they are introduced in committee, unless the bill sponsor choses to leak information.

“The message from Oregonians couldn’t be clearer: no more tax increases,” Bonham continued. “But instead of listening, Democrats are using their supermajority to make life even more expensive in Oregon. If they’re going to ignore the will of the people, they’ll have to do it on their own.”

If Democrats in their supermajority believe they will unilaterally raise taxes without any input or feedback or support from Republicans, then they will need to bring all of their members for such a vote. They need 60% to pass a tax increase and that is what they have at 36-24 in the House of Representative, and 18-12 in the Senate - the exact numbers they need to pass a tax. Bonham says, “They absolutely have the opportunity and power to conduct themselves this way, but I don’t believe anyone thinks this is a good way to govern.”

Republicans are challenged to engage in this session in an impactful way having so many limitations to their ability to affect bipartisanship and influence outcomes. Democrats with the mindset of Nosse destroy their own message of equality.

--Donna Bleiler

Post Date: 2025-01-10 10:03:24Last Update: 2025-01-15 22:02:42

Legislators split on way forward

On January 1, 2025, new laws went into effect that the 2024 Oregon legislature passed with the presumption they will make Oregon safer, cleaner, and more affordable. These changes will directly impact the day-to-day lives of Oregonians, covering everything from stopping drug use on public transportation and lowering the cost of prescription drugs to making it cheaper to repair electronic devices and increasing transparency in public education.

Senate Majority Leader Kayse Jama (D - E Portland & N Clackamas County) said: “Oregonians aren’t satisfied with the status quo, and neither are we. These changes in the new year mark just one phase in our mission to improve quality of life in Oregon. In 2025, we will continue to fight for affordability, safety, and freedom in our state.” Oregonians aren’t satisfied with the status quo, but there is a split whether the way forward should be more taxation or tax relief.

House Majority Leader Ben Bowman (D-Tigard, Metzger, & S. Beaverton) chimed in saying: "Oregon House Democrats are laser-focused on keeping Oregonians safe, making Oregon more affordable, and protecting our rights and freedoms. In the 2024 session, we made progress toward these goals, and many of these new laws will be in effect by January 1. In 2025, we will build on this work and deliver results for Oregonians.” The leaders answer to their agenda is more taxation.

Their 2024 agenda has left Oregon in a mess with the largest employers in the state laying off thousands. Oregon hasn’t yet felt a down-turn in the economy because government and taxes have held it up. The 2024 hiring was primarily in health care and government jobs. Governor Kotek anticipates more propping up will be needed and proposed 1200 new government employee jobs in her budget, and economists think the state’s workforce will grow by around 8% in the next decade.

Oregon’s aging populations, the oldest in the nation, will have an impact on health care, which will eat up the majority of the Governor’s proposed new hires for administration, but will not help providers meet patients needs. Oregonians passed Measure 111 in 2022, establishing the right to “cost-effective, clinically appropriate and affordable health care” for every Oregon resident. The amendment requires the state to balance the obligation of ensuring a right to healthcare against funding public schools and other essential public services. This balance requirement keeps free health care in check, but it isn’t stopping the administration from pushing forward with dozens of new tax proposals.

According to Oregon Business Industries release of Oregon Competitiveness Book in 2024, Oregon ranks 4th for sales taxes, even without a sales tax, 20th for property taxes, 41st for individual income taxes, between June 2023 and June 2024 Oregon ranked 45th in manufacturing growth, and 49th for corporate taxes. This poor ranking is due to Oregon’s combination of corporate income tax and gross receipts tax.

These rankings do not make Oregon a business friendly state, and Oregonians are forced to pick up the lack of productivity in higher and more taxes. Oregonians need to start by demanding accountability from the 2025 session. Government needs to answer what happened to $1.8 billion of treasury funds under Tobias Read’s watch? Having one of the highest education budgets in the nation, why are Oregon students still performing far below average? If the economy is growing, why is there an increase in unemployment?



January 1 was the implementation date for dozens of bills intended to help curtail medicine costs, reduce drug use on transit: Also on the list are protections for consumers, schoolchildren and warehouse workers. Most of these new laws will do little if anything to help the average Oregonian. Information about the key laws going into effect on January 1, 2025 is available on Your Oregon.

Democrat leadership compiled a full list of 2024 Session passed bills here.

As the state moves forward, will leadership give equal consideration to moving Oregonians forward?

--Donna Bleiler

Post Date: 2025-01-06 21:06:03Last Update: 2025-01-06 22:00:51

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